Georgia Personal Training Injury Recovery

Personal Training For Injury Recovery

Returning to exercise after an injury can be frustrating for even the most active person. It means taking it slow because you don’t want to reinjure yourself and find that you have to take even more time off fro0m exercise. Of course, going slow and realizing it feels like starting over can also be difficult to deal with. That’s why it helps to have a personal trainer on your side. Once you get clearance from a physician that is safe to slowly start exercising again, it’s a good idea to sign up for some personal training sessions. Here’s why.

They Know Your Pain

Trained to understand the human body, including muscles and bones, personal trainers understand what the pain means and how to effectively and safely work through it. In working with athletes and active people, they’ve seen many injuries and have dealt with the healing process. With that knowledge, they know just how far your body can go as it recovers from the injury more so than you can.

Expertise on Exercise

The task for the trainer is to design an exercise that fits within the framework of a rehabilitative program. To do so, it is important that the trainer have an understanding of the nature and extent of the injury or injuries, what any physical therapy has been designed to accomplish, and what restrictions the client may be under as a result.
In looking to help with recovery while also returning certain skills like flexibility, stamina, and strength, a personal trainer can create an exercise plan that adds and changes the type of exercise you do each week to achieve that. While you may have exercised for years, you may not have that level of knowledge and experience.

Encouragement and Support

Because it can be so frustrating and you may feel like giving up, a personal trainer will make sure you don’t. They can give you the emotional support and understanding as well as encouragement to keep going even if you suffer setbacks or you are upset that you can’t do as much as you think you should. A personal trainer can also be the voice of reason about what is good to do and what may need to wait. They can provide a valid reason as well, which may keep you focused toward that end goal of complete recovery.

Contact Us!

Find out what it’s like to have a personal trainer get you on the road to recovery and back exercising again. Contact us now to learn more about our personal training programs.