We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com
18 07, 2021

Work out with the professionals at Georgia Personal Training if you are on a quest for the perfect summer physique

By |2021-07-18T21:06:38+00:00July 18th, 2021|Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Training, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Work out with the professionals at Georgia Personal Training if you are on a quest for the perfect summer physique

Georgia Personal Training The dog days of summer are upon us and there are many more to go. If you are still not completely satisfied with your summer physique, the professional fitness trainers at Georgia Personal Training (GPT)  are standing by to help you address that issue. Below is how our owners, who are also talented fitness trainers, summarize the quest for the summer physique: It is never too late to get in shape for the summer! While summer is just weeks away, this is the perfect time to get started with personal training because anything you start doing now will already make a difference. You can do many things to get ready for summer: Try our complimentary one–hour personal training session and then sign up for the number of personal training sessions that fits your schedule and budget. Take advantage of great classes like Zumba, yoga, and boot camp to make getting in shape a social and fun experience. Consult with our personal trainers on the right exercise plan for your fitness and weight loss goals so they can customize a strategy that gets you results. Think about your nutrition and how that can help you get in shape [...]

11 07, 2021

Georgia Personal Training will help you get in shape for summer activities

By |2021-07-11T14:38:43+00:00July 11th, 2021|Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Boxing, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Martial Arts Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training will help you get in shape for summer activities

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) We are now in mid Summer 2021. Things are starting to somewhat normalize and people are back out in groups and enjoying the multitude of summer activities. The talented, knowledgeable and passionate personal trainers at Georgia Personal Training are ready to help you get in the best shape. The better physical condition you are in,  the more enjoyable the summer will be! The personal trainers at GPT believe it is never too late to get in shape for the summer! While summer is already here, this remains a perfect time to get started with personal training because anything you start doing now will already make a difference. You can do many things to get ready for summer: Try our complimentary one–hour personal training session and then sign up for the number of personal training sessions that fits your schedule and budget. Take advantage of great classes like Zumba, yoga, and boot camp to make getting in shape a social and fun experience. Consult with our personal trainers on the right exercise plan for your fitness and weight loss goals so they can customize a strategy that gets you results. Think about your nutrition and how that [...]

5 07, 2021

Georgia Personal Training

By |2021-07-05T21:32:39+00:00July 5th, 2021|Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Morning Workouts, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) Have you ever considered what the best time of day to work out is? It really is a matter of science and how the human body works. A big advantage of being a member of a 24 hour gym is that you can conveniently attend on your preferred schedule. Below is a very well written article by the owners of GPT which does offer a 24 hour facility. In the article it leaves no question that early morning is the best time to exercise to obtain maximum health benefits. Our recommendation is, workout early in the morning. An early workout can really be beneficial to your body and to your psyche. When you workout in the morning, it super charges your body and mind for the busy day to come. Many of the clients we serve love morning workouts. Their metabolism kicks into high gear and the feel great for the entire day. The morning workout allows their bodies to start burning fat, early in the day. At the same time they are getting a head start on burning fat, they also get to enjoy other side benefits such as more energy and increased mental focus [...]

28 06, 2021

Georgia Personal Training believes in the life long investment of personal fitness training

By |2021-06-28T23:46:30+00:00June 28th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Family Fitness Gym, Family Fitness Personal Training, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Training, Uncategorized, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training believes in the life long investment of personal fitness training

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) Life is full of investment opportunities. There are a multitude of Brokerage Companies that offer online trading if you have the courage and skill to pursue that. Then if you are lucky enough to work for a company that offers a 401k retirement plan, those are typically tied to an investment firm that manages equities, bonds and cash for you. Then of course there is real estate and other investment ventures. One of the most valuable investments one can make is in their own personal  health. You hear it all the time that proper diet, exercise and rest are critical components to having a happier and healthier mental and physical out look. The professionals at GPT are committed to this philosophy and have helped countless students of all ages make this all important investment in personal health. Maybe you are at a point in your fitness program where you have reached some of your weight loss goals and fitness objectives. However, you have hit a plateau and are not sure what to do next. This is where a personal trainer comes in. So many people believe that personal trainers are just there for people who are [...]

