We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com
11 01, 2024

We Offer Innovative Fitness Equipment and Elite Personal Training!

By |2024-01-11T14:29:12+00:00January 11th, 2024|24 Hour Gym, Benefits of Family Owned Personal Training, Brandi Lein, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Free Weight Workouts, Georgia Personal Training, Innovative Fitness Equipment, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Personal Trainers, Weight Lifting|Comments Off on We Offer Innovative Fitness Equipment and Elite Personal Training!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory Discover the Power of Our Innovative Fitness Equipment and Professional Personal Training at Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory.  Step into the world of elite fitness and realize your athletic potential with our cutting-edge equipment. From the powerful Bar Row to the dynamic V-Squat, our range is designed to cater to the needs of fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike. In this post, we dive into the specifics of each piece and how they can revolutionize your workout routine. Bar Row: Unleashing Your Full Potential The Bar Row is an indispensable addition to any serious training session. It's engineered to provide a form-fitted grip that allows for a natural rowing motion, which improves both strength and muscle development. Unique features and benefits: Ergonomic design facilitates a safe and effective pulling motion. Targets the entire back muscle group for comprehensive strength gains. How it improves strength and muscle development: Isolates back muscles to maximize engagement and progression. Accommodates a wide range of user heights and sizes. The Bar Row's versatility makes it perfect for beginners and seasoned gym-goers pursuing that next level of back strength and definition. Ground Based Jammer: Taking Your Training to the Next Level [...]

5 01, 2024

Join Us and Discover the Power of Star Trac Spin Bikes

By |2024-01-05T16:41:38+00:00January 5th, 2024|24 Hour Gym, Assault Bike Workouts, Brandi Lein, Calorie Management, Cardio Fitness, Expresso Exercise Bikes, Georgia Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Personal Trainers, Star Trac Spin Bikes|Comments Off on Join Us and Discover the Power of Star Trac Spin Bikes

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory Are you ready to take your indoor cycling workouts to the next level? Look no further than Georgia Personal Training and our Star Trac Spin Bikes. With their advanced features, comfortable design, and durable build, these spin bikes are engineered to elevate your fitness journey. In this blog post, we will explore the key features and benefits of these incredible machines. Our members rave about the exceptional performance, comfort, and durability of these bikes. From personal trainers to cycling enthusiasts, we all have discovered a new level of fitness with Star Trac Spin Bikes. Key Features of Star Trac Spin Bikes Star Trac Spin Bikes boast a range of cutting-edge features that enhance your cycling experience. From interactive displays to real-time performance tracking, these bikes take your workouts to new heights. The comfortable design ensures an ergonomic and enjoyable ride, even during long sessions. Plus, the durable build guarantees that your spin bike will withstand the test of time, giving you countless hours of cycling enjoyment. Benefits of Using Star Trac Spin Bikes When it comes to fitness, spin bikes offer a host of benefits. Star Trac Spin Bikes, in particular, provide an effective [...]

29 12, 2023

Unlock Your Fitness Potential with Our Personalized Fitness Coaching!

By |2023-12-29T22:02:10+00:00December 29th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training, Brandi Lein, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personalized Fitness Coaching, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Personal Trainers|Comments Off on Unlock Your Fitness Potential with Our Personalized Fitness Coaching!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory In the fast-paced world of fitness, achieving your goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. With countless workout routines, nutrition plans, and conflicting advice, it is easy to get lost on your fitness journey. That is where Personalized Fitness Coaching services from Georgia Personal Training come in. By providing tailored guidance, support, and expertise, fitness coaching services can help you unlock your true potential and achieve the results you desire. Benefits of Fitness Coaching When it comes to fitness, one size does not fit all. Here are some key benefits of investing in personalized fitness coaching services: Personalized Training Plans: A dedicated coach will design a training program specifically tailored to your goals, fitness level, and preferences. This ensures that every workout is optimized for your unique needs. Nutritional Advice: Nutrition plays a vital role in achieving your fitness goals. A coach will provide personalized nutritional guidance, helping you make informed choices and optimize your diet for optimal performance and results. Progress Tracking: Tracking your progress is crucial to stay motivated and measure your success. Your coach will monitor your progress, provide feedback, and make necessary adjustments to your training plan to ensure continuous improvement. [...]

22 12, 2023

Visit Our Website to See the Most Complete List of Overall Body Fitness We Cover!

