We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com

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3 03, 2017

Escape Your Sedentary Lifestyle with Personal Training and Get Your Health Back!

By |2017-03-03T22:50:11+00:00March 3rd, 2017|Fitness Trainer|Comments Off on Escape Your Sedentary Lifestyle with Personal Training and Get Your Health Back!

A sedentary life can basically send you to an early grave, according to statistics gathered by the NCHPAD. Here are some of the startling reasons you need to get up from that desk job, that commute, and that sofa and start moving with regular exercise and assistance from a personal trainer: Physically inactive people have an increased risk of colon and breast cancer. Regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of cognitive decline. People who are sedentary have the highest rate of having a heart attack. Data from the Aerobics Research Center in Dallas, Texas found that physically active men lowered their risk of stroke by two-thirds while a Nurses' Health Study concluded that physically active women decreased their risk of stroke by 50%. Lack of physical activity increases the loss of lean muscle tissue and speeds up bone loss. People who don't regularly exercise are more likely to gain excess weight. One study showed that an hour of walking daily cut the risk of obesity by 24%. Those who get regular physical activity have a more efficient immune system, which helps protect them further from the risk of various disease and illnesses like colds and the flu. This list [...]

23 02, 2017

The Mental and Emotional Effects of Exercise: How Personal Training Improves Mood, Builds Confidence, and Brightens Your Outlook on Life

By |2017-02-23T03:07:19+00:00February 23rd, 2017|Personal Training|Comments Off on The Mental and Emotional Effects of Exercise: How Personal Training Improves Mood, Builds Confidence, and Brightens Your Outlook on Life

Your New Year’s resolution might have been all about losing weight, but did you know that there are numerous other benefits to signing up with a personal trainer and sweating it out with a rigorous exercise program? Other benefits tend to be emotional and mental, which prove to be just as important to your overall health and wellbeing than dropping those pounds and firming up your physical shape. The American Psychological Association even published results that illustrate the positive effect that regular exercise has on the brain and body. Everything in your body works together so when you start moving more and sweating, your body’s hormonal balance changes in response. Everything in your body works together so when you start moving more and sweating, your body’s hormonal balance changes in response. This puts your brain and mental state in a different place, often providing a sense of euphoria after exercise. Some people even feel invincible and have told me they could take on the world now. Others tell me they feel so much more relaxed and ready to face work again. Research studies show rapid decreases in anxiety, stress, and depression among those who participated in a study and exercised [...]

20 02, 2017

How to Prepare for High School and College Spring Sports Season

By |2017-02-20T19:34:07+00:00February 20th, 2017|Sports Agility Training|Comments Off on How to Prepare for High School and College Spring Sports Season

Baseball, softball, tennis, lacrosse, golf, track and field, basketball, volleyball and swimming – these are typically the high school and college spring sports. Now that winter is drawing to a close, it’s time to start thinking about getting in shape to try out for your school team and play a sport you feel passionate about. There are many things you can do to prepare your body and mind for the spring sports season: Physically, you want to focus on improving your response time, speed, strength, flexibility and agility. These are the areas that will help your overall sports performance. You can go it alone on your workouts for the spring sports season or you can consider working with a personal trainer who specializes in these areas to get to where you want to be faster and more effectively. Find a personal trainer who has played the individual spring sport you play because they will better understand what you need to do to prepare for it, including creating a personal workout plan for your abilities and areas where you need to most improve. Work with fellow teammates or others that are trying out after school or on the weekend to start [...]

10 02, 2017

Three Personal Training Sessions for $99!

By |2017-02-10T02:19:02+00:00February 10th, 2017|Personal Training|Comments Off on Three Personal Training Sessions for $99!

