We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com
18 06, 2024

Transform Your Body with Personal Training Body Fat Control

By |2024-06-18T16:02:36+00:00June 18th, 2024|24 Hour Gym, Body Sculpting, Calorie Management, Cardio Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, East Cobb Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Personal Training for Body Fat Reduction, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Georgia Personal Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Tailored Personal Training, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Transform Your Body with Personal Training Body Fat Control

Georgia Personal Training Personal Training Body Fat Control is not just about looking good; it is about feeling good too. Excess body fat can lead to various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. By focusing on body fat reduction, you are not only improving your appearance but also enhancing your overall health and well-being. The professional personal trainers at Georgia Personal Training can help you reduce and control your body fat. Health Benefits of Lower Body Fat Lowering your body fat has numerous health benefits. First and foremost, it reduces the risk of chronic diseases. With less fat around vital organs, your heart and liver can function more effectively. Additionally, lower body fat levels can improve your metabolic rate, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. Increased Energy Levels - When you reduce body fat, you may notice an increase in your energy levels. Carrying excess fat can make you feel sluggish and tired. By shedding those extra pounds, you'll feel more energetic and ready to tackle your daily activities with enthusiasm. Enhanced Physical Performance - Lower body fat can also enhance your physical performance. Whether you're an athlete or just enjoy staying [...]

25 08, 2023

Stretching is an Important Part of Workout Routines!

By |2023-08-25T18:58:45+00:00August 25th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Gym, Georgia Personal Training, Gym Fitness, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory, Stretching Exercises|Comments Off on Stretching is an Important Part of Workout Routines!

The Roswell Fitness Factory Stretching is an essential part of any workout. It can help prevent injuries and increase flexibility, which helps you move more easily through your day. Stretching also helps with recovery after exercise, which allows your body to get stronger and more efficient at performing daily activities such as standing up from a chair or bending over to tie your shoes. At The Roswell Fitness Factory, we coach on proper Stretching Techniques. The following stretches can be done before or after exercise, as well as at any time throughout your day. Stretching is a great way to prevent injury and improve flexibility. Stretching Techniques Stretch after you have worked out. This will help prevent soreness and improve flexibility in the muscles you have used. Stretch before bedtime if you want to sleep better and have less pain in the morning. Do some light stretches when getting ready for an exercise session or run/walk, especially if it has been more than a few hours since your last workout. This helps loosen up tight muscles and make them less prone to injury during strenuous activity later on in the day (or night). It also improves circulation so that blood [...]

12 05, 2023

We Are a Full-Service Personal Training Center and 24 Hour Gym

By |2023-05-12T14:06:46+00:00May 12th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Body Sculpting, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Hiring a Personal Fitness Trainer, Matt Lein, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Personal Training Center, Personal Training Coach, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Factory, Roswell Fitness Training, Sports Agility Training|Comments Off on We Are a Full-Service Personal Training Center and 24 Hour Gym

Roswell Fitness Factory The world is always changing, and so are people's needs. We recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fitness or nutrition. That is why our trainers will work with you to create a personalized program that meets your specific goals. Whether you want to get in shape, lose weight or improve your performance at work, school or play - we offer Full-Service Personal Training and can help! Personal Training Weight Loss Weight loss is an important part of the personal training process. It can help you get in shape, feel better about yourself, and reduce your risk for health problems such as heart disease. A person's weight is measured in kilograms (kg), which are units of mass that reflect how much matter an object has. The more matter an object contains, the more it weighs. If a person weighs more than what is considered healthy for their height and age group (based on BMI), they are considered obese. Being overweight or obese puts you at greater risk of developing serious medical conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and certain types of cancer--including colorectal cancer. Personal Training Fat [...]

12 01, 2023

Join the Georgia Personal Training Program and Take Your Fitness to a New Level

By |2023-01-12T15:52:53+00:00January 12th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Martial Arts Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Weight Lifting, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Join the Georgia Personal Training Program and Take Your Fitness to a New Level

Georgia Personal Training Georgia Personal Training has been a staple in the Atlanta area for over 15 years. We are known for our high-quality personal training, martial arts, yoga and bootcamps programs. Our team of professional coaches will help you reach your goals whether it be weight loss or getting in shape! We are a personal training studio that offers fitness plans and workouts that are customized to each individual's needs. We offer Group Fitness or Individual classes in kickboxing, bootcamp, HIIT training and physique sculpting. The instructors at Georgia Personal Training have years of experience working with clients from all walks of life. Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle tone, our trainers will help you reach your goal with an individualized workout plan designed specifically for you. Check out our website at www.georgiapersonaltraining.com. Group Fitness Group fitness classes are a great way to get in shape and have fun at the same time. At our gym, you’ll find group fitness classes for all ages and skill levels. We offer a variety of different types of group fitness classes that focus on different areas of fitness – from strength training to cardio exercises! Group fitness is an [...]

