Georgia Personal Training (GPT)

There are those that prefer to run and those that prefer to cycle. Studies have shown that running on average burns more calories per mile than cycling. However, studies also show that the stress on the body is greater than cycling. Knees, ankles, feet and other joints are under more stress from the constant compression of running. Plus when you cycle you can go further generally than when you are running.

The team at GPT realizes that they have both types of enthusiasts in their gym. As such equipment is provided for both runners and cyclists as well as training tips from the professionals at GPT. The owners at GPT have invested in top of the line Expresso Fitness Bikes.

We purchased our first Expresso Fitness Bikes back in early 2009. We bought them shortly after we opened our Anytime Fitness 24 hour gym. In addition to the Expresso training bikes, we also bought a great selection other training bikes as well, including; spin bikes, recumbents and traditional exercise bikes. Without fail, the majority of our bike riding gym members always seemed eager to jump on the spin bikes and/or the Expresso bikes.

What makes the Expresso bike ride so cool is the truly interactive ride that the bikes provide. Each Expresso training bike comes with a large screen video display monitor. These monitors are linked to a super sophisticated internal computer, which is in turn connected to the worldwide web.

Each rider can create their own Expresso account. They can login each time they ride and the system provides them with details on their previous rides. They also can see the performances of other riders, from all over the world, who have also ridden the same courses on the Expresso bikes. Each rider is then ranked based on their best performance on each course.

In essence, the folks at Expresso have created a truly unique virtual riding experience. On an Expresso bike, each rider must actually steer and navigate the bike as they progress along the virtual course. Not only do you steer, you also have the ability to change gears, just as you would during an outdoor road bike ride. You will find that gear changes, based upon the terrain and road or trail conditions you encounter, will greatly improve your time and riding experience.

Changing gears allows you to experience a bike ride that is incredibly similar to an actual outdoor road bike adventure. During your ride, the video monitor will include a dashboard that provides you with a heads up display of your rpm, the gear you are riding in, the grade of hill you are climbing and your current position on the course, in relation to your previous best time on the course.

The whole time you are riding a course, you are going to have other bike riders appearing on your video monitor. These other riders are going to ride the entire course, right along beside you. You can pass them, or be passed by them during your ride. One of these additional riders on the course will actually be what Expresso calls, the shadow rider. The shadow rider is actually you. Assuming you log into the system each time you ride, Expresso then keeps track of all your rides. Then when you ride a course you have already ridden before, Expresso serves up your shadow from your previous best time on the course.

Having your shadow rider along side you in provides you with your very own pacer. You will be amazed at how that helps you to stay motivated during the ride, in your effort to beat your previous best time on the course. Our gym members find that it adds excitement and fun, while helping them to get stronger with each successive ride they do.

The other riders on the screen are in effect the people who have also previously ridden the same course. Riding along with others makes for a very realistic experience and is just tons more fun! You enjoy a great group ride, on a world class training bike, while also getting the benefits of competitive cycling as well.

I promise you this, when it’s cold outside this Winter, you can bet that our bike riding gym members are all going to be cranking and smiling, on our Expresso bikes!

At Georgia Personal Training (GPT), we pride ourselves on providing the most elite personal training services in Metro Atlanta.  Since 2008, we have worked hard to provide the most effective, cutting edge, science based training in the area at the most affordable prices.  Our training programs include weight loss, fat reduction, sports performance training, speed and agility, physique sculpting, metabolic conditioning, physical therapy, injury prevention, nutritional coaching, yoga, kickboxing, and more.

For more than a decade we have consistently produced amazing results for people of all walks of life. GPT trainers are certified, experienced, caring, and driven to help you succeed.  We measure our success purely based on the results our clients attain.  Whether you are brand new to fitness and need someone to show you the ropes, or you’re a competitive athlete looking to take your game to another level, GPT is the place for you.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and complimentary training session, and give us the opportunity to earn your business and change your life.

Brandi Lein GPT Trainer and Co-owner

Georgia Personal Training
Located at 9420 Willeo Road  Suite 106 Roswell, GA  30075
Matt Lein  (770) 241-1086
Brandi Lein (404) 668-7976