We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com
23 11, 2023

We Offer Personal Training for Our Clients Regarding All Aspects of Fitness Including Flat Stomach Personal Training!

By |2023-11-23T16:42:08+00:00November 23rd, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Brandi Lein, Calorie Management, Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, Flat Stomach Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Personal Trainers|Comments Off on We Offer Personal Training for Our Clients Regarding All Aspects of Fitness Including Flat Stomach Personal Training!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory If you are looking for a way to get a flat stomach, Georgia Personal Training is an excellent option. With our trainers, you can learn proper form for exercises and create a custom workout plan. You will also have someone to motivate you when it is tough—all while getting great results including the elusive Flat Stomach! Personal Training Sessions The Certified Staff at Georgia Personal Trainer can help you get started on a workout plan that works for your body type and lifestyle. They will also provide motivation throughout the process so that you stay focused on reaching your goal. Personal training sessions are very effective because they give people the opportunity to work out in the company of others and with the guidance of professionals. Personal trainers also provide accountability and motivation, which are two things that are often difficult to find when working out alone. They will help you stay on track with your fitness goals by providing regular check-ins, offering advice or providing workouts they've found effective in the past. The best way to get started with personal training is by finding a trainer who has experience [...]

16 11, 2023

For Overall Fitness Including Leg Conditioning, See Us Today for a Free Consultation!

By |2023-11-16T17:08:33+00:00November 16th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Leg Conditioning, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on For Overall Fitness Including Leg Conditioning, See Us Today for a Free Consultation!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory Leg Conditioning is an important part of overall fitness. It is not just about toning up your thighs and calves; it also helps keep your hips and glutes stronger. If you are looking to improve your posture and balance, leg conditioning may be right for you. Georgia Personal Training is a premiere Personal Training Studio in Atlanta Georgia and can assist with your Leg Conditioning. Full Leg Conditioning Leg conditioning is important for overall health and wellness. It is also important for everyday tasks, sports and recreation, and even posture. The muscles in your legs support you as you stand up and walk around. They help keep you balanced as well as allow you to move around efficiently without falling over or injuring yourself. If your legs are weak then they will not do these things well which may lead to problems in other areas of the body such as back pain or knee injuries because they are not getting enough support from below them when they try moving around on their own accord (e.g., bending down). When we talk about leg conditioning, we are not only referring to your [...]

3 11, 2023

Join Our Personal Training Program and Develop all of Your Muscles including the Glutes!

By |2023-11-03T13:06:03+00:00November 3rd, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Georgia Personal Training, Glute Sculpting, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on Join Our Personal Training Program and Develop all of Your Muscles including the Glutes!

Roswell Fitness Factory (Georgia Personal Training) The gluteal muscles are the largest muscles in the body. They support your spine, as well as provide balance and leverage for movement. When you do squats or lunges, you strengthen your glutes. However, there are also specific exercises that target your butt directly. These exercises are called "Glute Sculpting" exercises and include leg curls, hip thrusts and kickbacks. Glute Sculpting The glute muscles are a group of muscles that make up the buttocks. They are responsible for moving the lower limbs and stabilizing the pelvis, spine and hip during movement. The gluteal muscles include: Gluteus maximus - largest muscle in human body and primary extensor of thigh at hip joint (leg straight) or knee joint (knee bent) Gluteus Medius - lateral rotator of hip joint Gluteus minimus is a small muscle that lies deep to the gluteus Medius. It originates on the outer surface of the ilium (hip bone) and inserts on the posterior surface of the greater trochanter (bony process at superior end of femur). Gluteus minimus works with gluteus Medius to abduct and rotate thigh outwards. The gluteus minimus muscle is part of the posterior hip [...]

26 10, 2023

We Have Extensive Knowledge Regarding Heart Rate Training!

By |2023-10-26T11:59:18+00:00October 26th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Brandi Lein, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Heart Rate Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training Center, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on We Have Extensive Knowledge Regarding Heart Rate Training!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory For years, running has been the gold standard for cardiovascular fitness. But with the advent of technology, it is now possible to monitor your heart rate without ever having to run a single step. This is known as Heart Rate Training, and it uses a device called an electrocardiograph (ECG) that measures how hard your heart is working during exercise so that you can determine whether you're improving your cardiovascular condition over time. Heart rate training is an effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and achieve your health goals by monitoring your heart rate. Heart rate training can be done in the comfort of our Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory facility, with no equipment needed other than a watch or smartphone app that tracks it for you. You will be able to see how well you're doing over time with this method of measuring fitness progress, which will motivate you even more! How Do I Know if My Heart Rate is Too High? If your heart rate goes above 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, you are likely over-exerting yourself. If this happens, you may experience symptoms like [...]