5 01, 2023

Contact us at Georgia Personal Training Regarding Your Fitness Goals

By |2023-01-05T16:22:46+00:00January 5th, 2023|24 Hour Gym, Atlanta Fitness Center, Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Eating for Fitness, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Healthy Fitness Lifestyle, High School Athletic Personal Training, Matt Lein, Roswell Fitness Training, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Contact us at Georgia Personal Training Regarding Your Fitness Goals

Georgia Personal Training Let's face it: the gym is intimidating. You don't know where to start, and you're always worried about looking silly in front of everyone else there. That's why we started Georgia Personal Training. We provide a safe place for people to get fit and healthy, with personalized nutrition coaching and fitness training that fits your needs! If you want to lose weight and get in shape, but don't know where to begin or what exercises to do, Georgia Personal Training is the answer. Our talented Fitness Trainers will help you find your personal fitness goals so that you can start feeling better about yourself today! Agility Agility is the ability to change direction quickly and with balance. Agility is a key component of basketball, football, soccer, and other sports. Agility is also important for everyday life—you may need to move through crowded spaces or navigate stairs in an emergency situation. Agility training can help improve your balance and coordination; a stronger base will keep you from falling off the edge of that roof you're working on or tripping over that pile of sticks (or whatever). Posture Bad posture is an epidemic in America. The culprit? Sitting at [...]

15 06, 2022

Receive one Free Personal Training Session at Georgia Personal Training

By |2022-06-15T20:20:56+00:00June 15th, 2022|24 Hour Gym, Benefits of Family Owned Personal Training, Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training, Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Transforming Physiques, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Receive one Free Personal Training Session at Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training Without getting into that comparative discussion on Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen X etc., depending on which group you fall into, "Body Sculpting" may or may not be all that important to you. However, with Summer about to be in full swing, many people want to have that perfect beach body. The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training not only improve the overall health of the members but they can also sculpt a physique better than any other personal training business in the Atlanta metro. Matt Lein Read below and see just how our owners Matt and Brandi Lein go about the steps of improving a customer's physique while also improving strength, stamina and nutritional habits. It is never too late to get in shape for the summer! While summer is just weeks away, this is the perfect time to get started with personal training because anything you start doing now will already make a difference. You can do many things to get ready for summer: Try our complimentary one–hour personal training session and then sign up for the number of personal training sessions that fits your schedule and budget. Take advantage of great classes like [...]

5 06, 2022

Georgia Personal Training Teaches Eating for Fitness

By |2022-10-04T13:53:00+00:00June 5th, 2022|24 Hour Gym, Benefits of Family Owned Personal Training, Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training, Benefits of Morning Workouts, Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Eating for Fitness, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Gym Fitness, Nutrition, Obesity, Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training Teaches Eating for Fitness

Georgia Personal Training makes a difference in the lives of those we serve There are so many challenges we are all faced with. Often we reward ourselves by indulging in food and drink that is so pleasing that it makes us feel better about the difficulties we are faced with. While this is common and understandable, the long term effects of eating foods that are on the list of harmful, sometimes make the the short term feeling of pleasure turn to regret. Georgia Personal Training teaches and encourages the practice or displine of Eating for Fitness. Our owner, Matt Lein, who himself is a certified and talented personal trainer, has summed it up well in a previous article. When it comes to nutritional self discipline, he and his wife, Co - Owner Brandi Lein, are as dedicated as they come. Their ability to stay true to a healthy nutritional diet helps them to educate and encourage their clients to do the same. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."  Whether you are religious or not, this statement has special meaning [...]