Now that we are into the month of February, it’s time to reflect on those New Year’s Resolutions that you made and intended to keep. You still can meet all your weight and fitness objectives for 2017 thanks to our special promotion at our Roswell fitness center where you can sign up with our personal trainers to get three sessions for just $99! That means you get three sessions towards getting you well on your way to meeting your goals and making fitness a part of your regular regimen. Each session builds on the previous session, providing you with a good idea of what it is like to work with our personal trainers. Session one typically covers getting to know you, your goals, and anything related to your health that has previously stood in your way. We take measurements and do some general physical tests to assess where you are with stamina, flexibility, balance and strength. This helps create a customized personal training program that addresses your unique situation. Session two and three will run you through various exercises and routines that focus on various muscle groups, showing you how to correctly use equipment as well as illustrating the best [...]

7 02, 2017

Get a Toned Body with Individually Designed Personal Training Programs

By |2017-02-07T04:19:56+00:00February 7th, 2017|Personal Training|Comments Off on Get a Toned Body with Individually Designed Personal Training Programs

Thanks to the Internet and sites like YouTube, there are numerous exercise training regimens to follow. Plus, you can still get DVDs for workout programs. However, there’s one problem with these cookie-cutter training programs: They were not specifically designed for your needs and situation or what you want to achieve. For example, you may have certain injuries that may impact the type of exercises you should do, or you are looking to achieve certain goals like toning or weight loss. Whatever the reason, the available workouts were not made for you so while they may work to some degree, they will not get you to where you want to be with your fitness and health goals. When you work with a personal trainer who has designed a workout for you, they take into account your lifestyle. For example, if you sit at a desk for nine hours, the workout would be different than someone who works on their feet all day. Then, there are issues related to posture, age, body fat, height and weight, gender and nutrition. All of these must be factored into the equation of a workout program. Then, we also need to learn how many times a [...]

22 01, 2017

Get Ready for Baseball Season with Baseball-Specific Personal Training

By |2017-01-22T23:08:00+00:00January 22nd, 2017|Baseball Strength & Conditioning|Comments Off on Get Ready for Baseball Season with Baseball-Specific Personal Training

Spring training and the baseball season are just around the corner, so this is the time to start training to ensure you are at peak performance when it comes to your agility, speed, and strength. Whether you play baseball for high school or college, you want to make improvements to your base running, fielding, and hitting to become that world-class athlete you know you can be. To do this requires more than going out there and playing baseball or throwing a ball around. You now need to train in a gym to build up your muscular ability to deliver additional strength and agility. That’s why we offer many types of sports-specific personal training at our Roswell gym. With an owner who previously played baseball in different divisions, you can have access to a personal trainer who understands baseball from all aspects. Having this specialized knowledge and experience related to baseball means that you can receive a customized personal training program that focuses on the types of exercises and equipment that can help you improve your speed, strength, and agility related to throwing, running, and catching. Beyond just tailoring the personal training to baseball skills, we also look at each individual [...]

15 01, 2017

Get the Body You Want with Personal Training Sessions

By |2017-01-15T03:20:00+00:00January 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Get the Body You Want with Personal Training Sessions

Everyone has different needs but all end up with the same overall goal: get the body they want to have. For some that is losing body fat and inches while others want to strengthen and tone. Many also want to feel strong, energetic, and just healthy. That’s where personal training can really make a difference. It can accomplish all those goals for those who commit to working with a personal trainer. The benefits of a personal trainer are that they understand what it takes in terms of exercise and diet to achieve these goals. Anyone can go to the gym and use the equipment but they may not know the best exercises, weight, and repetitions to do that will work for them. Our personal training program starts with a consultative appointment where we learn more about you, your life, and your goals to understand what got you where you are now and what needs to change to get you to where you want to be. We take measurements as well so that we can use these as a benchmark for gauging improvements. From there, we plan a regimen of workouts to do with the trainer and on homework days that [...]

8 01, 2017

Personal Training Offer: Groupon Deal and More!

By |2017-01-08T22:43:08+00:00January 8th, 2017|Georgia Personal Training|Comments Off on Personal Training Offer: Groupon Deal and More!