19 10, 2023

We Stress The Importance of Workout Hydration

By |2023-10-19T14:31:14+00:00October 19th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Calorie Management, Cardiovascular Fitness, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Workout Hydration|Comments Off on We Stress The Importance of Workout Hydration

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory In today's fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to stay healthy and active. One of the best ways to do this is by working out regularly. But exercise can be hard on your body if you are not properly hydrated. In fact, there are many benefits associated with proper workout hydration including increased endurance and performance levels as well as decreased muscle cramping and fatigue during workouts. At Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory we stress the Importance of Workout Hydration. Importance of Workout Hydration While it is important to stay hydrated during a workout, it is even more important after. Your body needs water to recover and repair itself after exercise. Not only that, but dehydration can lead to fatigue and muscle soreness--which means you're less likely to want to work out again in the future! So, what does this mean for you? You should always be drinking water before, during and after your next workout session! Here are some tips for getting enough water in your diet: Drink water before, during and after meals. Avoid sugary drinks like soda and juice--these will just make you thirstier. Try [...]

13 10, 2023

The Premier Personal Training Studio In Roswell, East Cobb

By |2023-10-13T14:29:31+00:00October 13th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Kettlebell Workouts, Matt Lein, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on The Premier Personal Training Studio In Roswell, East Cobb

GEORGIA PERSONAL TRAINING Georgia Personal Training is the best personal training option for you.  We are a Premiere Personal Training Studio in Atlanta that provides customized workouts and nutrition plans to help our clients achieve their fitness goals. With over 15 years of experience, we can help you reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible! Our experienced trainers will design a plan specific to your needs, whether you are looking for weight loss or muscle gain. We offer multiple membership options so that everyone has access to our services at an affordable price point. The gym is located in Roswell, Georgia and serves the surrounding area. They have a great reputation for being a premiere personal training studio that offers personalized service to each of their clients. Georgia Personal Training Studio also offers group classes, which are perfect for those who want to work out with friends or family members. Personal Trainers at Premiere Personal Training Studio Matt Lein, Georgia Personal Training's Head Trainer Matt has been a personal trainer since 2008. He began his fitness career at a gym in his hometown area of Roswell, Georgia. He has a passion for helping people achieve [...]

6 10, 2023

We Offer Tailored Personal Training per client as “one size does not fit all”!

By |2023-10-06T12:41:35+00:00October 6th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training for Moms, Roswell Fitness Factory, Tailored Personal Training|Comments Off on We Offer Tailored Personal Training per client as “one size does not fit all”!

The Roswell Fitness Factory You deserve a personal trainer who is dedicated to your results. Our certified personal trainers provide Tailored Personal Training per client and are trained in the latest exercise science. We will offer you a customized plan to you, your goals, and your current level of fitness. Your workouts will be specifically designed to achieve your desired physical results. Our goal is to help you reach your goals through strength training, cardiovascular training, and proper nutritional guidance. A personal trainer can help you achieve your goals, avoid injury, and stay motivated throughout the process. They also know how to get the most out of each workout so that it is not just about getting in shape but also about maximizing what you do during those 90 minutes or less each week. And a personal trainer can help you get started with the right exercises and develop a plan that is tailored to your needs. They will also provide accountability to keep you going when things get tough. The Benefits of Personal Trainer Personal trainers can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. They are an invaluable resource for anyone looking to become more active, lose weight and [...]

28 09, 2023

While we Prefer Morning Workouts, We Train When It Is Convenient for our Clients!

By |2023-09-28T12:28:46+00:00September 28th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on While we Prefer Morning Workouts, We Train When It Is Convenient for our Clients!

