We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com

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25 02, 2016

Fitness Training For Special Needs Clients

By |2020-01-21T12:46:48+00:00February 25th, 2016|Fitness Training for Special Needs Clients, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Training|Comments Off on Fitness Training For Special Needs Clients

Fitness Programs For Special Needs Clients Our team at Georgia Personal Training is dedicated to providing the best possible experience to every client we serve. There are times when we are challenged to deliver services to folks living with special needs. One example is the work we do with a number of residents of the Just People Independent living facility. We have worked with Just People Village here in Roswell, Georgia for a number of years. Our gym is literally right next door to their living facility. Just People offers comfortable and safe living accommodations for people with various handicaps and challenges. Our fitness trainers create highly individualized personal training programs for special needs clients. They will tell you that the workouts may appear really different from traditional personal training sessions, but, that special needs clients require a far more unique approach. They all come to us with special circumstances and each needs a program tailored to meet their unique needs. They all need and thrive on love, support and encouragement. Our trainers are experts at providing those things and the vast majority of the clients we have served at Just People have stuck with the program for long periods [...]

14 02, 2016

Creating Better Football Players At Georgia Personal Training

By |2016-02-14T09:14:40+00:00February 14th, 2016|Football Agility Training, Football Skills Training, Football Speed Training, Football Strength Training, Georgia Personal Training|Comments Off on Creating Better Football Players At Georgia Personal Training

Speed & Athleticism Dominate The game of football is an amazing sport. It is without a doubt, the most popular sport in the United States today. Most athletes who participate in the sport will tell you, there is simply no other sport that compares. The game is constantly evolving. Athletes who play football need to constantly improve, because all of the other athletes they are competing against are working hard to improve. Mission critical components of the sport are speed, strength, agility and overall athleticism. Trainers at Georgia Personal Training are extremely knowledgeable in how to develop these attributes in the players we work with. At GPT, we specialize in working with players of ages and ability levels. If you want to find success on the football field, you really must work hard to get faster, stronger, quicker and more athletic. It doesn't matter whether you are participating in youth league, high school, college, or playing professional football, our training program can help you achieve your goals. The NFL scouting combine is one great example of how the game has evolved for football players. The combine puts college athletes in a position to demonstrate the skill set necessary to prove [...]

16 01, 2016

The Year Of My Best Body

By |2016-01-16T18:09:50+00:00January 16th, 2016|24 Hour Gym, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on The Year Of My Best Body

Resolutions For The New Year I heard a really great New Years Resolution the other day. I happened to walk by a TV and over heard Oprah Winfrey talking about weight loss and getting into shape.  I believe that I heard her say that she had tried all kinds of diet plans, but, always seemed to gain the weight back. Sounded like she was looking for a more lasting approach. She then announced that she had decided to call 2016, "The Year Of My Best Body." Think about that comment for a second. You know, that approach actually makes sense for lots of people. Most people want to get into better shape. We all talk about loosing weight and getting physically fit with our friends and family. A few of us act on that desire. Unfortunately, the majority that talk about it, don't actually follow through. How many times you have gone to the gym and thought to yourself, I see the same exact folks at the gym every time I go? Maybe it's just me, but, it sure seems like I run into the same folks. The one time of year I tend to see new people at the [...]

3 01, 2016

New Years Resolutions

By |2016-01-03T00:21:00+00:00January 3rd, 2016|24 Hour Gym, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training|Comments Off on New Years Resolutions

Lose Weight, Get Fit, Tone Up One of the most common New Year's resolutions is announcing that you are going to begin a workout program. The sad part is, most don't ever follow through and actually do it. Adding a physical fitness program to your weekly routine could deliver so many benefits for you. Yet if history and the odds are correct, there is a high likelihood that you either will work out a few times the quite or never start at all. Let me be clear here. There are so many benefits you could get from a great workout routine. I really want to encourage you to get off the proverbial couch and follow through. People who workout tend to experience improvements in cardiovascular fitness levels. They generally lose weight. Assuming they include weight training in their workouts, most also see an increased level of muscle tone. Do you have a tough job? If so, you aren't alone. The vast majority of jobs out there are ultra competitive. To succeed, you need to devote a ton of time and energy. The one caution is this. You are no good to anyone in your corporation or in your family if you allow yourself to get sick. One of [...]