By |2023-12-22T15:18:40+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Bone Density Exercises, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on Visit Our Website to See the Most Complete List of Overall Body Fitness We Cover!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory The bones in your body provide the foundation for your health. As you age, your bones can lose density and strength. This may increase the risk of breaking a bone or having other serious medical problems. Studies show that weight-bearing exercise—such as walking or standing on a stability ball—can help prevent falls and injuries among older adults. Georgia Personal Training and our Professional Trainers focus on all aspects of the human body including Bone Density Exercises. Bones are the framework that supports and protects your body. They're made up of minerals, such as calcium, and proteins. Your bones can break if they aren't strong enough to withstand the pressure placed on them by daily activities or trauma. In order to maintain strong bones throughout life, it is important to engage in physical activity that strengthens them--such as weight bearing exercises like running or jogging--and consume enough calcium-rich foods like dairy products (milk) or leafy greens (collard greens). In addition to good nutrition and exercise, there are several other things that can help you maintain strong bones. One of these is adequate vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a role in bone [...]

13 12, 2023

Our Professional Trainers are Knowledgeable and Focus on All Aspect of Training Including Joint Integrity

By |2023-12-13T23:28:47+00:00December 13th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Joint Integrity Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Roswell Personal Trainers, Workout Hydration|Comments Off on Our Professional Trainers are Knowledgeable and Focus on All Aspect of Training Including Joint Integrity

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory1 If you are looking to strengthen your joints, there are many options available. Joint Integrity Training is a great way to keep your joints healthy and flexible. The Professional Personal Trainers at Georgia Personal Training will help you perform joint strength exercises. Joint Integrity Training Joint Integrity Training is a series of exercises that focuses on strengthening the joints. It is a great way to improve overall health and reduce the risk of injury, especially for those who participate in activities such as running or playing sports. Some examples of exercises you can do include: Squatting with weights held at chest level (with arms outstretched) for 10 seconds; then holding weight overhead for 10 seconds before returning back down again. Doing side lunges while balancing on one leg Note: (drinking water) during a workout can help prevent cramps, which often occur due to dehydration. You can further strengthen your joints by doing some exercises that focus on strengthening the muscles around them. Examples of these exercises include: Do a bicep curl with dumbbells for 10 repetitions. then hold weights out at shoulder level with palms facing down for 10 seconds before returning back to [...]

6 12, 2023

Join Us for Some Beneficial Circuit Training!

By |2023-12-06T14:38:59+00:00December 6th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Circuit Training, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Full-Body Circuit Training, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on Join Us for Some Beneficial Circuit Training!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory Circuit Training is a great workout that is offered at Georgia Personal Training. It can help you get stronger, lose weight, and improve your overall fitness. It is also extremely scalable so you can make it harder or easier depending on your current level of fitness and goals. In this article we will talk about the circuit training benefits including what they are and how they work! Kettlebells for Circuit Training Kettlebells are a great tool for building strength and burning fat. They are an effective form of high-intensity interval training that can help you lose weight, build muscle and get stronger. Kettlebells are also an effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. And if you are pushing yourself hard enough, it can even be a form of strength training. If you are not sure about how to use kettlebells for weight loss, the professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training will teach you. Circuit Training Cardio Benefits Circuit training is a form of aerobic exercise, also known as high intensity interval training (HIIT). It is a good way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn fat, which can help you lose weight and maintain [...]

29 11, 2023

Give Someone Special a Personal Training Membership Gift this Christmas!

By |2023-11-29T19:45:53+00:00November 29th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Georgia Personal Training, Gift Certificates, Matt Lein, Personal Training Membership Gift, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Give Someone Special a Personal Training Membership Gift this Christmas!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory Personal Training Membership Gift We all want to look and feel our best, but it can be hard to get started with a new fitness routine. That is where personal training comes in! Not only does it make working out more fun, but it also helps keep you accountable for your progress. Consider buying a Personal Training Membership Gift this Christmas for someone you care about.  This can be an awesome present that keeps on giving. You will want to choose the right type of membership depending on what kinds of activities they like doing (if they are into yoga or Pilates, maybe consider purchasing them one month at each studio). If the person has specific goals in mind such as weight loss or improving their endurance levels, there are lots of options available. However, your best option is to contact the Professional Personal Training staff at Georgia Personal Training. Personal training is a great way to stay fit and healthy, but it is also an excellent gift idea for anyone who wants to get into shape. It can be difficult to come up with personal training ideas if you [...]

16 11, 2023

For Overall Fitness Including Leg Conditioning, See Us Today for a Free Consultation!