Roswell Fitness Factory There is no doubt about it: Morning Workouts out can be a pain. You have to drag yourself out of bed, squeeze in time when you are already busy with work or school, and then invest in some new clothes (or at least take the ones you already have out of the dryer). All that aside, though, there are certain workouts that are better for certain times of day. Some people prefer morning workouts; others love evening workouts. And still others fall somewhere between those two time slots. In this article we will dive into three different types of workouts—cardio, strength training and interval training—and compare them based on how they affect your body at different hours throughout the day. Yoga Yoga is a great way to start your day and it is also a great way to relax at the end of it. Yoga helps you stretch and improve your flexibility, which can reduce stress on muscles in the body. Yoga is also a good way to unwind after work or school because it involves deep breathing, which helps calm your mind by slowing down its activity level. Yoga can also [...]

21 09, 2023

Our Team Will Help You with Accountability for Gym Motivation!

By |2023-09-21T18:59:12+00:00September 21st, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Accountability for Gym Motivation, Brandi Lein, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on Our Team Will Help You with Accountability for Gym Motivation!

Roswell Fitness Factory Do you ever feel like you could be doing more to stay fit and healthy? Most of us have been there at one point or another. It is easy to get sidetracked from your goals: maybe you get busy, or maybe the weather turns bad, or maybe for some reason it just doesn't seem fun anymore. And then suddenly six months have passed, and you have hardly been to the gym once! But there is no need to give up on your fitness goals just yet—all it takes is a little bit of organization. The Professional Personal Training staff at Roswell Fitness Factory will help you with your Accountability for Gym Motivation. Accountability is key. You cannot always be accountable to yourself, so you need someone else to hold you accountable. How do I find a workout buddy? What are some classes that I can take at my gym? How do I get the right gear in advance, so I do not have to worry about it when I get there (like shoes, socks and water bottle)? How do I know what to eat before and after my work out? How do [...]

14 09, 2023

Members Rave About the Superior Personal Training We Offer!

By |2023-09-14T19:04:56+00:00September 14th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Personal Training Center, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Personal Training for Moms, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Personal Trainers|Comments Off on Members Rave About the Superior Personal Training We Offer!

Roswell Fitness Factory Personal training is a great way to achieve your fitness goals, but what should you expect from a good personal trainer? An Experienced Personal Trainer like the ones at Roswell Fitness Factory can help you reach your health and fitness goals by setting realistic expectations and giving you tools for success. Here are some of the most important traits to look for when selecting someone who will be there with you every step of the way as you work toward reaching your goals: A knowledgeable personal trainer can help you reach your health and fitness goals, but what should you expect from a good one? A good personal trainer is not just someone who can help you reach your health and fitness goals, but also someone who is knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition. They should be able to provide you with expert advice on how to get started with an exercise routine, as well as answer any questions that might come up during the process. Personal trainers should also be able to motivate their clients so that they feel confident in their progress. Finally, a good trainer will help their clients reach their goals by [...]

7 09, 2023

We Help Our Students with Calorie Management

By |2023-09-07T18:54:55+00:00September 7th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Calorie Management, Cardio Fitness, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on We Help Our Students with Calorie Management

The Roswell Fitness Factory It is easy to lose weight, you just need to know how. The key is in counting the calories you consume and the calories you burn. There are several ways by which you can manage your calorie intake and burn more calories through exercise. At The Roswell Fitness Factory, we help all clients with Calorie Management. Calorie Management Calorie management is a key part of weight loss. It's not just about burning calories, but also eating fewer calories. To manage your weight and lose fat, you have to eat the right foods and the right amounts of food. That means paying attention to both your macronutrient intake (the proportion of carbs, protein and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). To calculate your macronutrient needs, use an online calculator such as this one. It should tell you how much protein, carbs and fat you need each day to lose weight. You can then add in additional calories if needed (for example, if you're very active). You also need to make sure you're getting enough micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals. The best way to do this is by eating a wide variety [...]

25 08, 2023

Stretching is an Important Part of Workout Routines!

By |2023-08-25T18:58:45+00:00August 25th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Gym, Georgia Personal Training, Gym Fitness, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory, Stretching Exercises|Comments Off on Stretching is an Important Part of Workout Routines!

