Georgia Personal Training (GPT)

Most people want to look good. Firm physique, lean shape and just an overall appearance of fitness. That is only part of the process though. Having a muscular shape is nice but want about the heart and lungs. The organs that actually help you sustain a more healthy life and offer you extended life longevity in most cases. At GPT our cardiovascular teachings for our students is a critical component of what we coach.

Metabolic Conditioning

At GPT, we advise our weight loss clients to move away from traditional cardio and focus instead on metabolic conditioning. Traditional cardio training refers to the workouts you see most people doing at the gym. Walking on the treadmill, coasting on the elliptical, riding a recumbent bike while reading, etc.

Traditional cardio is aerobic rather than anaerobic, moderate rather than intense, steady state rather than intervals, and focused on duration rather than intensity. These days everyone has an Apple Watch or Fitbit to track their daily steps and calories burned. While it is encouraging to see people taking pride in being more active, these devices are flawed tools if the goal is weight and fat loss.

We know a caloric deficit is the requirement for weight loss, but did you know that only 15% of your daily calories are burned through physical activity, while 75% are burned by your natural resting metabolism? So, what is a more efficient approach to maximize our caloric output throughout the day – to focus on the 15% or the 75%? Burning calories during our cardio is great, but we can create a much more impactful effect on our overall caloric output if we boost our resting metabolism in the process.

This is why GPT clients, are taught to do metabolic conditioning rather than traditional cardio. Examples of this would be HIIT training (high intensity interval training), sprint interval training, strength circuit training, or max intensity distance cardio (example would be running 3 miles as fast as you can, rather than pacing yourself in order to run 4-5 miles). All of these methods are designed to maximize the calories burned both during and after the session.

Prioritizing intensity over duration our clients increase their resting metabolism for up to 24 hours post workout. When metabolic conditioning is used in combination with a well-designed strength training program, and proper fat loss diet, the results on body composition are truly amazing. Contact the GPT team, and begin your weight loss journey today!

Developing a great looking physique is one of the most common goals that brings people to Georgia Personal Training, yet often times new clients are hesitant to admit their primary goal is building a better body.  Typically clients will list “looking better” as priority three or four, behind things like gaining strength, improving endurance, being healthier, etc.  Today’s society often discourages self improvement and instead encourages embracing the status quo.

We are taught to accept who we are and find contentment in mediocrity rather than pursuing something better.  At GPT, we are in the business of pursuing greatness.  There is no such thing as good enough.  There is no finish line to your fitness journey or your life.  Every day we strive to make our clients the absolute best possible version of themselves both mentally and physically.

The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training (GPT), take great pride in providing the most elite personal training services in Metro Atlanta.  Since 2008, we have worked hard to provide the most effective, cutting edge, science based training in the area at the most affordable prices.  Our training programs include weight loss, fat reduction, sports performance training, speed and agility, physique sculpting, metabolic conditioning, physical therapy, injury prevention, nutritional coaching, yoga, kickboxing, and more.

For more than a decade we have consistently produced amazing results for people of all walks of life. GPT trainers are certified, experienced, caring, and driven to help you succeed.  We measure our success purely based on the results our clients attain.  Whether you are brand new to fitness and need someone to show you the ropes, or you’re a competitive athlete looking to take your game to another level, GPT is the place for you.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and complimentary training session, and give us the opportunity to earn your business and change your life.

Georgia Personal Training
Located at 9420 Willeo Road  Suite 106 Roswell, GA  30075
Matt Lein  (770) 241-1086
Brandi Lein (404) 668-7976