We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com
7 05, 2017

Clients are Like Family

By |2017-05-07T16:12:07+00:00May 7th, 2017|Fitness Trainer|Comments Off on Clients are Like Family

One of the best things about operating a gym and having personal training clients is that they become like family. Getting in shape and accomplishing your fitness objectives are definitely very personal goals, so letting someone else in to help you becomes a very close relationship. I care about my clients, and they develop a bond with me and the other personal trainers here.  Besides seeing the results happen and goals met, it's one of my favorite things about running a fitness center. I was an only child in my family so I never had siblings to create those type of brotherly bonds. I've had great friends, but the closest to siblings that I've come are some of my many clients. Last month was Siblings Day -- on April 10th to be exact. On that night, I just so happened to be watching some baseball players compete against each other that I've worked with for awhile now. It made me realize in the midst of those sessions on Siblings Day that I am so blessed to have clients that I consider to be my "little brothers." It made me realize in the midst of those sessions on Siblings Day that [...]

3 03, 2017

Escape Your Sedentary Lifestyle with Personal Training and Get Your Health Back!

By |2017-03-03T22:50:11+00:00March 3rd, 2017|Fitness Trainer|Comments Off on Escape Your Sedentary Lifestyle with Personal Training and Get Your Health Back!

A sedentary life can basically send you to an early grave, according to statistics gathered by the NCHPAD. Here are some of the startling reasons you need to get up from that desk job, that commute, and that sofa and start moving with regular exercise and assistance from a personal trainer: Physically inactive people have an increased risk of colon and breast cancer. Regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of cognitive decline. People who are sedentary have the highest rate of having a heart attack. Data from the Aerobics Research Center in Dallas, Texas found that physically active men lowered their risk of stroke by two-thirds while a Nurses' Health Study concluded that physically active women decreased their risk of stroke by 50%. Lack of physical activity increases the loss of lean muscle tissue and speeds up bone loss. People who don't regularly exercise are more likely to gain excess weight. One study showed that an hour of walking daily cut the risk of obesity by 24%. Those who get regular physical activity have a more efficient immune system, which helps protect them further from the risk of various disease and illnesses like colds and the flu. This list [...]

20 11, 2016

Knowing When to Personal Train and When to Go Solo

By |2016-11-20T15:38:50+00:00November 20th, 2016|Fitness Trainer|Comments Off on Knowing When to Personal Train and When to Go Solo

Every week, you hit the gym to get in the best shape possible and hit new fitness goals. You realized long ago that a personal trainer has been a game changer when you hit those plateaus or are just simply lost on where to start. Now that you are in the fitness game, you may wonder what the best formula is for a weekly combination of solo workout routines and those overseen by a personal trainer. Well, there are different schools of thought about the frequency of personal training that all have merit: Training with a personal trainer once a week rarely yields significant results because most of the work is done on their own without a structured workout plan. While a personal trainer can provide feedback and offer suggestions that can be employed on a solo basis. One session may not be enough to really get in all the adjustments that need to be made to make new muscle memory that corrects the mistake made by going it alone the majority of the week. Training twice a week with a personal trainer is the most common recommendation. There is more time to review what is being done correctly and [...]

17 09, 2016

Building Fitness Programs for Specific Individual Needs

By |2016-09-17T16:10:20+00:00September 17th, 2016|Fitness Trainer, Personal Training|Comments Off on Building Fitness Programs for Specific Individual Needs

Everyone has different reasons for going to the gym and considering a fitness program. Some people want to lose weight, gain muscle mass, train for a sport, or just become healthier. That’s why we can’t just offer one Roswell fitness program or one East Cobb personal training plan. Instead, we look to build customized fitness programs that align with your individual needs, including fitness and health goals and your budget. Free One-Hour Fitness Consultation In order to determine what type of program we can design for you, we offer a free one-hour fitness consultation. During this session, we get to know you, your goals for coming to the gym, and your current strengths and weaknesses in terms of stamina, flexibility, balance, and coordination. We also learn about your work schedule, level of activity each day, constraints keeping you from exercising and your budget. Customized Fitness Packages Since there are so many various levels of results expected due to the various fitness goals and lifestyles, we focus on offering the widest selection possible in terms of training program at the best prices. By offering various packages – month-to-month, three-month, six-month, and more – you can find the one that fits your [...]