19 06, 2021

GPT Fitness Trainers Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

By |2021-06-19T22:01:18+00:00June 19th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Baseball Skills Training, Baseball Strength & Conditioning, Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, College Athlete Personal Training, Core Strength Training, Family Fitness Gym, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Sports Agility Training, Uncategorized, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss|Comments Off on GPT Fitness Trainers Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) Finding the perfect personal trainer or training staff can be an arduous task. Many talk the talk but do they walk the walk? When you consult with the GPT team regarding their skills and knowledge you will find they are very knowledgeable and can walk the walk. The difference is in their proven results which are clearly evident by the customer testimonials. The owners, Matt and Brandi Lein, have an unyielding drive to make sure each and every student that commits to their training will benefit greatly. Not only does Matt, who himself was a standout college baseball player, turn average baseball players into collegiate top performers, he and his wife Brandi also produce amazing results for the average student who just wants to improve her or his physical and mental condition. It matters not to Matt and Brandi whether the students are young or older, student athletes or business men and women. They are committed to all students. And consider it an honor to change lives. Going back in the archives, I found an excellent article written by Matt which speaks to the GPT passion. Tone Up | Get Fit | Enjoy Life Our training [...]

13 06, 2021

The professionals at Georgia Personal Training will help you vary routines to maximize your fitness journey

By |2021-06-13T14:58:35+00:00June 13th, 2021|Boot Camp, Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Father;s Day Health, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The professionals at Georgia Personal Training will help you vary routines to maximize your fitness journey

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) It is easy to fall into a pattern of going to the gym and doing the same routine each time. Many of us are creatures of habit and find comfort in a regular schedule including a work out routine. We try to eat right, get the recommended amount of rest and be a regular at the gym. The problem is that while all of that is good and much healthier than being a "couch potato", it keeps us in the same spot. Seeking the services of a professional fitness trainer is a game changer. These educated professionals study the trade and know techniques for all aspects of health and fitness that the average person does not know. GPT has a personal training staff that is extremely knowledgeable and a burning passion for helping people. Below is an excerpt written by GPT owner and personal trainer Matt Lein. Every week, you hit the gym to get in the best shape possible and hit new fitness goals. You realized long ago that a personal trainer has been a game changer when you hit those plateaus or are just simply lost on where to start. Now that you are [...]

31 05, 2021

Cardiovascular Health is important at Georgia Personal Training

By |2021-06-06T14:33:19+00:00May 31st, 2021|Baseball Strength & Conditioning, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, Family Fitness Gym, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cardiovascular Health is important at Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) Most people want to look good. Firm physique, lean shape and just an overall appearance of fitness. That is only part of the process though. Having a muscular shape is nice but want about the heart and lungs. The organs that actually help you sustain a more healthy life and offer you extended life longevity in most cases. At GPT our cardiovascular teachings for our students is a critical component of what we coach. Metabolic Conditioning At GPT, we advise our weight loss clients to move away from traditional cardio and focus instead on metabolic conditioning. Traditional cardio training refers to the workouts you see most people doing at the gym. Walking on the treadmill, coasting on the elliptical, riding a recumbent bike while reading, etc. Traditional cardio is aerobic rather than anaerobic, moderate rather than intense, steady state rather than intervals, and focused on duration rather than intensity. These days everyone has an Apple Watch or Fitbit to track their daily steps and calories burned. While it is encouraging to see people taking pride in being more active, these devices are flawed tools if the goal is weight and fat loss. We know a caloric [...]

23 05, 2021

Georgia Personal Training offers Expresso Bikes for biking enthusiasts

By |2021-05-23T14:43:50+00:00May 23rd, 2021|Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Expresso Exercise Bikes, Family Fitness Gym, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training offers Expresso Bikes for biking enthusiasts

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) There are those that prefer to run and those that prefer to cycle. Studies have shown that running on average burns more calories per mile than cycling. However, studies also show that the stress on the body is greater than cycling. Knees, ankles, feet and other joints are under more stress from the constant compression of running. Plus when you cycle you can go further generally than when you are running. The team at GPT realizes that they have both types of enthusiasts in their gym. As such equipment is provided for both runners and cyclists as well as training tips from the professionals at GPT. The owners at GPT have invested in top of the line Expresso Fitness Bikes. We purchased our first Expresso Fitness Bikes back in early 2009. We bought them shortly after we opened our Anytime Fitness 24 hour gym. In addition to the Expresso training bikes, we also bought a great selection other training bikes as well, including; spin bikes, recumbents and traditional exercise bikes. Without fail, the majority of our bike riding gym members always seemed eager to jump on the spin bikes and/or the Expresso bikes. What makes the [...]

