Now that spring is here, summer is just a few short months away.

That means it’s time to start your training sessions to be beach ready and pool ready for the summer season.

Here are some tips we have to get you on your way:

  • Avoid fad diets and lose weight quick schemes and supplements. If anything, that will accomplish less while putting you at risk for health issues.
  • Make small changes that you can consistently achieve, such as walking every day or reducing your sugar intake over time.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others around you or at the gym. This is your personal journey with individual goals and abilities.
  • Move as much as possible all day long, including finding ways to avoid sitting for so long. Take the stairs, park farther away, use breaks for quick exercise around the block, etc.
  • Use strength training to focus on creating a lean look that defines what you want from your body.
  • Work out with others and build a support system that wants to see you win.
  • Focus on healthy and natural foods while avoiding processed foods, fast food, and restaurant food, if possible.
  • Celebrate each accomplishment and win along the way to motivate you to keep going toward your summer goal.

Of course, one of the ways that yield the most results is working with our personal trainers, using the custom training program they design with your goals, abilities, and needs in mind. Check out our personal training programs here.