20 05, 2022

Georgia Personal Training specialize in Transforming Physiques

By |2022-05-20T12:21:09+00:00May 20th, 2022|Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Transforming Physiques, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training specialize in Transforming Physiques

Georgia Personal Training customers enjoy unlimited access to our Anytime 24 hour fitness center. Exercising and moving your body is important no matter what your end goal may be. Some people go through various routines for the purpose of looking physically fit. Look at Hollywood Stars that transform their bodies for various movie parts. Other people have routines that they are committed to because they are training for a sport. For example Baseball, Football, Swimming or Running etc. The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training help clients with Transforming Physiques and improving overall health. Matt Lein and Brandi Lein are the owners and professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training. For many years they have been impacting people by changing their physical and mental fitness. Below is a repost of a great article written by Matt a few years ago regarding the varying motivations people have for working out. The article is very relevant and worth revisiting. First let me say that anyone who has the discipline to train gets our respect. Regardless of why you train, we believe that fitness training will improve your quality of life. We also believe that fitness training can and likely will improve your overall [...]

22 01, 2022

Georgia Personal Training helps with Body Sculpting

By |2022-01-22T21:07:56+00:00January 22nd, 2022|Body Sculpting, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training helps with Body Sculpting

Georgia Personal Training Body Sculpting Many people at the gym seem to be using these foam rollers. I was curious what the benefit was so did some research. Seems as though in the overall pursuit of Body Sculpting, foam rollers have benefits. The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training include Body Sculpting in their long list of training routines. Reports on foam rollers indicate that they are beneficial in reducing tension. In addition, they help to extend the length of various muscles. Indeed, longer muscles can help with the leaner look often a focus of Body Sculpting. There are many scientific words used to define the benefits of the foam roller. However, below is more commonly recognized terminology to help explain. Muscles that are either inactive for long periods of time or used in excess for repetitive motions, can allow for collagen build up. This collagen prevents the muscles from working together properly. Using a foam roller will help to keep that collagen from building up. Muscle tension generated during working out can reduce the mobility of the joints. The foam roller will release that muscle tightness and allow the joints to function more freely. Often after strenuous workouts, muscle [...]

8 01, 2022

Georgia Personal Training helps clients with Hypertrophic Training

By |2022-01-08T15:26:04+00:00January 8th, 2022|Body Sculpting, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Hypertrophic Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training helps clients with Hypertrophic Training

GPT Hypertrophic Training Decreasing Body Fat, Changing Body Composition You may have heard the term "Spot Reduction" when doing research regarding weight loss and body sculpting. The professionals at Georgia Personal Training (GPT) have studied the science that addresses the fat reduction of problem areas. They know that the idea of focusing on a single area of isolated muscles will not physically burn off those fat cells. Instead they embrace the concepts of Hypertrophic Training, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and nutrition. With these concepts, the combination of cardio and resistance training focuses on gaining muscle mass in the large and small muscle groups. Therefore, this increase in muscle mass consequently demands a larger need for energy. Whenever there is a need for more energy, the body seeks this energy from the fatty acids which are stored in fat cells. In summary, fat reduction.   Over 50% of Americans are actively trying to lose weight according to the CDC.  Getting rid of stubborn body fat is essential for sculpting your best physique.  However, fat reduction is an entirely different undertaking than hypertrophic weight training. While muscle can be selectively added to specific areas of the body, you cannot pick and [...]

9 12, 2021

At Georgia Personal Training we mix up the routines to keep our clients motivated and engaged

By |2021-12-09T15:50:52+00:00December 9th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized, Weight Loss|Comments Off on At Georgia Personal Training we mix up the routines to keep our clients motivated and engaged

Georgia Personal Training Do you ever struggle with motivation to work out? The professionals at Georgia Personal Training (GPT) understand that and mix up personal training routines so that exercise stays interesting and fun. That keeps our clients coming back. If you are not a client of GPT or personal training, we encourage you to give us a try. We would be honored to meet you and provide a free consultation on your goals and desires for a more fit body and mind. We have studied all facets of physical fitness training and are confident we could develop a customized routine that would keep you motivated and coming back for more. There are all types of personal trainers. Some only focus on one aspect of fitness while others including GPT, have a broader approach. At GPT we realize how so many elements tie into the complete package of being with sound body and mind. Below is a list of the all encompassing programs available at GPT.   TRAINING SERVICES INCLUDE Weight Loss/Fat Loss Physique Sculpting Nutritional Coaching Sport Specific Strength Training Sport Specific Endurance Training Speed and Agility Rehabilitation Prehab/Injury Prevention HIIT Training Kickboxing Bootcamp In addition, we invite you [...]

