Georgia Personal Training

Stair Steppers are a great cardio workout, but they can also be used to tone your body. Georgia Personal Training offers state of the art cardio equipment including Stair Steppers. You can use the machine for cardio or strength training, depending on what you want to accomplish. Here are some key advantages of stair steppers:

  • If you want to do upper body exercises on a stair stepper, choose one with handles or bars that fit snugly in front of the machine’s console and grip them as you exercise. This will help engage your core muscles as well as those in your arms and shoulders.
  • Stair steppers are a great way to get a cardiovascular workout, but they can also be used to build muscle and tone your body. They’re easy to use and can be done in the comfort of Georgia Personal Training. Here are some key advantages of stair steppers:
  • With an adjustable-height step platform that moves up and down as you walk on it, these machines provide an excellent cardio workout without requiring any extra space or equipment. All you need is about five minutes each day or so in order to reap their many benefits.
  • They offer versatility–whether you want just some light activity or something more intense, there’s likely something out there that will fit perfectly into your schedule while still providing benefits such as improved cardiovascular health and toned muscles.

Stair Stepper Workouts

Here are some exercises you can do with this machine:

  • Upper body exercises on a stair stepper: Arm swing – Hold onto the handles and swing your arms back and forth at shoulder height as you step up or down the stairs. The movement will be similar to running in place but with slower steps, which helps build endurance while also strengthening your upper body muscles (like those in your chest).
  • Lower body exercises on a stair stepper: Squat jumps – Stand facing away from the steps and place both feet firmly on either side of one step so that there’s about two inches between them; then slowly lower yourself into a squat position as if sitting down into an imaginary chair behind you for support before jumping straight up again without losing contact between both feet and their placement on either side of one step at any point during this movement sequence
  • Use the machine to warm up before your workout and cool down afterward or use it as part of your workout routine.
  • Try running in place on the machine while holding light dumbbells in each hand (start with 3 lb.) or wearing ankle weights around your ankles with no resistance bands attached. As you get stronger and more fit, increase the weight of those dumbbells and/or add resistance bands to make yourself work harder during each exercise session!

Upper Body Exercises on a Stair Stepper – Arm Swing

  • A common problem people have when they use the stair stepper is that they swing their arms too high. This can cause injury and make it harder to get the most out of your workout, so it’s important to keep your elbows in and out of the sides of your body as you move up and down on the machine.
  • You should also avoid swinging them too low or too fast, as this may cause shoulder problems in addition to making it harder for you to maintain balance on an already unstable surface (in this case, stairs).
  • Stand on your machine with good posture, knees bent and elbows out.
  • The first step is to get started with a basic stair stepper workout.
  • Stand with good posture: Make sure to stand up straight and not slouch or lean forward as this can cause back pain and injury.
  • Knees bent: Keep your knees slightly bent as you step up or down to help prevent them from popping or jerking too much while exercising on an elliptical machine.
  • Elbows out: Try not to let them stick straight out in front of you because it will make it harder for you to balance yourself during an exercise session if they are sticking straight ahead instead of being angled outward slightly at about 90 degrees (or less) away from each other so that they act as supports when needed while moving around on top of these specialized machines which aren’t designed specifically for walking/running motions like one might find outdoors where there’s no need for extra support measures taken into account beforehand before attempting any type exercises involving legs only movements such.
  • When you’re on the stair stepper, push your arms back and forth as if you’re running up steps. Keep your elbows bent and your hands close to your chest, with shoulders down and back–don’t let them rise up. Try to keep the movement of your arms in line with the rest of your body, not out to the sides (this will help prevent shoulder injury). As always when performing any exercise that requires strength or balance: proceed slowly!

The most important thing is to make sure that you have a solid base of strength before attempting more advanced exercises like a Stair Stepper. Warm up before doing any exercise routine: walk around for 5 minutes or so on level ground without wearing shoes (this will help strengthen your ankles). Then stretch out each muscle group by holding each stretch for 30 seconds before moving on to another stretch. For best results, aim for three sessions per week where each session lasts between 20-30 minutes depending on how much time you have available in your schedule and how much weight loss/muscle gain/etc. that is desired from each session!

The warm-up should consist of some light cardio, such as walking on a treadmill or riding an exercise bike. This will help increase your heart rate and get blood flowing to your muscles. The stretching part should include exercises for all major muscle groups: calves, hamstrings, quadriceps (front of thighs), abdominals (including obliques), lower back and chest. You can also do some ab work by lying down on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees and lifting them off the ground while keeping your hands flat against the floor.


If you’re looking for a way to get fit and tone up your body, then the Stair Stepper is an excellent choice. Its versatility makes it easy to incorporate into any workout routine, and it offers many different exercises that will help improve your strength and cardiovascular health.

Georgia Personal Training Offers a Great Work Out Experience

Our facility subscribes to Direct TV and our members enjoy all the best programming offered by Direct TV. We have plenty of TV’s in our Cardio Theater so there is always something great to watch. In addition to Direct TV, our televisions are also equipped with DVD Players. Our members are welcome to bring in their favorite movie and watch it while they work out. We also offer surround sound music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Life Fitness Treadmills
  • Precor Elipticals
  • Nautilus Stair Climbers
  • Recumbent Bikes
  • Star Trek Spinning Bikes
  • Expresso Virtual Bike





9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006
