Morning Workouts Fire The Engine
Morning Workouts Can Enhance Your Life Personal Training For Busy People Our recommendation is, workout early in the morning. An early workout can really be beneficial to your body and to your psyche. When you workout in the morning, it super charges your body and mind for the busy day to come. Many of the clients we serve love morning workouts. Their metabolism kicks into high gear and the feel great for the entire day. The morning workout allows their bodies to start burning fat, early in the day. At the same time they are getting a head start on burning fat, they also get to enjoy other side benefits such as more energy and increased mental focus at the office. Here is a quick science lesson. Your body slows down your metabolic rate and lowers your brain temperature while you sleep. In effect, your body is repairing any damage from the previous day. Metabolism uses two processes to break down and build up molecules in your body. These processes are called, anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism relates to the build up of molecules, while catabolism controls the breakdown of molecules. In laymen's terms, your body uses these processes when storing molecules [...]