We Offer 1 Free Introductory Training Session | (770) 241-1086 | 9420 Willeo Rd (Suite 106), Roswell, Ga 30075|info@georgiapersonaltraining.com

About Steve Lein

Flyline Search Marketing -Roswell Fitness Factory Blog Writer Since 2021
18 03, 2022

When Hiring a Personal Fitness Trainer is a Difficult Decision, seek the Consultation of Georgia Personal Training

By |2022-03-18T16:36:25+00:00March 18th, 2022|24 Hour Gym, Benefits of Family Owned Personal Training, Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training, Brandi Lein, Family Fitness Gym, Georgia Personal Training, Hiring a Personal Fitness Trainer, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on When Hiring a Personal Fitness Trainer is a Difficult Decision, seek the Consultation of Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training Most of us have heard multiple times in our lives that without good health, life is a struggle. Or something to that effect. We have families that depend on us, jobs that need us and equally important, a healthy and happy life to lead. At times like this when it seems money is not going as far, it may be difficult to justify the extra expense of Hiring a Personal Fitness Trainer. Of course, then we are back to square one which is, how do you put a price tag on good health? The Professional Training Staff at Georgia Personal Training  , led by owners Matt and Brandi Lein, understand the struggles of meeting financial obligations. Before committing to GPT as a student we offer one free trial training session. Before that session we spend time with each new prospective client to get to know them. We want to be sure we fully understand where they currently are and where they want to go in their personal fitness journey. People are unique so we have to get in touch with their inner desires for a healthy lifestyle. A good way to help justify the value of hiring [...]

13 03, 2022

You will Receive the Very Best Personal Training Rehabilitation at Georgia Personal Training

By |2022-03-13T01:36:24+00:00March 13th, 2022|Brandi Lein, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Injury, Injury Prevention, Matt Lein, Uncategorized|Comments Off on You will Receive the Very Best Personal Training Rehabilitation at Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training is Atlanta's Most Elite Personal Training Facility Recently a friend of mine had Knee Replacement surgery. Diagnosis revealed that after years of cartilage deterioration, the bones were now rubbing on each other. More senior people and probably younger people as well, are needing and receiving various joint surgery. Typically, they are assigned a hospital day nurse to ensure that movement and exercise is part of recovery. However, this is normally a short-term service. In order to ensure long term strength and development of the new joint, Personal Training Rehabilitation can be a game changer. Georgia Personal Training offers the most elite training facility in Atlanta. One of our many specialties is helping people with injury or surgery rehab. This particular service requires a different set of skills and compassion than offer exercise routines might otherwise require. An in-depth knowledge of muscle and joint function is necessary. In addition, the patience and compassion required for a client recovering from an injury is much more important. At Georgia Personal Training, our owners and staff possess all of the qualities and training required. It is painful to exercise after an injury or surgery. That particular area of the body is [...]

6 03, 2022

Georgia Personal Training will help Change your Mindset and Give you a Healthy Fitness Lifestyle.

By |2022-03-06T14:19:56+00:00March 6th, 2022|24 Hour Gym, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Healthy Fitness Lifestyle, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training will help Change your Mindset and Give you a Healthy Fitness Lifestyle.

Georgia Personal Training is the Most Elite Training Facility in Atlanta A Healthy Fitness Lifestyle is a personal choice. Sure, some people are born to be more physically active than others. However, the human body was meant to move and be fueled by healthy nutrients. People that have chosen the path of not eating right and never exercising, have every right to choose that path. As a consequence, many studies have shown that the risk of health issues increases. You do not have you jump into a new eating routine or exercise journey in an extreme way. Fitness is a journey as the professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training like to say. That journey starts with the first step. For example, when you are at the grocery store, take a look in your shopping cart. Does it contain more ice cream and sweets than vegetables and proteins? Who does not prefer an ice cream sandwich over a celery stick? It all boils down to how you want to fuel your body and that is a personal choice. "Best shape of my life" - Adrian Sotomayor When it comes to exercise, watching TV or surfing the Internet is definitely [...]

25 02, 2022

The Elliptical Machine Workout is something you can speak with the Georgia Personal Training staff about

By |2022-03-06T14:23:03+00:00February 25th, 2022|24 Hour Gym, Cardiovascular Fitness, Elliptical Machine Workout, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Elliptical Machine Workout is something you can speak with the Georgia Personal Training staff about

Georgia Personal Training Elite Atlanta Personal Training I remember as a teenager running cross country and how easy it was to knock out a training run of 10 miles. Now that I am in my mid-sixties, I rarely go jogging. Seems as though the constant impact of running puts pressure on the lower back and knees. Never being a real fan of the elliptical machines, I finally decided to give them a try. Now I enjoy an Elliptical Machine Workout. After a good 30 -32-minute workout on an elliptical, I have found that one can burn 400+ calories. Of course, the workout needs to be coupled with other weight resistance exercises etc. but the low shock impact of the machine does not leave me with anything but sore leg muscles. Probably a good thing! The Anytime Fitness/Georgia Personal Training facility has some of the most modern aerobic equipment you will find at any gym. Owners and Professional Trainers, Matt and Brandi Lein, take a great deal of pride in keeping their facility as up to date as possible. That is why GPT is one of most elite training facilities you will find. Research on the Elliptical Machine Workout Plenty of [...]

