Georgia Personal Training subscribes to the belief that your body is your temple
Georgia Personal Training (GPT) Nutrition is such a talked about issue. What we eat and in what quantities will make a difference in how we feel, think and go about our day to day lives. I have heard a great line by some in the fitness industry that goes, "eat your food like it is medicine otherwise you will be eating your medicine like it is your food". Really impactful when you stop and think about it. At GPT, our professional trainers are committed to fitness. Not just looking lean and muscular but also having a body that is properly fueled by the right nutrients. Here you will be taught exercises to augment an otherwise sedentary lifestyle and how to eat foods that maximize our body's performance. While we can not change everything that impacts us, we can make changes to ourselves like the shape of our bodies. All it takes is focus and commitment. Honoring Your Body Your body is your temple. It means that it is a place you should hold in high esteem. While we obviously do not want to worship ourselves, we do want to care enough about ourselves to take care of our bodies so we [...]