16 05, 2021

GPT has a solid theory for body weight control

By |2021-05-16T14:19:51+00:00May 16th, 2021|Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Boxing, Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized, Weight Loss|Comments Off on GPT has a solid theory for body weight control

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) Many of us search for the magic formula to keep our weight in check. For those that were blessed with a high metabolism at birth, sometimes it seems they can eat anything and not gain a pound. Matt Lein is the owner and professional fitness trainer at GPT. While there are countless theories on weight control, his seems to be very solid. Below is an except from one of Matt's articles. I want to talk for a minute about my secret for how I lose weight. There are so many myths out there about weight loss. Sometimes it's really hard to separate fact from fiction. For some, the information is simply overwhelming and they just give up. Others continue to try and weed through the information, only to eventually become numb from the varying arguments being presented by the experts. Think about it for a second. If you watch television, they make it sound like loosing weight is simple. There are hundreds of weight loss supplements being actively marketed every single day. Every five minutes you see another weight loss product being advertised on television. These quick loss miracles come in pill form. Others are offered [...]

9 05, 2021

All ages and all athletic levels, Georgia Personal Training has stayed committed to fitness training for all of our clients

By |2021-05-09T14:47:00+00:00May 9th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Baseball Skills Training, Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Gym, Fitness Training for Special Needs Clients, Georgia Personal Training, Gift Certificates, Group Fitness Classes, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on All ages and all athletic levels, Georgia Personal Training has stayed committed to fitness training for all of our clients

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) The personal training program at GPT has consistently grown over the years. We have always kept in mind the changing industry and the life balance our customers deal with everyday.  Having a personal fitness trainer is a huge advantage for people working to stay fit, loose weight and increase their overall fitness. At GPT, we allow our training clients to schedule their workouts on the days and times that best fit their busy schedules. Our gym is open to members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each member receives a security card that they then utilize to access the facility on days and times that serve their needs. Our Personal training program is available pretty much any time Monday through Friday, and we now also have training sessions available on Saturday as well. At GPT, customers are our number one focus. We make every effort to schedule our personal training clients in on the precise days and times, that best fit their schedules. Clients who work out at GPT generally live or work in Alpharetta, Crabapple, East Cobb, Milton, Marietta, Roswell or Sandy Springs area. We do have personal training clients who work with us [...]

2 05, 2021

Georgia Personal Training is committed to you achieving your physical fitness goals, whatever they are!

By |2021-05-02T14:44:35+00:00May 2nd, 2021|Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Cardio Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training is committed to you achieving your physical fitness goals, whatever they are!

Georgia Personal Training With a multitude of Personal Fitness Trainers in the industry to choose from, making that right choice can make all the difference in your fitness journey. A trainer that is truly interested in your success is what you want.  When you train at GPT you will find professionals that put their clients needs first and foremost. Using the most modern techniques for exercise routines, nutritional habits and equipment, we produce results. Check out our testimonials if you want proof. Featuring one of our trainers, Brandi Lein, she is a wife, mother of two little children and someone completely committed to her personal training clients. Brandi Lein Certified Personal Trainer, General Manager of Anytime Fitness & Georgia Personal Training Brandi Lein is one of the most gracious and kind people you will ever meet. As her training clients and gym members have come to know, she is truly an incredible person. Matt and Brandi Lein are the owners of Anytime Fitness of Roswell and Georgia Personal Training. They are a dynamic couple and together have helped hundreds of men, women and young adults, on their fitness journey. Brandi practices what see preaches when it comes to living a [...]

12 04, 2021

Georgia Personal Training is a premier facility in every aspect

By |2021-04-12T00:39:53+00:00April 12th, 2021|Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Gym, Fitness Trainer, Flyline Search Marketing, Georgia Personal Training, Plyometric Training, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training is a premier facility in every aspect

Georgia Personal Training  (GPT) GPT is a premier gym and personal training facility. Every aspect of fitness, gym hygiene and motivational inspiring lessons are wrapped into a nice package providing great value. Becoming a business owner or entrepreneur requires courage, dedication and a great deal of hard work. Commitment to your customers is job one. You will not a find personal training center more committed to its clients than GPT. Owner Matt Lein has made educating himself on the multitude of fitness elements his full time job. He never stops listening and reading and making sure that his team is updated on the most advanced techniques. He also visits with numerous equipment manufacturers ensuring his gym has the best equipment for maximum results and safety. Not all gyms offer the diversity of fitness health that you will find at GPT.  Below is  list of the many categories of fitness and health that are available at GPT: TRAINING SERVICES INCLUDE Weight Loss/Fat Loss Physique Sculpting Nutritional Coaching Sport Specific Strength Training Sport Specific Endurance Training Speed and Agility Rehabilitation Prehab/Injury Prevention HIIT Training Kickboxing Bootcamp Yoga One specific instruction class involves the science of plyometrics. Below is an excerpt from Matt Lein. [...]