19 02, 2022

Georgia Personal Training is Ready to Help You with Fitness Spring Training

By |2022-10-04T13:50:46+00:00February 19th, 2022|Brandi Lein, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Fitness Spring Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training is Ready to Help You with Fitness Spring Training

Georgia Personal Training Has Been an Elite Atlanta Personal Training Business Since 2008 Just because the Major League Baseball Spring Training is suffering a brief delay, that is no reason for us to postpone our own Fitness Spring Training! Some of us, perhaps not all, may have added just a few unwanted pounds during the cold months of winter. Those months are coming to an end. Time to get on the Personal Training band wagon and sign up with the professional team at Georgia Personal Training. The owners of Georgia Personal Training are Matt and Brandi Lein. These two are dynamic and are far from being passive unengaged business owners. You will find them daily fully engaged with clients and working up a sweat right alongside. Their passion for the fitness industry shines through. Most importantly, their passion for helping others reach fitness goals and lead a healthy life is ever present. Below is a piece of a previous post written by Matt. If you are serious about meeting fitness goals, Georgia Personal Training is the right Elite Atlanta Personal Training gym to join!   We are finally into the final days of Winter, which means that Spring is just [...]

13 02, 2022

Georgia Personal Training will use Martial Arts and Kickboxing in Exercise Routines if requested

By |2022-02-13T23:39:53+00:00February 13th, 2022|Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Kickboxing, Martial Arts Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training will use Martial Arts and Kickboxing in Exercise Routines if requested

Georgia Personal Training is an Elite Personal Training Facility Georgia Personal Training offer Martial Arts training. There have been several Mixed Martial Artists and Boxers that have trained at GPT. Endurance is a critical component to being successful during tournaments. Our routines greatly help to increase that endurance. Kickboxing is a form of Martial Arts. Using kicking, punching and other specific muscle toning exercises will help to destroy calories and those unwanted pounds. A great thing about using Martial Arts exercises in personal training routines is the fun aspect! The time goes faster, and the students are highly engaged. At the end of the workout, you will feel the burn as they say. Some of the benefits are: Reduced Stress and a Calmer Sense of Being. Let's face it, when you hit that bag with a kick or punch, it can be a stress reliever. Better Agility, Power and Overall Physical Fitness Tone Up. After just a few workouts you will be able to feel a firmer tone in your arms and legs. Overall Improved Cardiovascular Performance. When you come in for your free consultation and trial session, be sure to inquire about Kickboxing or Martial Arts training. Good chance [...]

5 02, 2022

Georgia Personal Training Coaches Clients on Progressive Overload Training

By |2022-02-05T23:21:23+00:00February 5th, 2022|East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Progressive Overload Theory, Progressive Overload Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training Coaches Clients on Progressive Overload Training

Georgia Personal Training Progressive Overload Training Pushing yourself is a proven characteristic for those that meet and exceed goals. No matter what that endeavor in life is. It can be sports related, academic related or personal growth related. One of the concepts taught by the highly skilled personal trainers at Georgia Personal Training is the concept of Progressive Overload.  To clarify, this in essence is the practice of continually pushing and challenging your body to do a little more each time you work out. When you join the GPT team as a client, you will receive the best elite coaching available. Most importantly, you will notice results and accomplishments that will surprise you. Below our owners and professional trainers explain the concept of Progressive Overload Training. The Principle of Progressive Overload The Progressive Overload Principle states that in order for muscle to grow, the human body must be forced to go beyond the previous stress experienced. That is to say, the muscle will only grow if you force it to grow. Furthermore, the body will only get stronger if you force it to get stronger.  Most importantly, you have to expose the body to a level of training intensity and [...]

