The Roswell Fitness Factory

Weight Training is an important part of any fitness routine. It can help you build muscle, burn fat, and improve your overall health. To get the most out of a weight training program, it is important to choose the right exercises and make sure that you are doing them properly so that you do not get injured or waste your time on ineffective exercises. In this article, we will discuss how weight training can help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism and improving body composition while also showing you how to choose effective exercises for your goals!

Weight training is one of the best forms of exercise for burning fat, improving your physical appearance, and improving your overall health.

It is important to note that weight training does not cause you to lose weight; it helps you lose fat. Weight loss occurs when a person burns more calories than they consume through food or drink over time. The more muscle mass you have on your body, the higher number of calories you burn at rest (even while sleeping). If this sounds confusing right now do not worry! We will go into more detail during The Roswell Fitness Factory training.

Weight training is one of the best forms of exercise for burning fat, improving your physical appearance, and improving your overall health. It is important to note that weight training does not cause you to lose weight; it helps you lose fat. Weight loss occurs when a person burns more calories than they consume through food or drink over time.

Weight training can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism

To increase metabolism, you must increase muscle mass. This is because the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate (RMR) will be. The RMR is the number of calories that are burned while at rest–it accounts for about 70% of total daily energy expenditure in adults who are sedentary (i.e., not engaged in any physical activity). And when it comes to building muscle, resistance training is king: studies show that resistance training increases lean body mass and reduces fat stores more effectively than aerobic exercise alone does!

In addition to helping us build up our muscles (and thus increase our RMR), certain kinds of strength exercises also boost our bodies’ ability to burn calories even when we are not working out; these are known as “exercise induced thermogenesis” or EIT for short–the technical term for this phenomenon is non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). NEAT refers specifically to any movement that isn’t controlled or planned by us–think fidgeting around because we are bored or just being naturally active without even realizing it!

Weight training helps you maintain a healthy body weight by building muscle and bone mass

Weight training can help you build muscle and bone mass, which burns more calories than fat. Muscle also helps your body burn more calories at rest, even when you’re sleeping! This is why it’s important to include weight training in your exercise routine if you want to lose weight — especially if you’re over age 50 or have a family history of osteoporosis (bone loss).

For example, studies have shown that the more active we are throughout the day, even if it is just walking around, typing on our keyboards, or doing other things like housework instead of sitting still all day long (which most of us do!), the higher our EIT will be. And this means that with enough exercise-induced thermogenesis (EIT) over time, it is possible for someone who weighs 100 pounds to burn off about 100 calories more per day than someone who weighs 200 pounds! This is just one reason why regular strength training is so important–not only does it help us build muscle and lose fat faster than aerobic exercise alone does but it also boosts our bodies’ ability to burn calories even when they are not working out.

This is just one reason why regular strength training is so important–not only does it help us build muscle and lose fat faster than aerobic exercise alone does but it also boosts our bodies’ ability to burn calories even when they’re not working out!

  • Weight training can help you improve your posture.
  • Weight training can help prevent back pain and injury, which are common among people who sit for long periods of time.
  • Weight training can help prevent scoliosis (a condition where the spine curves), osteoporosis (a disease that causes brittle bones), and other similar conditions that affect the spine or bones.
  • Weight training can also help you improve your posture and build strong muscles around your joints. Stronger muscles will help prevent injury and keep you active as you age.
  • Weight training is an important part of any exercise program. It can help you improve your strength, endurance and flexibility, as well as prevent injuries. If you’re not sure where to start with weight training, consult a doctor or physical therapist for advice on which exercises are best for you.
  • Weight training can help prevent injury by strengthening bones and muscles.
  • Weight training is a great way to strengthen your bones and muscles, which can help prevent injury.

In addition to strengthening your bones and muscles, weight training can also improve your posture by strengthening the core muscles in your abdomen, back, hips and lower body. This will help you avoid injuries caused by poor posture such as lower back pain or soreness in the shoulders from carrying heavy bags on one side only of your body for long periods of time (e.g., grocery shopping).

Weightlifting also helps improve balance so that you are less likely to fall over if someone bumps into you unexpectedly while walking down a crowded street at rush hour! It has been shown that people who engage regularly in resistance training have fewer falls than those who do not engage regularly with this type of exercise program.”

There are many different ways to do weight training, but the most common method is to perform a set number of repetitions (reps) of each exercise, with a rest period in between sets. For example, if you are doing bicep curls (which work your upper arms), you might do 10 reps with a light weight, then rest for a few minutes before doing another set of 10 reps with heavier weights.

Weight training is an important part of any fitness routine. It can help you lose weight, improve your physical appearance and overall health, and maintain a healthy body weight.

Weight training can:

  • Increase muscle mass which increases metabolism (the rate at which calories are burned).
  • Reduce body fat while preserving lean muscle tissue so that you look toned rather than skinny or flabby.
  • Strengthen supportive muscles that can help prevent injuries. Increase bone density, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis (bone thinning and loss). Improve flexibility, balance and coordination.


Weight training should be an important part of any fitness routine. It’s not just about getting a great body; it’s also about improving your overall health and preventing injury. Weight training can help you burn fat, build muscle mass and bone density, improve your posture, and even prevent injury by strengthening bones and muscles! If you want to lose weight or get more fit in general, then adding some type of strength training into your routine could be just what you need.



The Roswell Fitness Factory Coaches on The Benefits of Weight Training for Fat Loss and Overall Conditioning

Weight Training is 100% the most important tool you have at your disposal for losing fat. Yet still to this day the overwhelming majority of gym goers focus most of their time on the treadmill or elliptical. For decades now fitness beginners have been fed the false information that weights make you big and cardio makes you small. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Weight training builds muscle. Muscle burns fat. It’s that simple. The more muscle a person has, the lower their body fat percentage will typically be. It all comes down to your resting metabolic rate. Muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat does. Therefore, a person with more muscle burns significantly more calories at rest than a person with less.

by Matt Lein Owner The Roswell Fitness Factory

Weight Training


Brandi Lein Personal Trainer at The Roswell Fitness Factory




9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086
