Personal Training just One of the Ways To Add More Exercise to Your Life
Our society has become sedentary thanks to technology, desk jobs, and long commutes to and from work. That means all of us could move more and get more exercise in to become more active and keep those pounds off. There are many ways that you can add more exercise to your life even though you already feel overwhelmed by all that you do: Prioritize your health as part of a move more mindset. Everyone puts this at the bottom of their list when, in reality, it should be first because, without your health, you won’t be able to do everything else. You may find yourself with illnesses or health problems that stop all those other things you put first. This mindset will help you to mentally always make time for exercise. Use your lunch and coffee breaks at work to get in a quick walk and run up and down those stairs (if you have them). The misconception is that you need to find an hour each day when, in reality, you could just break down that exercise time into available increments. Turn off the television and other electronics at least two times a week (even more is better!) and [...]