Both fitness and nutrition go a long way to helping a person meet their goals of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. However, you can not do the one and cheat at the other and still expect to see the intended results you were hoping for.

When you use a customized fitness plan with a regimented nutrition plan you can speed your results, improve performance, leverage greater energy, improve body composition, and reduce the likelihood of disease and illness that can come from a poor diet.

If you don’t eat and try to starve yourself, you won’t have the energy to maximize your training routine. Also, choosing to starve yourself can cause the body to store fat rather than burn it.

Or, if you eat the wrong foods and select processed foods high in fat, sodium, and sugar or drink a significant amount of alcohol, you won’t see your body change.

Even the most rigorous exercise program will not result in weight loss or an increased metabolism if you make poor nutritional choices. It’s also easy to overestimate the number of calories burned during exercise, which may dictate some eating choices, including portion size.

Everything is about balance. Think of food as the fuel that powers your fitness routine. It gives you the nutrients and vitamins that promote weight loss and maintain a lean body mass. That means focusing on things like lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and good fats.

It’s also important to be realistic with your goals and understand how your body works at different ages so you can adjust nutrition and fitness to fit where you are at in life. This is another reason why you should consider a personal trainer who understands those needs and differences.

Contact us today to learn more about how we create a personalized fitness and nutrition plan for you!