10 10, 2015

Sport Specific Training Makes For More Competitive Athletes

By |2015-10-10T18:14:01+00:00October 10th, 2015|Baseball Strength & Conditioning, Football Speed Training, Football Strength Training, Georgia Personal Training, Sports Agility Training|Comments Off on Sport Specific Training Makes For More Competitive Athletes

Collegiate Athletes Are Built From The Ground Up Georgia Personal Training offers a unique approach to training. When athletes come into our facility they quickly realize that our training is unlike anything they have likely encountered in the past. We care about the athletes that come into our facility and work tirelessly to help them achieve success. It's not uncommon at all for one of our clients to be playing their sport, look up into the stands and see Matt their watching them perform. Matt played basketball, baseball, soccer and did karate as a child. He was blessed to have the opportunity to compete in Baseball at the college level. He knows precisely what it takes for one of his student athletes to make it to the next level. He will tell you that watching his athletes compete provides a great opportunity for him to see how the training he is providing is elevating the on field performance of the athlete. Take a look at the attached video clip below. It shows one of the high school baseball ballplayers who trains with Matt Lein at Georgia Personal Training, using the power Shuttle. This particular piece of equipment was specifically purchased [...]

2 10, 2015

GPT Produces Better Baseball Players

By |2015-10-02T20:36:26+00:00October 2nd, 2015|Baseball Skills Training, Baseball Strength & Conditioning, Fitness Training For Baseball Players, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein|Comments Off on GPT Produces Better Baseball Players

Helping Young Athletes Pursue Their Dreams Is What We Do! Parents are constantly telling me that their son lifts weights at school. They are always convinced that will help their son to improve as a baseball player. The truth of the matter is this. Many high school athletes are working out without the benefit of a certified weight lifting or fitness trainer. We talk to baseball players all the time who tell us how much they can bench or how much they military press. It appears as though many high school age athletes are often left to their own devices to figure out what exercises they should be doing. They figure that the simple solution is to do what the football players are doing. That said, they jump on the bench or step up to the curl machine and go to town. We are here to tell you that there is a better way. Georgia Personal Training produces better baseball players through proper speed, strength and agility training. Lets remove the mystery here. There is a right set of exercises a baseball player needs to perform and a wrong set of exercises they should avoid. The athlete themselves should not be [...]

17 09, 2015

Cosmetic Training vs Functional Training

By |2015-09-17T13:08:51+00:00September 17th, 2015|Fitness, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on Cosmetic Training vs Functional Training

Which category do you fall in?  Which style is better? First let me say that anyone who has the discipline to train gets our respect. Regardless of why you train, we believe that fitness training will improve your quality of life. We also believe that fitness training can and likely will improve your overall health and reduce your risk of injury or illness. It is our belief that those who choose to train are likely headed down the path that leads to an overall better life experience. All that said, lets delve into the the questions this article attempts to explore. Again, please keep in mind the article is not attempting to be judgemental, it is simply written in an effort to stir thinking, discussion and hopefully to sway your thinking as to the reasons you should train. What are you really trying to accomplish when you train? Is your goal to look good at the beach or perhaps you just want to potentially be more attractive to the opposite sex? Is your dream to be a famous body builder or figure model? Do you judge your progress by how defined your abs are, or by the size of your biceps and [...]

