Georgia Personal Training

Weight Loss is a goal that most people have. The problem is that it can be difficult to achieve. If you are looking for ways to lose weight, it’s important to set realistic goals and make sure you know what works for your body type. Georgia Personal Training’s Weight Loss programs are designed to help you get rid of those extra pounds. We give you the tools to succeed and then we help encourage you along the way.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is the reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state.

Georgia Personal Training’s Weight Loss programs are designed to help you get rid of those extra pounds. Our personal trainers will help you achieve your goals and reach your ideal weight in a safe, healthy and sustainable way. Our programs are tailored to your needs and help you develop a routine that will help you achieve your goals.

As a weight loss coach, we know that having a plan that is tailored to your needs and goals can make all the difference in reaching them. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle or get into better shape overall, Georgia Personal Training has programs that will help you achieve what you want. Our customized plans are designed based on each client’s individual needs and motivations so we can help them develop a routine that works best for them. We offer both one-on-one coaching sessions as well as group classes led by our expert trainers who will guide you through every step of your journey towards reaching your goals!

Our goal at Georgia Personal Training is not only just helping people reach their ideal body composition but also helping them develop healthy habits along the way – this means teaching our clients how important it is for them not just physically but mentally too! If someone wants results fast, then they should probably look elsewhere because most likely they won’t find those kinds here (unless maybe if they’re willing pay extra). But if someone wants sustainable changes over time then I’d highly recommend coming here first before trying anything else out there firsthand yourself firsthand experience always beats hearsay any day!”

Our programs are tailored to your needs and help you develop a routine that will help you achieve your goals. We give you the tools to succeed and then we help encourage you along the way. Our weight loss plans include a combination of nutrition guidelines, exercise routines and diet counseling to help you lose weight effectively. Georgia Personal Training’s weight loss program uses a comprehensive approach that includes both a healthy eating plan as well as exercise routines designed specifically for losing fat around problem areas like thighs or arms–or anywhere else on the body!

We are going to provide you with a diet plan that will help you lose weight. This plan will include guidelines on what to eat and when, as well as how much. We also recommend exercising regularly, which can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the escalator or walking the dog for 30 minutes every day after work. Finally, our counselors are trained in helping patients achieve their goals through counseling sessions that focus on improving self-esteem and confidence levels so that they feel empowered to change their lives for good!

Georgia Personal Training’s weight loss program uses a comprehensive approach that includes both a healthy diet and moderate exercise. The weight loss program at Georgia Personal Training uses a comprehensive approach that includes both a healthy diet and moderate exercise. This provides you with the opportunity to lose weight in a sustainable way, which is critical for long-term success.

To achieve your goals, we recommend combining our nutrition plan with regular exercise sessions at our gym or outdoors. Our team of experts will help you choose the activities that are most suitable for your fitness level and lifestyle preferences so that you can enjoy them without feeling overwhelmed by too much activity at once! We also offer online coaching sessions for those who want additional support when working on their own time commitments. Our programs include a customized meal plan that is personalized for your needs and preferences. We will work with you to ensure that it is easy for you to stick with once we have finished working together.

We will work with you to create a meal plan that includes all of the nutrients needed for good health, including protein, fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. We also make sure that it includes foods that are easy for you to prepare at home or take on-the-go if necessary (like salads). A customized meal plan is an important part of the weight loss process. It helps you develop healthy habits and teaches you how to prepare meals that fit your lifestyle.

We customize our programs, so they are tailored specifically to meet your needs based on:

  • Your food preferences (i.e., vegetarian/vegan)
  • Allergies/intolerances
  • Medical conditions

Your meal plan should consist of lean protein sources, whole grains, fruits and vegetables as well as healthy fats like olive oil or omega-3 rich fish oils if possible. Lean proteins include fish (salmon), chicken and turkey. Whole grains include brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal. Fruits and vegetables include bananas, apples broccoli and spinach – all great sources of fiber! Healthy fats can be found in olive oil nuts/seeds.


If you are looking to lose weight, we can help! Our programs are designed to help you achieve your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Georgia Personal Training Center | Roswell Fitness Factory

Our 24-hour fitness center is located at 9420 Willeo Road, Roswell, Ga 30075. They gym operates out of suite 105. Georgia Personal Training is co-located with the gym. We use both suite 105 and 106 for our personal training clients. Feel free to use the contact us email option below, if that fits your needs the best. We will make every effort to respond within 24 hours of receiving your info request. We also encourage you to read through some of the customer testimonials on our Success Stories page. These testimonials were written by actual gym members, all of whom have and/or do utilize our personal training services. These firsthand accounts offer you a glimpse into the personal experience and success that these training clients enjoyed while working with members of our fitness training staff.





9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006