29 01, 2022

See firsthand the Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training at Georgia Personal Training

By |2022-01-29T23:04:49+00:00January 29th, 2022|Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training, Brandi Lein, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on See firsthand the Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training at Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training Georgia Personal Training would love to have you join us and see firsthand the Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training. Above all, we make our customers the number one priority. At GPT you will feel special and like you are the most important person, because you are. We are a local family-owned business with deep roots in the area. Our passion, knowledge and hard work make us a great choice when you are seeking Personal Training.   Benefits of Family-Owned Personal Training At GPT, we share common values. In addition, we work well together for the common goal. That goal being to deliver results for our clients.  The job is not done until our clients are happy and feel that have achieved their fitness goals. The commitment we have to our business is strong. The GPT team believes firmly in the adage "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Once a client joins us, we are with them every step of the way and will not stop until their journey is well on its way. We put in the hours to meet our customers schedules. The team at GPT [...]

22 01, 2022

Georgia Personal Training helps with Body Sculpting

By |2022-01-22T21:07:56+00:00January 22nd, 2022|Body Sculpting, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training helps with Body Sculpting

Georgia Personal Training Body Sculpting Many people at the gym seem to be using these foam rollers. I was curious what the benefit was so did some research. Seems as though in the overall pursuit of Body Sculpting, foam rollers have benefits. The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training include Body Sculpting in their long list of training routines. Reports on foam rollers indicate that they are beneficial in reducing tension. In addition, they help to extend the length of various muscles. Indeed, longer muscles can help with the leaner look often a focus of Body Sculpting. There are many scientific words used to define the benefits of the foam roller. However, below is more commonly recognized terminology to help explain. Muscles that are either inactive for long periods of time or used in excess for repetitive motions, can allow for collagen build up. This collagen prevents the muscles from working together properly. Using a foam roller will help to keep that collagen from building up. Muscle tension generated during working out can reduce the mobility of the joints. The foam roller will release that muscle tightness and allow the joints to function more freely. Often after strenuous workouts, muscle [...]

14 01, 2022

Georgia Personal Training offers a wide variety of exercises including the Kettlebell Workouts

By |2022-01-14T23:21:20+00:00January 14th, 2022|East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Kettlebell Workouts, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training offers a wide variety of exercises including the Kettlebell Workouts

Georgia Personal Training Kettlebell Workouts Have you ever watched someone that is really skilled at using Kettlebells? Very impressive to watch. I have not used them very much for fear I might swing too far forward and knock myself unconscious. In all seriousness, the popularity of Kettlebell Workouts seems to be well intact. I decided to do some research on just what are the overall benefits and I was amazed. The professionals at Georgia Personal Training offer Kettlebells in their training routines. Below are some of the benefits reported by some health fitness experts. Decreased Stomach Fat and Stronger Abs So with a Kettlebell, a person must master the swing. The Personal Trainers at Georgia Personal Training will help with that. With traditional free weights we tend to focus on one area and remain relatively stationary through that routine. During a Kettlebell routine a person is swinging the weight which engages multiple muscles. In addition, using Kettlebells helps to elevate your heart rate. This is of course a critical element that helps to burn fat. The recommendation is to tighten your core while using the Kettlebells. This enhances the effects of tightening your Abs. The experts at Georgia Personal Training [...]

8 01, 2022

Georgia Personal Training helps clients with Hypertrophic Training

By |2022-01-08T15:26:04+00:00January 8th, 2022|Body Sculpting, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Georgia Personal Training, HIIT, Hypertrophic Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training helps clients with Hypertrophic Training

GPT Hypertrophic Training Decreasing Body Fat, Changing Body Composition You may have heard the term "Spot Reduction" when doing research regarding weight loss and body sculpting. The professionals at Georgia Personal Training (GPT) have studied the science that addresses the fat reduction of problem areas. They know that the idea of focusing on a single area of isolated muscles will not physically burn off those fat cells. Instead they embrace the concepts of Hypertrophic Training, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and nutrition. With these concepts, the combination of cardio and resistance training focuses on gaining muscle mass in the large and small muscle groups. Therefore, this increase in muscle mass consequently demands a larger need for energy. Whenever there is a need for more energy, the body seeks this energy from the fatty acids which are stored in fat cells. In summary, fat reduction.   Over 50% of Americans are actively trying to lose weight according to the CDC.  Getting rid of stubborn body fat is essential for sculpting your best physique.  However, fat reduction is an entirely different undertaking than hypertrophic weight training. While muscle can be selectively added to specific areas of the body, you cannot pick and [...]