8 09, 2015

GPT Training Can Improve Your Athletic Performance

By |2023-09-17T00:40:12+00:00September 8th, 2015|24 Hour Gym, Georgia Personal Training, Weight Lifting|Comments Off on GPT Training Can Improve Your Athletic Performance

Bonus Reps Can Help You Tone Up, Get Fit and Gain Strength! Looking to get more results from your weight lifting sessions? Try doing what I call “bonus reps” or “failure sets”. Basically, when you attempt a set on any weight training exercise the idea should be to work the targeted muscle group to the point of failure. Now why do we work to failure? Because the whole point of lifting a weight is to break down the muscle tissue. The more weight you lift and the more times you lift it, the more the tissue is broken down. During your rest and recovery time that muscle tissue heals (or more accurately rebuilds). And when it does, it comes back denser, larger, and stronger than it was before the workout. That is how muscle is built. You tear it down, and then it builds back up. You can greatly enhance the healing process and shorten the rest time with proper nutrition, water intake, ect. One day I was watching the old Arnold documentary “Pumping Iron”. A true masterpiece by the way. So Arnold was basically talking about the most important part of any set is the moment you start [...]

23 08, 2015

GPT Fitness Trainers Provide The Magic Ingredient

By |2015-08-23T15:21:09+00:00August 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on GPT Fitness Trainers Provide The Magic Ingredient

GPT Fitness Trainers Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals Tone Up | Get Fit | Enjoy Life Our training staff works with all kinds of people. We have business people coming in that have really hectic work schedules and need a personal trainer to help them make the most of the available work out time they can carve out. We have seniors who want to keep their fitness levels up because the value the additional flexibility and mobility that working out provides to them. We have women who come in months after giving birth and want to regain their fitness levels, while trimming and toning their bodies back to their pre-baby look. We have lots of young people who come in to work on improving their speed, strength and agility with the knowledge that the increased work and dedication will provide them with enhanced athletic performance in their sport of choice. Regardless of the why, the results are real. When you see the improvements our clients are making, those results tend to speak for themselves. Check out some of the really nice customer testimonials & success stories that our clients have written for us. As we stated before, we train [...]

9 08, 2015

My Favorite Workout

By |2015-08-09T19:52:11+00:00August 9th, 2015|24 Hour Gym, Boxing, Cardio Fitness|Comments Off on My Favorite Workout

This Go To Workout Makes A Difference For Me Do You Have A Favorite Workout? I sure do. Let me tell you about my favorite workout. Last week I was feeling particularly energetic. I decided to jump straight into one of my all time favorite workouts. I love a good combination boxing, kickboxing and MMA style workout. To get the maximum out of this workout, I generally try to use a workout buddy on this one. In order to get the full value from the activity, I need someone brave enough to hold the striking pads, while I punch and kick. In my case, I weigh just under 210 pounds. When I punch and/or kick I do generate some considerable power. It takes someone who knows how to work the hand pads in order for me to get the maximum value from this workout. In total, I try to work steady for about an hour. The workout starts with a series of stretches and some lite cardio. The idea is to get loose and to get my heart rate up a bit, before I jump into the harder parts of the workout. When stretching, I ensure to stretch my hamstrings, [...]

21 07, 2015

The Secret To How I Lose Weight

By |2015-07-21T08:00:07+00:00July 21st, 2015|Cardiovascular Fitness, Fitness Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on The Secret To How I Lose Weight

Lose Weight, Tone Up, Get Physically Fit I want to talk for a minute about my secret for how I lose weight. There are so many myths out there about weight loss. Sometimes it's really hard to separate fact from fiction. For some, the information is simply overwhelming and they just give up. Others continue to try and weed through the information, only to eventually become numb from the varying arguments being presented by the experts. Think about it for a second. If you watch television, they make it sound like loosing weight is simple. There are hundreds of weight loss supplements being actively marketed every single day. Every five minutes you see another weight loss product being advertised on television. These quick loss miracles come in pill form. Others are offered as weight loss shakes and drinks. Then there are the weight loss pre-packaged food plans. Those are designed for folks who have tried everything else and just can't seem to control the amount of food they ingest. I have been around folks who have tried some or all of these things. In some cases, I have seen weight loss occur, but, often the weight loss is short lived. [...]

