The Roswell Fitness Factory

Treadmill Walking Benefits are numerous. First it is a great way to exercise and burn calories while watching TV or reading a book. There are many benefits of treadmill walking, including: it is low impact, can be challenging, you can burn more calories with an incline, and it helps improve your posture and strengthen your back muscles.

Treadmill walking is a low-impact exercise that can be done at The Roswell Fitness Factory. It is easy to get started, and our professional trainers can help you. Treadmill walking is also great for people who want to get in shape but don’t have time for organized sports or group exercise classes. Treadmill walking will help you lose weight by burning calories while you walk at an intensity level that’s comfortable for your body. The amount of weight loss depends on how much time you spend on the treadmill each day and how fast your pace is when using it (the faster the pace, the more calories burned).

If used regularly over several months or years, treadmill workouts can help improve overall health by reducing risk factors such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus type 2 disease risk factors such as high cholesterol levels and body fat percentage. Treadmill walking also improves heart health and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by increasing blood flow throughout your body. It’s important to note that results vary from person to person depending on age, gender, weight and fitness level.

Treadmill walking can be challenging at first. It is important to start out at a low incline and speed, so that you do not injure yourself. As you get stronger, increase the incline and speed gradually until you reach your maximum comfortable level. To stay motivated, set a specific goal for yourself. For example, you might want to walk a certain number of miles per week or lose a certain amount of weight. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, try walking up hills and then running down them. This will help build both leg strength and cardiovascular stamina.

The best way to get started is by walking with a friend who has similar goals. This will make it easier for you to stick with your exercise plan and enjoy the time together. If you do not have any friends that are interested in walking, consider joining a local gym or health club like The Roswell Fitness Factory. We offer classes for people new to exercise, as well as personal trainers who can help get you started on the right track.

Treadmill walking is low impact, which means it’s easier on the joints than running. This can be especially beneficial for people who have knee injuries or joint pain, as they can still get the cardiovascular benefits of exercise without putting too much stress on their bodies. Treadmill walking also allows you to choose your own speed and incline to make sure that you’re working at an intensity level that suits your fitness level–you don’t need to worry about sprinting or jogging too fast!

Walking on a treadmill is also an excellent way to burn fat. When you walk at a slow pace, your body has to work harder to move forward, and this burns more energy than walking quickly. This means that if you take longer strides while walking on the treadmill.

Step it Up with Incline

Incline treadmill walking helps you burn more calories. Walking on an incline treadmill is a great way to burn more calories and increase the intensity of your workout. Walking uphill increases the workload on your muscles, which means they will be working harder than they do when you’re walking at a flat or downhill incline. This extra stress helps you burn more fat, build lean muscle mass and improve cardiovascular health by increasing blood flow throughout the body.

In addition to burning more calories during each session, walking uphill also helps you burn more calories after exercise stops because it takes longer for your heart rate and breathing rate to return to normal levels than when exercising at other intensities like running or cycling. Using an incline treadmill is also a good way to prevent injuries because it allows you to maintain a steady pace and helps improve your posture. It also helps to build strength in your quadriceps, hamstrings and calves because your body has to work harder when walking uphill than at other inclines.

Walking on an incline is a great way to work your calves, thighs and core muscles. When you walk uphill, your body has to work harder than it does when walking on flat ground. This means that the incline will help you burn more calories than regular walking would do. In addition to burning more calories, walking uphill can improve posture and strengthen back muscles by forcing them into action as they balance against gravity’s downward pull.

Incline walking is a great way to improve your posture and strengthen the muscles in your back. The incline puts more emphasis on the lower half of your body, which can help compensate for weak gluteal muscles (the butt muscles). If you have poor posture, using an incline setting on the treadmill may help correct it by strengthening those muscles that support good posture.

If you are new at exercising or have back problems, starting with an incline setting is usually recommended until you get used to exercising again. Inclining the treadmill helps ease into exercise by focusing on using different muscle groups than when walking flat-footed; doing so will increase strength throughout the entire body without putting too much pressure on joints that might not be ready for full-on exercise yet!

If you are looking for a good all-around exercise that will work your entire body, walking is a great option. You can use the treadmill at an incline to increase the intensity of your workout and target specific muscles groups. Walking on an incline is a great way to improve your balance and coordination. When you walk on a treadmill, you will have to use more of your muscles than usual to keep yourself upright. This can help you develop stronger muscles in the lower body, which can improve overall balance and coordination.

Using a treadmill can also help you improve your aerobic capacity. This is the amount of oxygen your body uses when it is working out. When you walk on an incline, your heart rate will increase and so will your respiration rate.

Treadmill walking is also great because it doesn’t require much preparation time and doesn’t require special equipment (like weights). You just need a pair of shoes and something soft underfoot–like socks or slippers–to protect your feet from getting sore from all that pounding on concrete floors. As you can see, there are many benefits to treadmill walking. It can be a great way to stay in shape and burn calories without having to leave your home or spend money on expensive equipment.


Treadmill walking is a great way to exercise and burn calories while watching TV or reading a book. It’s also low impact, so it won’t put too much stress on your joints or bones. You can even turn up the incline on your treadmill for an extra challenge if you want!



The Roswell Fitness Factory is the most Personalized Gym in Atlanta

Our gym members can access our gym 24 hours a day, utilizing our web app, or a key fob. They upload our app from the Apple app store, then utilize the feed we provide to their smartphone for access. We also offer a special manual access code option, for those who prefer that entry method. At our Roswell 24-7 Fitness Center, our fitness coaches are truly experts in their field. They provide incredible support to all of the members of the gym, and to the personal training clients who come from all across the city to utilize this facility. Our firm is truly blessed to be run by two of the area’s premier fitness trainers. That being Matthew and Brandi Lein. These aren’t your average trainers. They are special people. Matt and Brandi take time to really get to know the folks they work with. They invest tremendous time and energy into creating the perfect training environment for their customers. The programs they deliver are impactful and designed to help each client achieve their individual goals. These training clients quickly realize that Matt and Brandi are real, salt of the earth people. They are more than just trainers. They are friends, mentors, and often times some of the biggest supporters their training clients have.

Personal Training

Matt Lein at The Roswell Fitness Factory




9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086