3 01, 2022

Georgia Personal Training welcomes Family Group Exercise

By |2022-01-03T01:24:16+00:00January 3rd, 2022|Brandi Lein, Family Fitness Gym, Family Fitness Personal Training, Family Group Exercise, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Training welcomes Family Group Exercise

Georgia Personal Training Family Group Exercise   The professional trainers and owners at Georgia Personal Training encourage and look forward to Family Group Exercise. These are trying times with so much pressure on families. Exercising together can be a very beneficial way to spend quality time with loved ones. Parents want their children to live happy, healthy and productive lives. The healthy nutrition and physical activity that is coached at GPT is one of the best gifts a parent can provide.   Family Group Exercise Healthy Habits When you consider the challenges of childhood obesity, learning good eating habits and how to make smart choices is so critical. Therefore, hiring people who are trained in healthy dietary and lifestyle habits is so beneficial. The team at GPT is well versed in proper eating, rest and physical activity. They take coaching these habits to the next level. Students that have trained at GPT have learned life long lessons.   Family Bonding Time What better way to spend quality time with your kids and spouse than to work together for better health. Sure there are movies and video games. Study time and book reading is important also. However, working out hard with [...]

15 12, 2021

Georgia Personal Trainers are well rounded in all of the necessary characteritics required to be world class fitness coaches

By |2021-12-15T23:20:37+00:00December 15th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Georgia Personal Trainers are well rounded in all of the necessary characteritics required to be world class fitness coaches

Georgia Personal Training Being an effective personal fitness trainer requires that a person possess and maintain several characteristics. The professional trainers and owners of Georgia Personal Training are the perfect blend of personality, drive and positivity required to be the best in their trade. As the job of a trainer is to motivate a customer to push themselves, it is imperative that a trainer be persistent, but most people have not signed up for book camp with a drill sergeant. Therefore, it requires many different techniques and the ability to read the personality of the customer. So just what are some of the best qualities a fitness trainer should possess? Below are some ideas: Good Communicator - Personal Trainers need to be able to clearly communicate the program specifics to prospective customers that call on the phone or that come into the gym. A good experience of communication between the trainer and the prospect can close the deal and get the prospect to move forward. Benefits for the trainer are also gained in terms of the customer's personal preferences on style of coaching. Good Role Model - Most Personal Trainers care about their health and conditioning. When a customer meets the [...]

9 12, 2021

At Georgia Personal Training we mix up the routines to keep our clients motivated and engaged

By |2021-12-09T15:50:52+00:00December 9th, 2021|24 Hour Gym, Body Sculpting, Boot Camp, Brandi Lein, Cardio Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Family Fitness Personal Training, Georgia Personal Training, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized, Weight Loss|Comments Off on At Georgia Personal Training we mix up the routines to keep our clients motivated and engaged

Georgia Personal Training Do you ever struggle with motivation to work out? The professionals at Georgia Personal Training (GPT) understand that and mix up personal training routines so that exercise stays interesting and fun. That keeps our clients coming back. If you are not a client of GPT or personal training, we encourage you to give us a try. We would be honored to meet you and provide a free consultation on your goals and desires for a more fit body and mind. We have studied all facets of physical fitness training and are confident we could develop a customized routine that would keep you motivated and coming back for more. There are all types of personal trainers. Some only focus on one aspect of fitness while others including GPT, have a broader approach. At GPT we realize how so many elements tie into the complete package of being with sound body and mind. Below is a list of the all encompassing programs available at GPT.   TRAINING SERVICES INCLUDE Weight Loss/Fat Loss Physique Sculpting Nutritional Coaching Sport Specific Strength Training Sport Specific Endurance Training Speed and Agility Rehabilitation Prehab/Injury Prevention HIIT Training Kickboxing Bootcamp In addition, we invite you [...]

3 12, 2021

The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training work diligently with clients wanting to develop a wellness plan

By |2021-12-03T14:48:56+00:00December 3rd, 2021|Brandi Lein, Cardiovascular Fitness, Core Strength Training, East Cobb Personal Trainer, Endurance Training, Georgia Personal Training, Group Fitness Classes, Matt Lein, Nutrition, Obesity, Personal Training East Cobb, Roswell Fitness Training, Roswell Personal Trainers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The professional trainers at Georgia Personal Training work diligently with clients wanting to develop a wellness plan

Georgia Personal Training Many people struggle to keep their weight under control. Sometimes it is just a life long issue which is more difficult for some than others. You may remember your high school days when you felt you could eat about anything and not gain weight. Perhaps you were on a squad of some type.  For me it was cross country, track and basketball. Seemed like I could run forever and it was not that hard. Wish that were still true! The Personal Trainers at Georgia Personal Training (GPT) fully understand the struggles of weight control and work with each client to customize an exercise and nutrition program to address specific client goals. The GPT trainers do not lecture or judge and know that: Their clients are not unmotivated.  Many GPT clients are successful adult business people that work hard and are responsible providers. Their clients are not uneducated about nutrition. Most people have vast amounts of information available regarding healthy foods and life choices. It is most often less difficult to take weight off in the short term than to keep it off permanently. Which is why their program is structured to provide their clients with more long [...]

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