28 06, 2015

Summertime Is The Right Time To Join Anytime

By |2015-06-28T16:32:31+00:00June 28th, 2015|24 Hour Gym, Fitness, Georgia Personal Training, Summer|Comments Off on Summertime Is The Right Time To Join Anytime

When It Gets Hot Outside Move Your Workouts Indoors There are two times each year when we see a big influx of new gym members. Summer is one of those times. With only three days remaining in the month, June is almost over. In Georgia, the hottest temperatures we experience all year routinely occur in the months of July, August and September. Rain is at a minimum during these months and sunshine and is everywhere. The heat and humidity are literally oppressive and quite frankly pretty dangerous if you choose to stay out in the sun too long. If history plays out, we will see an increase in gym signups over the coming weeks. Our Roswell area gym is open 24 hours a day. Our members can access the facility 7 days a week, using their key fob access tokens. Most folks who live here in the Roswell area have pretty hectic lives. With such busy schedules, our 24 hour, 7 day a week gym fits perfectly with their life style. I have to say that we have some of the greatest folks you have ever met working out here at Georgia Personal Training and Anytime 24 Hour Fitness. We count [...]

31 05, 2015

Speed, Strength & Agility For Baseball

By |2015-05-31T11:55:29+00:00May 31st, 2015|Baseball Skills Training, Baseball Strength & Conditioning, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein|Comments Off on Speed, Strength & Agility For Baseball

Baseball Focused Skills Training Helps Players Compete More Effectively Georgia Personal Training specializes in helping baseball players increase their overall athleticism. Each player that comes into GPT is unique in terms of the athletic skills they possess. One fact is clear. Regardless of the athletic ability they currently have, all can come out stronger, faster and more equipped to compete if they work with our training staff. Our baseball skills training program was developed by Matthew Lein. He started his baseball playing career right here in Roswell. He played youth baseball in the Roswell recreation youth program until the age of 13. At 14, he began playing in the East Cobb travel baseball program. After a stellar High School baseball career at Milton, Matt went on to college, where he played for the Wofford Terriers. During his freshman year at Wofford, the terriers played against many of the elite college baseball programs in the country. They played teams such as; the University of South Carolina Gamecocks, the Georgia Bulldogs, the Clemson Tigers, the Purdue Boilermakers and many more. Thanks to the years of dedicated training Matt had put in as a young player, he was well equipped to compete. During [...]

10 05, 2015

Happy Mother’s Day

By |2020-01-21T12:46:19+00:00May 10th, 2015|Georgia Personal Training, Mother's Day|Comments Off on Happy Mother’s Day

The staff at Anytime Fitness of Roswell and Georgia Personal Training Center would like to wish Mother's everywhere a very Happy Mother's Day! Today is a day that we should all take time to celebrate the important role that Mother's play in our lives and the world we live in. Thank you Moms for all you do. You are the glue that holds everything together. You do so many things that you often never get credit for. Most of the time you think that we don't notice, but, in truth we do. Those things make such a huge difference for your husbands, your children and to the lives of those around you. Your leadership, guidance, immense patience and loving spirit are so critically important. Mom's not only play important roles within our families, they also serve in our nations military, they hold political office and they run fortune 500 companies. In so many cases, it's very easy to see that they are the very fabric that holds so many things together. To those Moms serving in the United States military. We salute you and thank you for your service. May God protect you while you are in harms way and [...]

25 04, 2015

Mother’s Day Gift Idea

By |2015-04-25T10:46:41+00:00April 25th, 2015|Georgia Personal Training, Personal Trainer, Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on Mother’s Day Gift Idea

Personal Training For Mom Trying to figure out a perfect gift to give your Mom for Mother's Day? Here is a great idea for you to consider. How about getting your Mom her very own personal trainer. Think about this. Moms are always doing things for everyone else in the family. They are selfless people who literally never slow down. Mom's are so busy working to please all of us, they rarely take time to do anything for themselves. I know the women in my life are just incredible! They work so hard to take care of all of us. They are the glue that holds everything together. This year, do something truly awesome for your Mom. Something she is totally not expecting. Give her the gift of a great personal trainer. For a Mom to do her job as super women, she has to stay healthy and fit. These incredible women are the center of every family universe. It's up to us to do something for them for a change. We talk with lots of women who stop by the gym. They all come in, excited about working out, then they proceed to talk themselves out of it because they [...]

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