16 01, 2016

The Year Of My Best Body

By |2016-01-16T18:09:50+00:00January 16th, 2016|24 Hour Gym, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on The Year Of My Best Body

Resolutions For The New Year I heard a really great New Years Resolution the other day. I happened to walk by a TV and over heard Oprah Winfrey talking about weight loss and getting into shape.  I believe that I heard her say that she had tried all kinds of diet plans, but, always seemed to gain the weight back. Sounded like she was looking for a more lasting approach. She then announced that she had decided to call 2016, "The Year Of My Best Body." Think about that comment for a second. You know, that approach actually makes sense for lots of people. Most people want to get into better shape. We all talk about loosing weight and getting physically fit with our friends and family. A few of us act on that desire. Unfortunately, the majority that talk about it, don't actually follow through. How many times you have gone to the gym and thought to yourself, I see the same exact folks at the gym every time I go? Maybe it's just me, but, it sure seems like I run into the same folks. The one time of year I tend to see new people at the [...]

3 01, 2016

New Years Resolutions

By |2016-01-03T00:21:00+00:00January 3rd, 2016|24 Hour Gym, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training|Comments Off on New Years Resolutions

Lose Weight, Get Fit, Tone Up One of the most common New Year's resolutions is announcing that you are going to begin a workout program. The sad part is, most don't ever follow through and actually do it. Adding a physical fitness program to your weekly routine could deliver so many benefits for you. Yet if history and the odds are correct, there is a high likelihood that you either will work out a few times the quite or never start at all. Let me be clear here. There are so many benefits you could get from a great workout routine. I really want to encourage you to get off the proverbial couch and follow through. People who workout tend to experience improvements in cardiovascular fitness levels. They generally lose weight. Assuming they include weight training in their workouts, most also see an increased level of muscle tone. Do you have a tough job? If so, you aren't alone. The vast majority of jobs out there are ultra competitive. To succeed, you need to devote a ton of time and energy. The one caution is this. You are no good to anyone in your corporation or in your family if you allow yourself to get sick. One of [...]

17 09, 2015

Cosmetic Training vs Functional Training

By |2015-09-17T13:08:51+00:00September 17th, 2015|Fitness, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on Cosmetic Training vs Functional Training

Which category do you fall in?  Which style is better? First let me say that anyone who has the discipline to train gets our respect. Regardless of why you train, we believe that fitness training will improve your quality of life. We also believe that fitness training can and likely will improve your overall health and reduce your risk of injury or illness. It is our belief that those who choose to train are likely headed down the path that leads to an overall better life experience. All that said, lets delve into the the questions this article attempts to explore. Again, please keep in mind the article is not attempting to be judgemental, it is simply written in an effort to stir thinking, discussion and hopefully to sway your thinking as to the reasons you should train. What are you really trying to accomplish when you train? Is your goal to look good at the beach or perhaps you just want to potentially be more attractive to the opposite sex? Is your dream to be a famous body builder or figure model? Do you judge your progress by how defined your abs are, or by the size of your biceps and [...]

21 07, 2015

The Secret To How I Lose Weight

By |2015-07-21T08:00:07+00:00July 21st, 2015|Cardiovascular Fitness, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on The Secret To How I Lose Weight

Lose Weight, Tone Up, Get Physically Fit I want to talk for a minute about my secret for how I lose weight. There are so many myths out there about weight loss. Sometimes it's really hard to separate fact from fiction. For some, the information is simply overwhelming and they just give up. Others continue to try and weed through the information, only to eventually become numb from the varying arguments being presented by the experts. Think about it for a second. If you watch television, they make it sound like loosing weight is simple. There are hundreds of weight loss supplements being actively marketed every single day. Every five minutes you see another weight loss product being advertised on television. These quick loss miracles come in pill form. Others are offered as weight loss shakes and drinks. Then there are the weight loss pre-packaged food plans. Those are designed for folks who have tried everything else and just can't seem to control the amount of food they ingest. I have been around folks who have tried some or all of these things. In some cases, I have seen weight loss occur, but, often the weight loss is short lived. [...]

18 03, 2015

Fitness Trainers Make The Difference

By |2015-03-18T12:48:16+00:00March 18th, 2015|Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Training|Comments Off on Fitness Trainers Make The Difference

Personal Training Delivers Results Do you every find yourself saying, today I am going to start losing this unwanted weight? We mean well, but, somehow we just seem to let life's challenges get in our way. How many mornings, just over the past month, have you gotten up and told yourself, today is the day I start training? Lets be honest for a moment. My guess is the answer to the two questions above is, both have happened frequently. For most of us, we can visualize doing exactly what it takes to lose the weight. We all tend to see ourselves like we did when we were younger. Remember those days? We ran frequently. We ate all that we wanted and we never seemed to have a problem with our belt being to small or needing to buy new, bigger cloths. What we all forget is, mother nature tends to slow our metabolism as we get older. Once the metabolism starts to slow, our bodies begin retaining more fats cells. Our bodies store that fat, thinking we are going to need it for all the exercise that we normally do. The problem is, we are now working all the time [...]


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