Roswell Fitness Factory

The Shuttle MVP Workout is a four-part exercise routine designed to build strength, increase your range of motion and improve posture. The workout consists of exercises that are designed to be performed while lying face up on the floor or mat, such as supine leg presses, plyometric jumping and general rehabilitation movements such as lunges and side bends. Each section focuses on a different part of the body, so it’s important not only to complete each section but also to ensure you’re performing them all in order!

The Shuttle MVP Workout

  • The Shuttle MVP Workout should be performed two days per week for three weeks. After completing this cycle, take one week off before repeating it again.
  • The Shuttle MVP Workout is designed to build strength, increase your range of motion and improve postural alignment. The Shuttle MVP Workout is a series of exercises that focus on the core muscles, back and abdominal muscles, leg muscles and lower body muscles.

Supine Leg Press

The Supine Leg Press is a great exercise for developing the quadriceps and glutes. The machine has pads that you place your thighs on, with handles to hold onto as you press up and down against resistance.

To do this exercise:

  • Position yourself on the machine with your feet flat on the floor, knees bent and arms extended down at your sides.
  • Press up against resistance until legs are fully extended (do not lock out knees). Lower back down under control until calves are just above parallel to floor (i.e., knee joint angle less than 90 degrees), pause briefly then push through heel into next repetition. Perform 12 to 15 repetitions.
  • Smith Machine Squats: This exercise is a variation of the barbell back squat, but it is performed on a Smith machine. If you do not have access to one, try doing dumbbell squats instead.

Plyometric Jumping

Plyometric jumping is a type of exercise where you’re jumping from one foot to another. It helps with muscle recovery, muscle growth, bone density and balance and coordination. It also improves speed and agility.

The MVP Workout includes plyometric exercises like box jumps and depth jumps that are best done using an Olympic weightlifting platform or similar surface so that you can land safely after each jump without hurting yourself on hard ground. For those who do not have access to such facilities at home or work (or simply prefer not to use them), there are many other ways in which you can perform these same types of movements safely:

For example, you can use a pair of steps or stairs that are at least 12 inches high, and simply jump up onto the first step and then back down again. You can also try doing box jumps with one leg instead of two—this is a great way to develop strength in your legs while still getting the benefits of plyometric jumping. Another option is to perform depth jumps (where you drop off an elevated surface) by standing on a chair or stool that’s about 18 inches high, then stepping off as far away from it as possible while keeping your arms straight and landing softly.

General Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is a process of restoring function and movement lost due to injury or illness. Rehabilitation can be physical, psychological, social or vocational in nature.

Physical therapy (PT) is one form of rehabilitation that uses exercise and other techniques to improve mobility and reduce pain for patients who have suffered from injuries such as spinal cord damage or stroke. PT may include exercises such as range-of-motion activities, muscle strengthening exercises and balance training. Other types of physical therapy include aquatic therapy which uses water to help improve strength while reducing stress on joints; hippotherapy which uses horses as an aid in walking practice; locomotor training which uses wheelchairs for patients who cannot walk on their own due to neurological problems such as multiple sclerosis; progressive resistance exercise where weights are added gradually until maximum strength has been reached; therapeutic ultrasound which uses ultrasonic waves at low frequencies (0-20 kHz) directed over injured areas with no significant heating effects

Resistance and Flexibility

Flexibility is the ability to move your joints and muscles through their full range of motion. It’s important for athletes because it helps them maintain good form, perform better and recover faster after training or competition.

Flexibility can also help prevent injury by improving your body’s ability to handle stress on the joints, muscles and tendons. And if you are not flexible enough when you start an activity like running or swimming (or even walking!), it may cause pain in areas where you don’t have much flexibility–like your knees!

To improve your overall flexibility:

Stretch regularly throughout the day by doing simple exercises like those outlined below.

Warm up before beginning any activity that involves stretching.

Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds; Repeat the stretch two or three times, holding each repetition for 30 seconds; Do not bounce; Relax your breathing and focus on stretching out the muscle being targeted.

The Shuttle MVP Workout is designed to build strength, increase your range of motion and improve postural alignment. It’s also a great way to recover from surgery or injury.

The workout has three phases:

  • Phase 1 consists of exercises that focus on increasing mobility in the hips and shoulders. These movements will help you build muscle mass as well as improve your posture by strengthening the muscles around your spine and shoulders.
  • Phase 2 focuses on improving core stability while also developing lower body strength through squats and lunges (you will do these with extra weight). This phase also includes upper body exercises such as pushups with weights or medicine balls held overhead for added resistance during each repetition–and if you’re feeling ambitious, try doing some pull ups too!
  • Phase 3 involves challenging balance work using Bosu balls (these can be purchased at most fitness stores). This phase teaches you how not only how keep yourself balanced but also how quickly respond when someone comes crashing into your personal space by pushing off from one foot onto another before landing safely back down again.”
  • Phase 4: Cardiovascular Endurance Training. This phase focuses on improving cardiovascular endurance by getting your heart rate up and keeping it there for extended periods of time. You will do these exercises at a moderate pace for about 20-30 minutes per session (it is best to do this 3-4 times per week).
  • Phase 5: Strength Building Exercises. This phase focuses on improving strength by doing exercises that focus on one particular muscle group at a time. You’ll do these exercises with heavy weights for about 20-30 minutes per session (it is best to do this 3-4 times per week).


The Shuttle MVP Workout is designed to build strength, increase your range of motion and improve postural alignment. It is a great way to prepare for activity and recover from injuries.



The Roswell Fitness Factory is an Elite Personal Training Gym


Becoming a Fitness Factory member is a quick and easy process. Members may join one of two ways. In Person or Online. To set up a tour and join in person simply Contact Us by phone or email to schedule an appointment. Staff is typically available for in person Sign ups Monday – Friday. For online sign up simply click the Join Now button and complete your membership agreement. After completing your enrollment, you will receive an email from us inviting you to download and activate your free Georgia Personal Training App. Included in the app is your digital barcode which will give you immediate 24-hour access to the facility using your iPhone or Android device.

Shuttle MVP Workout

Matt Lein Owner and Personal Trainer Roswell Fitness Factory



Roswell Fitness Factory

Our fitness center is located in the Garrison Hill Village Shopping Center. We are conveniently located right at the intersection of Marietta Highway and Willeo Road, right where Roswell, Marietta, and Sandy Springs intersect. The gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to our members. Our customers enjoy secure, barcode access to the facility, or access the club using a digital barcode included with our free fitness app. The address for Roswell Fitness Factory is 9420 Willeo Road, Suite 105, Roswell, Ga 30075. If you have questions regarding membership options or scheduling a tour of the gym, you may call us at (770) 241-1086, or simply fill out and submit the form below, and we will get back to you the same day.

9420 Willeo Road, Suite 105

Roswell, Georgia 30075

Phone: (770) 241-1086