14 03, 2021

The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training will assist with many types of rehabilitation

By |2021-03-14T20:49:29+00:00March 14th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, Family Fitness Gym, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Injury, Injury Prevention, Online Fitness Coaching, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training will assist with many types of rehabilitation

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) The professionals at GPT are passionate about helping people. No matter what the rehabilitation may be, shoulder, back, knee or even helping a new mom strengthen her stomach muscles and lose the baby weight,  they are trained on rehabbing all muscles and joint groups. Below is one happy client's experience with GPT in helping her get her figure and self confidence back after having her first baby. Customer Testimonial From Angela Saldana Matt and his team are nothing short of sensational life savers! They have restored my confidence, my pre-baby “number”, and my overall health. They have added strength, challenge, and fun to my workout routine. I absolutely love my time at the gym and it is a great way to spend an hour of “me” time. As a youth, I was very active: playing softball, cheerleading, and soccer. In my 20s, I maintained a steady workout routine through running and classes at the closest Lifetime gym. At 5’5” and 125 pounds, I was usually content with my body. Then…I got pregnant, gained 50 pounds and had my first child. They say a baby changes everything and, it turns out, they are right! As a new [...]

28 02, 2021

Georgia Personal Training incorporates the fun of Kickboxing into their training regiment

By |2021-02-28T15:11:28+00:00February 28th, 2021|Boxing, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Martial Arts Training, Matt Lein, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training incorporates the fun of Kickboxing into their training regiment

Georgia Personal Training Georgia Personal Training incorporates the fun of Kickboxing into their training regiment! In order to keep fitness training interesting and exercise all major muscle groups, it is good to mix it up a bit. Kickboxing is a great aerobic workout and it also provides side benefits in terms of overall wellness. The trainers at Georgia Personal Training are committed to providing a good mix of different programs to provide members with the best experience in their physical fitness growth. One such program incorporates the exhilaration of Kickboxing. Below are some of the major advantages of this type of workout. Stress Reduction - A vigorous kickboxing workout can melt away frustrations and the stresses of everyday life. Increase Confidence -  The releasing of endorphins during a Kickboxing workout can help your confidence level. Help with Coordination - Balance is a key element to any martial arts and Kickboxing can help with your balance and coordination. Calories Burned - We are always looking to burn calories. Kickboxing is estimated to burn about 800 per hour. Cross-Training -  Enthusiasts of Cross Fit Training love to incorporate Kickboxing into their routines. Matt Lein, GPT owner and personal trainer, discusses this workout discipline in [...]

7 02, 2021

Georgia Personal Training focuses on a multitude of aspects regarding physical fitness training.

By |2021-02-07T15:42:52+00:00February 7th, 2021|Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Flyline Search Marketing, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Obesity, Personal Training, Progressive Overload Theory, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized, Weight Lifting|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training focuses on a multitude of aspects regarding physical fitness training.

Georgia Personal Training Weight Loss, Physique Sculpting, Sports Performance, Nutrition “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” At Georgia Personal Training (GPT), we pride ourselves on providing the most elite personal training services in Metro Atlanta.  Since 2008, we have worked hard to provide the most effective, cutting edge, science based training in the area at the most affordable prices.  Our training programs include weight loss, fat reduction, sports performance training, speed and agility, physique sculpting, metabolic conditioning, physical therapy, injury prevention, nutritional coaching, yoga, kickboxing, and more. For more than a decade we have consistently produced amazing results for people of all walks of life. GPT trainers are certified, experienced, caring, and driven to help you succeed.  We measure our success purely based on the results our clients attain.  Whether you are brand new to fitness and need someone to show you the ropes, or you’re a competitive athlete looking to take your game to another level, GPT is the place for you.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and complimentary training session, and give us the opportunity to earn your business and change your life. GPT utilizes the services of Flyline Search Marketing to manage their online marketing and sales platform.  Flyline [...]


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