Georgia Personal Training

Let’s face it: the gym is intimidating. You don’t know where to start, and you’re always worried about looking silly in front of everyone else there. That’s why we started Georgia Personal Training. We provide a safe place for people to get fit and healthy, with personalized nutrition coaching and fitness training that fits your needs! If you want to lose weight and get in shape, but don’t know where to begin or what exercises to do, Georgia Personal Training is the answer. Our talented Fitness Trainers will help you find your personal fitness goals so that you can start feeling better about yourself today!


Agility is the ability to change direction quickly and with balance. Agility is a key component of basketball, football, soccer, and other sports. Agility is also important for everyday life—you may need to move through crowded spaces or navigate stairs in an emergency situation. Agility training can help improve your balance and coordination; a stronger base will keep you from falling off the edge of that roof you’re working on or tripping over that pile of sticks (or whatever).


Bad posture is an epidemic in America. The culprit? Sitting at a desk, hunched over a phone or computer screen for hours on end. Over time, this can lead to serious health problems like back pain and neck strain.

To help you avoid these issues and keep your body in optimal alignment, our Fitness Trainers  rounded up some of the best exercises for improving posture:

Sit up straight when you’re working at a desk or sitting on the couch watching TV. Try to make sure that the major muscles of your back are engaged without being overly tensed (you’ll be able to tell if they are because it will feel tight). Breathe deeply into your belly—this helps keep you relaxed so that you don’t tighten more than needed by holding in air under stress or anxiety. If possible, take breaks from sitting every hour or so for standing stretches like reaching high above head level with arms outstretched above head (like Frankenstein’s monster walking), wide leg marches across room while reaching forward with opposite arm and leg in front of body (like running forward from side plank position), walking lunges forward with front knee bent while keeping toes pulled slightly inward toward shinbone.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly over a period of time. It’s important in athletics, but also in many other physical activities that require repetitive movement, such as painting or cooking. Muscular endurance is determined by two factors: 1) how long you can perform an exercise before your muscles fatigue and 2) the maximum amount of weight that you can lift. You can improve your muscular endurance by stretching before exercising and strengthening smaller muscles like those in your calves and shoulders. A good example of muscular endurance is Olympic weightlifting; these athletes must perform many repetitions of lifts at high intensity without fatiguing their muscles too quickly so they can lift progressively heavier weights each time until they reach their maximum capacity for strength.

Weight Loss

We all want to look good and feel good. One of the most important ways to do so is by losing weight, especially if you have a lot of extra pounds. Losing weight does not mean that you can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise enough. In fact, there are many myths about what works when it comes to losing weight. Here’s what we know: The best way to lose weight is through a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. This method increases your metabolism over time, which makes it easier for your body to burn fat instead of storing it in fat cells around your abdomen or thighs (which can lead to health problems).

Fitness Trainers

Nutritional Coaching

  • Eat the right food
  • Eat the right amount of food
  • Eat the right food at the right time
  • Eat the right way (for example: don’t eat large portions during your workout)

For your body. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, eat foods that are higher in protein and lower in carbs. If you need more energy throughout the day, eat carbohydrates with some protein (like oatmeal with berries). If you’re trying to build muscle, eat proteins with some carbohydrates. To avoid feeling bloated after a big meal or snack try eating smaller portions often throughout the day instead of eating one large meal at night. These tips will help keep your body functioning properly for years to come!


Metabolism is the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. It involves a number of different chemical reactions, many of which take place in the cells of your body’s organs. Your metabolism is influenced by genetics, age and lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and sleep. Our bodies are designed to adapt to our lifestyles – eating more calories than we burn will make us gain weight; eating fewer calories than we expend will cause weight loss. Good nutrition is key for a healthy metabolism! The best way to improve your metabolic rate is with regular exercise combined with healthy eating habits. That being said, there isn’t one perfect “metabolism-boosting” diet – what matters most is that you find something that works for you (and consistently stick with it).

Fitness Trainers

Cardiovascular Conditioning

Cardio is a term that means cardiovascular conditioning. Cardiovascular exercise helps to improve heart health, burn fat and build muscle, and increase the overall fitness level of your body. Cardio exercises help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism while also reducing stress levels. Cardio can be done at home or outside in nature. If you have access to an open field or park, try running, walking briskly up hills, jogging with resistance bands around your ankles (to simulate hills), biking fast on flat ground or uphill (with resistance), swimming freestyle laps with arms only for an interval training workout that lasts about 20 minutes per session; do this for three days per week for maximum results in 4-6 weeks’ time frame!


I hope this blog has inspired you to get on the path to a healthier lifestyle. The best way to do it? Start small and keep going! Get started with the tips we’ve given you here today, and before long you’ll find yourself being more active without even realizing it.



About Georgia Personal Training

We are one of the premier personal training studios in metro Atlanta. We offer elite level training programs, Fitness Trainers as well as nutritional coaching at very affordable prices. We also operate one of the nicest gyms in the city of Roswell as well. Our fitness center is open 24 hours to our members. Both our fitness center and Georgia Personal Training operate from our Roswell facility, which is located at 9420 Willeo Road, Roswell, Georgia 30075. Our gym is equipped with state-of-the-art strength training and cardio equipment. We operate one of the best equipped fitness centers in the city of Roswell. Our fitness center features many specialized pieces of equipment, used in training sports performance and traditional gym clients. Georgia Personal Training customers enjoy unlimited access to fitness center. Open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Making A Difference in The Lives Of Those We Serve


Lose That Unwanted Weight
Improve Your Cardiovascular Health
Change Your Body Composition & Reduce Overall Body Fat
Sculpt Your Physique into The Body You Want


Learn Cutting Edge Training Techniques
Shorten Recovery Time & Prevent Future Injuries
Optimize Your Metabolism
Challenge Yourself Mentally & Physically


Nutritional Coaching & Sports Nutrition
Highly Skilled, Kind & Thoughtful Trainers
Affordable Programs, Flexible Training Schedules


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086