The Roswell Fitness Factory Stretching is an essential part of any workout. It can help prevent injuries and increase flexibility, which helps you move more easily through your day. Stretching also helps with recovery after exercise, which allows your body to get stronger and more efficient at performing daily activities such as standing up from a chair or bending over to tie your shoes. At The Roswell Fitness Factory, we coach on proper Stretching Techniques. The following stretches can be done before or after exercise, as well as at any time throughout your day. Stretching is a great way to prevent injury and improve flexibility. Stretching Techniques Stretch after you have worked out. This will help prevent soreness and improve flexibility in the muscles you have used. Stretch before bedtime if you want to sleep better and have less pain in the morning. Do some light stretches when getting ready for an exercise session or run/walk, especially if it has been more than a few hours since your last workout. This helps loosen up tight muscles and make them less prone to injury during strenuous activity later on in the day (or night). It also improves circulation so that blood [...]

18 08, 2023

Check Out Our High-Tech Plate Loaded Machines!

By |2023-08-18T16:16:31+00:00August 18th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Core Strength Training, Free Weight Workouts, Georgia Personal Training, Gym Fitness, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Plate Loaded Machine Workouts, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Personal Trainers, Weight Lifting|Comments Off on Check Out Our High-Tech Plate Loaded Machines!

The Roswell Fitness Factory Plate loaded machines are a great way to workout at the gym. They are easy to use and provide a wide variety of exercises to help you reach your fitness goals. Plate Loaded Machine Workouts are popular because they allow you to workout safely while still getting results. Plate Loaded Machine Workouts Plate loaded machines are easy to use, safe and effective. Plate loaded machines can be used for a variety of workouts including: Upper body workouts Lower body workouts Abdominal and core training Shoulder and arm workouts Chest workouts Back and spine workouts Legs workouts The plate-loaded machines are typically equipped with a bench, seat and handlebars. Some models also have adjustable seats so you can choose the most comfortable one for your height. They are designed to offer multiple resistance settings so you can increase or decrease the amount of weight as you progress through your workout routine. Plate Loaded Machine Benefits Plate-loaded machines are easy to use and safe, making them a great option for both beginners and experienced lifters. They are also effective, as they let you target specific muscle groups without having to hold your own body weight. Plate loaded machines [...]

11 08, 2023

We Train and Encourage Weight Training for Fat Loss!

By |2023-08-11T22:23:13+00:00August 11th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Brandi Lein, Gym Fitness, Matt Lein, Obesity, Roswell Fitness Factory, Weight Lifting|Comments Off on We Train and Encourage Weight Training for Fat Loss!

The Roswell Fitness Factory Weight Training is an important part of any fitness routine. It can help you build muscle, burn fat, and improve your overall health. To get the most out of a weight training program, it is important to choose the right exercises and make sure that you are doing them properly so that you do not get injured or waste your time on ineffective exercises. In this article, we will discuss how weight training can help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism and improving body composition while also showing you how to choose effective exercises for your goals! Weight training is one of the best forms of exercise for burning fat, improving your physical appearance, and improving your overall health. It is important to note that weight training does not cause you to lose weight; it helps you lose fat. Weight loss occurs when a person burns more calories than they consume through food or drink over time. The more muscle mass you have on your body, the higher number of calories you burn at rest (even while sleeping). If this sounds confusing right now do not worry! We will go into more detail during The [...]

28 07, 2023

We Help Clients Explore The Fitness Benefits on Mental and Physical Health

By |2023-07-28T21:26:54+00:00July 28th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training, Brandi Lein, Family Fitness Gym, Family Fitness Personal Training, Family Group Exercise, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Psychological Benefits to Exercise, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers|Comments Off on We Help Clients Explore The Fitness Benefits on Mental and Physical Health

The Roswell Fitness Factory Fitness Benefits on Mental and Physical Health are well known. There is ample evidence that regular exercise can help you live a longer life, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and improve your mood. But what about the mental health benefits of being physically active? What role does exercise play in improving your mental health? There is no doubt that exercise has a positive impact on brain function and cognitive performance; however, there is also evidence that physical activity can improve moods by reducing anxiety and stress levels. In this article we will explore how different types of fitness training can benefit both physical and mental wellbeing so you can get started with an enjoyable routine today! Fitness Benefits on Mental and Physical Health There are many benefits of exercise on mental health: It is a great way to clear your mind and relax. Regular exercise can reduce stress levels, which can lead to better sleep, less anxiety, and improved moods overall. Exercise also helps you feel more energized throughout the day because it increases blood flow through the body and releases endorphins that make you feel good! Exercise can help with depression, anxiety [...]


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