The Benefits of Baseball Training
Whether you are getting in shape for the high school or college baseball season or you have your eyes on trying out for the big leagues, you may want to consider taking some baseball-specific training with a personal trainer. With the evolution in how coaches look at baseball athletes, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your athletic potential for agility, speed, velocity and strength surpasses your overall performance related to base percentage and batting average. As owner of Georgia Personal training, I have spent nearly 20 years of my life involved in athletic performance training for baseball. Having been a baseball player and baseball trainer, I understand what needs to go into preparing baseball players for a successful career. We start with baseball players as young as 10 to help get them ready for baseball, working on training techniques that involve strength training, injury prevention, and speed and agility. Each baseball training session is tailored to a player’s specific needs, focusing on such factors as physical build, strengths and weaknesses, physical maturity, age, and what position they play. We understand that a baseball player’s build is not like that of other athletes. Baseball training is not about creating [...]