Georgia Personal Training Roswell Georgia

Holiday Workouts The Deliver

With Thanksgiving nearly here, this eating holiday is fun but it also can get in the way of your health and fitness goals. While this is a special time with family and friends and it’s good to enjoy the feast, here are some tips to make sure this holiday doesn’t get you off track from your goals:

Maintain Your Personal Training Schedule

Even with a busy schedule, it’s important to not cancel your personal training sessions. If anything, add an extra one to the holiday week. Many people are off work for the four days, so this is an excellent time to get in more workouts. Skip those Black Friday mobs and head straight to the gym. It will make whatever you ate on Thanksgiving seem less like a big deal.

Have a Food Plan

Whether you are staying at home and doing your own feast or going to someone else’s Thanksgiving feast, you can have a plan for what you want to eat and drink as a goal to stick to. Writing it down, including what you are going to eat and how much in advance does give you greater accountability that may help you stay disciplined.

Eat Breakfast

Don’t skip the morning meal and think you’ll make up for it at Thanksgiving because this is when you will overeat. Instead, plan a hearty breakfast, which will keep you feeling more satisfied and discourage you from eating too much later on in the day.

Drink Water

When you feel hungry or are thinking about starting on those cocktails, reach for a water instead. This will fill you up and curb those alcohol cravings that otherwise would ruin your goals for the day.

Add Exercise to Thanksgiving Festivities

Make the most of the day off by adding in a walk around the neighborhood or even a hike if there are trails nearby. Often, there are 5Ks on Thanksgiving morning in towns around the country. This is a great way to start the day off, raise money for a charity, and burn off that Thanksgiving meal.

Stick to Small Portions

Indulge in everything offered, including mashed potatoes and pie, but just use a smaller plate and portions. Plus, don’t go for seconds. That way, you can satisfy those cravings without overdoing it. Also, eat slowly. When you know this is your only plate, make the most of it and savor every bite. You will be full before you know it.

From all of us at Anytime Fitness, we wish you a Happy, Delicious, and Active Thanksgiving!