27 11, 2021

Georgia Personal Training adds Boot Camp style workouts to their wide variety of result oriented routines

By |2021-11-27T17:12:28+00:00November 27th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Matt Lein, Morning Workouts, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Zumba Class|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training adds Boot Camp style workouts to their wide variety of result oriented routines

Georgia Personal Training Personally, I have never tried a Boot Camp Class but I have friends and family who swear by it. In fact there is a Boot Camp gym directly across from my gym. By all appearances, the people in side seem to really be into the routines and enjoying themselves. The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training (GPT) are firm believers in the overall health benefits of Boot Camp style work outs. As I researched a bit more, the benefits do seem to be valuable and very measurable. What I found is that: You can see more rapid results. You will have a support group of people to work out with. You will learn the routines and be able to use them when you are traveling or just not able to make it to the class. You will more time than not lose weight if you stick to the routines. You will develop not just better physical strength and stamina but also a stronger mental outlook. You will have fun. In the excerpt below, the owners of GPT explain Boot Camp in much more in-depth detail. Members at Anytime 24 Hour Fitness and Georgia Personal Training Center really [...]

19 11, 2021

The professionals at Georgia Personal Training believe the commitment to being in better physical condition is a never ending endeavor

By |2021-11-19T15:15:42+00:00November 19th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Baseball Skills Training, Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, New Year's Resolutions, Nutrition, Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The professionals at Georgia Personal Training believe the commitment to being in better physical condition is a never ending endeavor

Georgia Personal Training It is still early to be thinking about a New Year's resolution to get in better physical condition. However, the holiday season is upon us and before you know it will be a new year. The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training are focused on helping clients get into top condition and meet goals for the entire year. Once a client commits to becoming a student of ours we are all in each and every training session. We feel that exercise and nutrition are critical to a happy and healthy life. Every year, people make New Year's resolutions to lose weight, get fit, and be healthier. But, in order for these to stick and work, it is important to know the reasons behind what you are doing and why it is so important to achieve these health and wellness goals. As personal trainers, here is why we think you owe it to yourself to stay the course with your health and fitness goals: You will feel good about how you look and even better about all the energy and drive you gain from regular exercise. You will be less likely to injure yourself or suffer from health [...]

13 11, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving from the Georgia Personal Training family and staff

By |2021-11-13T14:51:22+00:00November 13th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Flyline Search Marketing, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Thanksgiving, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving from the Georgia Personal Training family and staff

Georgia Personal Training It is almost Thanksgiving! This favorite of holidays brings families together and is a great time for fellowship and good food. On behalf of the Georgia Personal Training family, we wish you a blessed and a Very Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving evolved in 1621. As we all know from our history studies, it was a bitterly cold winter when the Pilgrims first landed in America. They were able to survive by the generosity of the Native Americans that shared food with them. To repay their new friends, the Pilgrims held a three day feast. The bounty they shared included dried fruits, boiled pumpkin, turkey, venison and other foods. A slightly different menu from what we are accustomed to but no doubt a delightful feast at that time. Over the many years the theme of a celebration of harvest has continued to evolve. Today we think of Thanksgiving as a time to give thanks for our foundation of this great Nation. Of course it is also the official start of the holiday season and a special time of fellowship with family and friends. After consistent encouragement from some, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a nation wide holiday in 1863. The [...]

24 10, 2021

The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training focus on core strength training and development

By |2021-10-24T15:13:01+00:00October 24th, 2021|Body Sculpting, Brandi Lein, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training focus on core strength training and development

Georgia Personal Training (GPT) I am not sure about everyone but for me personally, working my core is just not the most enjoyable part of any routine. However, having a strong core is so vital to ones overall physical strength and body functionality. The professionals at GPT have designed programs that make working the core muscles less of a chore and perhaps a little more fun. Below, our owners Matt and Brandi Lein discuss the importance of core work outs and how they structure different exercise routines to help personal training clients achieve maximum results. You might have read about the importance of core strength or heard about it from someone who works out a lot. However, you still may not be sure why it should be a focal point in your fitness routine. The core muscles are considered to be the most important muscles for human function and overall physical performance. While you may not realize it because you unconsciously stand up, bend over, or reach for things, all movement stems from the core. The Mayo Clinic put together an in-depth explanation of the value of working your core. The muscles in your core help to move, support, and stabilize [...]

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