By |2023-11-16T17:08:33+00:00November 16th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Leg Conditioning, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on For Overall Fitness Including Leg Conditioning, See Us Today for a Free Consultation!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory Leg Conditioning is an important part of overall fitness. It is not just about toning up your thighs and calves; it also helps keep your hips and glutes stronger. If you are looking to improve your posture and balance, leg conditioning may be right for you. Georgia Personal Training is a premiere Personal Training Studio in Atlanta Georgia and can assist with your Leg Conditioning. Full Leg Conditioning Leg conditioning is important for overall health and wellness. It is also important for everyday tasks, sports and recreation, and even posture. The muscles in your legs support you as you stand up and walk around. They help keep you balanced as well as allow you to move around efficiently without falling over or injuring yourself. If your legs are weak then they will not do these things well which may lead to problems in other areas of the body such as back pain or knee injuries because they are not getting enough support from below them when they try moving around on their own accord (e.g., bending down). When we talk about leg conditioning, we are not only referring to your [...]

11 11, 2023

Our Team Focuses on Total Body Fitness Including Lower Back Strengthening!

By |2023-11-11T00:39:38+00:00November 11th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Georgia Personal Training, Lower Back Strengthening, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on Our Team Focuses on Total Body Fitness Including Lower Back Strengthening!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory The lower back is a complex and often-overlooked part of our bodies, but it is an essential one. Our lower back supports our entire upper body and has to bear the brunt of each step we take. The lower back also helps us stand upright and maintain good posture. So how can you keep your lower back strong so that it can do its job well? At Georgia Personal Training, we help our clients with Lower Back Strengthening exercises and routines. Lower Back Strengthening Benefits The lower back strengthening benefits are numerous. If you have a weak lower back, it can lead to poor posture and even muscle imbalances. Having a strong core helps with balance, stability and even performance in sports. A strong core also helps prevent injury by stabilizing the body during movement. If you are looking for ways to improve your health and fitness level, then consider starting with some simple exercises like planks or crunches that target the muscles around your spine while strengthening them at the same time! The plank is one of the best exercises for your core muscles. It is a great way [...]

3 11, 2023

Join Our Personal Training Program and Develop all of Your Muscles including the Glutes!

By |2023-11-03T13:06:03+00:00November 3rd, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Georgia Personal Training, Glute Sculpting, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on Join Our Personal Training Program and Develop all of Your Muscles including the Glutes!

Roswell Fitness Factory (Georgia Personal Training) The gluteal muscles are the largest muscles in the body. They support your spine, as well as provide balance and leverage for movement. When you do squats or lunges, you strengthen your glutes. However, there are also specific exercises that target your butt directly. These exercises are called "Glute Sculpting" exercises and include leg curls, hip thrusts and kickbacks. Glute Sculpting The glute muscles are a group of muscles that make up the buttocks. They are responsible for moving the lower limbs and stabilizing the pelvis, spine and hip during movement. The gluteal muscles include: Gluteus maximus - largest muscle in human body and primary extensor of thigh at hip joint (leg straight) or knee joint (knee bent) Gluteus Medius - lateral rotator of hip joint Gluteus minimus is a small muscle that lies deep to the gluteus Medius. It originates on the outer surface of the ilium (hip bone) and inserts on the posterior surface of the greater trochanter (bony process at superior end of femur). Gluteus minimus works with gluteus Medius to abduct and rotate thigh outwards. The gluteus minimus muscle is part of the posterior hip [...]

26 10, 2023

We Have Extensive Knowledge Regarding Heart Rate Training!

By |2023-10-26T11:59:18+00:00October 26th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Brandi Lein, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Heart Rate Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training Center, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on We Have Extensive Knowledge Regarding Heart Rate Training!

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory For years, running has been the gold standard for cardiovascular fitness. But with the advent of technology, it is now possible to monitor your heart rate without ever having to run a single step. This is known as Heart Rate Training, and it uses a device called an electrocardiograph (ECG) that measures how hard your heart is working during exercise so that you can determine whether you're improving your cardiovascular condition over time. Heart rate training is an effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and achieve your health goals by monitoring your heart rate. Heart rate training can be done in the comfort of our Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory facility, with no equipment needed other than a watch or smartphone app that tracks it for you. You will be able to see how well you're doing over time with this method of measuring fitness progress, which will motivate you even more! How Do I Know if My Heart Rate is Too High? If your heart rate goes above 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, you are likely over-exerting yourself. If this happens, you may experience symptoms like [...]