We want everyone to get the year started right and stick to their New Year’s resolutions, so we have some offers on personal training that are designed to help you. For a limited time, we have a Groupon deal available to new clients only. The coupon provides you with two full personal training sessions for just $25. All you need to do is go to our Groupon deal page and click on the link that allows you to see the Groupon offer. Print that offer or download the app to your smartphone so you can show your voucher to us when you get here. All you need to do after getting the Groupon deal is to call us at 770-927-7006 and schedule an appointment. Bring in the voucher for your first appointment. The voucher expires July 1, 2016. For all the small print and requirements related to the Groupon deal, you can read these on our special page and the voucher. Additionally, during the month of January only, we are offering free functional cross training classes for any client that signs up for a six-month or 12-month personal training class. Classes are held three times a week and are approximately [...]

4 01, 2017

New Year’s Resolution #1: Start Personal Training with Georgia Personal Training!

By |2017-01-04T22:56:05+00:00January 4th, 2017|Georgia Personal Training|Comments Off on New Year’s Resolution #1: Start Personal Training with Georgia Personal Training!

Losing weight always tops the New Year’s resolutions list for so many people each year but after that it seems to go nowhere after the weeks of holiday food are forgotten and the extra pounds just ignored. However, you can start 2017 on a better – and lighter – foot by taking the next step in your resolutions by making them more about taking an action that will most likely stick beyond the end of January. That is, you should resolve to start personal training with us because, once you do, you won’t stop and will make a resolution come true. We understand that it can be intimidating and scary to start with a personal trainer. You may be out of shape and worried that you will keep up. Hey, everyone needs to start somewhere and we work with all types of people who have varying levels of fitness goals. What we do know is that each person we have helped has made incredible improvements in reaching their body fat loss, weight loss, and strength training goals. After putting in the effort and working with us, they improve everything from balance and stamina to strength and flexibility. To help you [...]

28 12, 2016

Add Personal Training to Action List for New Year’s Resolutions

By |2016-12-28T00:02:22+00:00December 28th, 2016|Roswell Personal Trainers|Comments Off on Add Personal Training to Action List for New Year’s Resolutions

While everyone tends to make some type of New Year’s resolution with weight loss and fitness being a common goal, not everyone sticks to it. That might be because they don’t make an action list that provides a plan for how they will address each New Year’s resolution to make sure they fulfill it rather than just give up after a week or two. In making an action list for weight loss and fitness, it makes sense to have gym or fitness center on there. However, taking it one step further to make sure you actually do get there is to make hiring a personal trainer as an action item. In fact, it’s a good idea to head down to the gym immediately and sign up for at least one or more sessions with a personal trainer. This is because you will then be committed to keep coming back because there is someone there that you are obligated to meet and keep your appointment. From there, they can give you a longer term plan for reaching your fitness goals that you can see as a real effective way to stick with it. Having this set schedule, list of exercises and [...]

20 12, 2016

Don’t Let the Holidays Keep You from Personal Training Sessions

By |2016-12-20T03:15:04+00:00December 20th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t Let the Holidays Keep You from Personal Training Sessions

The holidays are one of the busiest times of year for most of us. We may be having extra guests from out of town plus finishing up our work projects before taking time off. Not to mention, there are more errands and tasks to handle than most other parts of the year. When it seems like we have too much going on, we start looking for places to cut back so we can cut through all the stress. One place we immediately seem to pick is the gym and our personal training sessions. This means that are putting ourselves on the back burner, too, so we can still make everyone else happy. In reality, putting off our personal training sessions until after the start of the year can actually add to stress levels, which then can lead to poor choices like dealing with stress through unhealthy food and drink or just overeating. In reality, the exercise sessions that our personal trainers would have put us through could have helped knocked down that stress and assist in dealing with any of the drama or other emotions that seem to pop up at the holiday time. And, you can’t really say you [...]

12 12, 2016

Give Georgia Personal Training Gift Certificates This Holiday Season

By |2016-12-12T02:49:14+00:00December 12th, 2016|General|Comments Off on Give Georgia Personal Training Gift Certificates This Holiday Season

A great gift idea for this holiday season is gift certificates for personal training. We offer customized personal training sessions as well as personal training sessions for various types of sports, including football, basketball, baseball, lacrosse and more. We also have numerous classes designed to make fitness fun and help combat stress, such as our yoga classes. We have offered gift certificates every holiday since we have been open as a gym in Roswell and always sell a ton of them because our customers realize it’s a great idea. Here’s why: Someone thinking about personal training may want to do it but then decides they won’t spend the money on themselves, so you can do it for them by gifting them with personal training sessions. Gift certificates during the holidays couldn’t come at a more perfect time as many people set themselves resolutions at the start of each year with losing weight, getting in shape, or becoming healthier as popular resolutions. A gift certificate gets them started toward sticking to their resolution for months to come until it becomes a habit. Gift certificates can help supplement existing personal training sessions to break through that plateau that you might be experiencing. [...]

5 12, 2016

Get a Head Start on New Year’s Resolutions with Personal Training in December

By |2016-12-05T00:43:36+00:00December 5th, 2016|Roswell Fitness Training|Comments Off on Get a Head Start on New Year’s Resolutions with Personal Training in December

Typically, people wait until after the holidays to sign up for personal training as part of their New Year’s resolutions, but it makes more sense to get signed up well before 2017 hits. Here’s why: Starting with personal training now means you can start forming habits around exercise and better food choices well before your resolutions so that the behaviors stick. There is a school of thought that says it takes 21 days to form a new habit, so starting in December with personal training means you will be more likely to keep up with your fitness goals into the New Year. Jumping into personal training can help alleviate a lot of that holiday stress that comes with extra tasks and increased expectations from those around you. This is a good place to come work off some of that stress to provide you with a much calmer holiday season. Picking December is a good time because you are more than likely to have some vacation time you are taking, so you will not have an excuse not to get down to the gym for your personal training sessions. You can also have family and friends join you so you have [...]

25 11, 2016

How Personal Trainers Can Help After an Injury

By |2016-11-25T18:23:59+00:00November 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How Personal Trainers Can Help After an Injury

Whether it’s a sports injury or some other type of need to heal after surgery, you may want to jump right back into your workout regimen but you know you have to go careful so as to not risk re-injury. It also takes time to build up your strength and flexibility again, depending on how much rest you have given that injured area. That’s why it is especially important to work with a personal trainer after an injury because they know how you can slowly get back to your workout routine without hurting yourself again. For example, if you have broken a bone in your bottom half of your body, they can work with you on strength training on your upper body. Then, as you are healed and cleared by a medical practitioner, they can tell you just how many reps or weight can be used on those areas as you recover. While you might be raring to go, your personal trainer can rein you in because they understood when you can do more and start to push on those healing muscles or bones. For example, after a broken ankle, they can put you on low resistance training on a [...]

20 11, 2016

Knowing When to Personal Train and When to Go Solo

By |2016-11-20T15:38:50+00:00November 20th, 2016|Fitness Trainer|Comments Off on Knowing When to Personal Train and When to Go Solo

Every week, you hit the gym to get in the best shape possible and hit new fitness goals. You realized long ago that a personal trainer has been a game changer when you hit those plateaus or are just simply lost on where to start. Now that you are in the fitness game, you may wonder what the best formula is for a weekly combination of solo workout routines and those overseen by a personal trainer. Well, there are different schools of thought about the frequency of personal training that all have merit: Training with a personal trainer once a week rarely yields significant results because most of the work is done on their own without a structured workout plan. While a personal trainer can provide feedback and offer suggestions that can be employed on a solo basis. One session may not be enough to really get in all the adjustments that need to be made to make new muscle memory that corrects the mistake made by going it alone the majority of the week. Training twice a week with a personal trainer is the most common recommendation. There is more time to review what is being done correctly and [...]

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