19 10, 2023

We Stress The Importance of Workout Hydration

By |2023-10-19T14:31:14+00:00October 19th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Calorie Management, Cardiovascular Fitness, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Workout Hydration|Comments Off on We Stress The Importance of Workout Hydration

Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory In today's fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to stay healthy and active. One of the best ways to do this is by working out regularly. But exercise can be hard on your body if you are not properly hydrated. In fact, there are many benefits associated with proper workout hydration including increased endurance and performance levels as well as decreased muscle cramping and fatigue during workouts. At Georgia Personal Training/Roswell Fitness Factory we stress the Importance of Workout Hydration. Importance of Workout Hydration While it is important to stay hydrated during a workout, it is even more important after. Your body needs water to recover and repair itself after exercise. Not only that, but dehydration can lead to fatigue and muscle soreness--which means you're less likely to want to work out again in the future! So, what does this mean for you? You should always be drinking water before, during and after your next workout session! Here are some tips for getting enough water in your diet: Drink water before, during and after meals. Avoid sugary drinks like soda and juice--these will just make you thirstier. Try [...]

13 10, 2023

The Premier Personal Training Studio In Roswell, East Cobb

By |2023-10-13T14:29:31+00:00October 13th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Kettlebell Workouts, Matt Lein, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on The Premier Personal Training Studio In Roswell, East Cobb

GEORGIA PERSONAL TRAINING Georgia Personal Training is the best personal training option for you.  We are a Premiere Personal Training Studio in Atlanta that provides customized workouts and nutrition plans to help our clients achieve their fitness goals. With over 15 years of experience, we can help you reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible! Our experienced trainers will design a plan specific to your needs, whether you are looking for weight loss or muscle gain. We offer multiple membership options so that everyone has access to our services at an affordable price point. The gym is located in Roswell, Georgia and serves the surrounding area. They have a great reputation for being a premiere personal training studio that offers personalized service to each of their clients. Georgia Personal Training Studio also offers group classes, which are perfect for those who want to work out with friends or family members. Personal Trainers at Premiere Personal Training Studio Matt Lein, Georgia Personal Training's Head Trainer Matt has been a personal trainer since 2008. He began his fitness career at a gym in his hometown area of Roswell, Georgia. He has a passion for helping people achieve [...]

6 10, 2023

We Offer Tailored Personal Training per client as “one size does not fit all”!

By |2023-10-06T12:41:35+00:00October 6th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training for Moms, Roswell Fitness Factory, Tailored Personal Training|Comments Off on We Offer Tailored Personal Training per client as “one size does not fit all”!

The Roswell Fitness Factory You deserve a personal trainer who is dedicated to your results. Our certified personal trainers provide Tailored Personal Training per client and are trained in the latest exercise science. We will offer you a customized plan to you, your goals, and your current level of fitness. Your workouts will be specifically designed to achieve your desired physical results. Our goal is to help you reach your goals through strength training, cardiovascular training, and proper nutritional guidance. A personal trainer can help you achieve your goals, avoid injury, and stay motivated throughout the process. They also know how to get the most out of each workout so that it is not just about getting in shape but also about maximizing what you do during those 90 minutes or less each week. And a personal trainer can help you get started with the right exercises and develop a plan that is tailored to your needs. They will also provide accountability to keep you going when things get tough. The Benefits of Personal Trainer Personal trainers can help you achieve your fitness goals faster. They are an invaluable resource for anyone looking to become more active, lose weight and [...]

28 09, 2023

While we Prefer Morning Workouts, We Train When It Is Convenient for our Clients!

By |2023-09-28T12:28:46+00:00September 28th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training Center, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory|Comments Off on While we Prefer Morning Workouts, We Train When It Is Convenient for our Clients!

Roswell Fitness Factory There is no doubt about it: Morning Workouts out can be a pain. You have to drag yourself out of bed, squeeze in time when you are already busy with work or school, and then invest in some new clothes (or at least take the ones you already have out of the dryer). All that aside, though, there are certain workouts that are better for certain times of day. Some people prefer morning workouts; others love evening workouts. And still others fall somewhere between those two time slots. In this article we will dive into three different types of workouts—cardio, strength training and interval training—and compare them based on how they affect your body at different hours throughout the day. Yoga Yoga is a great way to start your day and it is also a great way to relax at the end of it. Yoga helps you stretch and improve your flexibility, which can reduce stress on muscles in the body. Yoga is also a good way to unwind after work or school because it involves deep breathing, which helps calm your mind by slowing down its activity level. Yoga can also [...]


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