Roswell Fitness Factory

As a tennis player, your training program is the backbone of your performance. Tennis is a sport that requires versatility and strength, but if you do not have the proper conditioning to support it all, you will quickly find yourself fatigued and unable to perform at your best. That is why Tennis Personal Training is so important for improving your game.

Tennis Personal Training

A personal trainer can help you reach your fitness goals faster and more effectively. A lot of people think that hiring a personal trainer is only for people who want to get into shape, but it’s actually beneficial for everyone–even if you have no intention of losing weight or getting stronger. Personal trainers are trained to assess your current condition and design customized workouts that address your specific needs and abilities. They’ll also make sure you’re doing each exercise correctly so that it doesn’t cause injury or further aggravate an existing problem in need of treatment by a medical professional (like an orthopedist).

A good tennis coach will give feedback on technique during practice sessions, but if you want personalized attention all the time there’s no better option than hiring one-on-one lessons with someone who knows exactly what they’re doing!

Tennis Core Exercises

The core is a group of muscles that support your spine and help you move. It includes:

  • Abdominals (your tummy)
  • Lower back muscles
  • Hip flexors (a group of muscles that lift the thigh)

In tennis, it’s important to have a strong core because it helps with balance and stability. You need good balance when you’re hitting a ball or moving around on court; if you’re not stable in one position, then there’s no way for your arms or legs to be able to make contact with the ball properly! A strong core will also prevent injuries–if one area isn’t working properly due to injury or weakness, another part can compensate for it instead so that nothing gets hurt worse than it should be without proper care taken beforehand by both player and trainer alike

Tennis Arm Exercises

  • Wrist curls
  • Reverse wrist curls
  • Rotator cuff exercises (shoulder internal and external rotations)
  • Elbow exercises (elbow flexion and extension)
  • Shoulder exercises (shoulder abduction and adduction)

Tennis Leg Exercises

Leg exercises are an important part of any tennis workout. They help to strengthen the muscles in your legs, hips and core, which can lead to improved performance on the court.

Here are some examples of leg exercises:

  • Squats – Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold weights at chest height with arms straight down by your sides. Bend knees until thighs are parallel with floor (or as close as possible), then push through heels to return upright position. Repeat 10 times for one set; perform 2-3 sets per day every other day.
  • Lunges – Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart holding dumbbells at sides (or no weight if preferred). Take large step forward into lunge position so front thigh is parallel to floor; keep back knee from touching ground as much as possible throughout exercise movement (this will ensure proper form). Return back into starting position by pushing off heel of rear foot until both legs are straightened again–you may need someone there who can assist you if this becomes too challenging due to balance issues! Perform 10 reps per leg for one set; perform 2-3 sets per day every other day.

Tennis Cardio Training

Cardio is an important part of any tennis player’s training, but it can be challenging to find the right balance between strength and endurance. To improve your performance on court, try incorporating some of these cardio exercises into your routine:

  • Running – Running is one of the best ways to get in shape for tennis and improves stamina by building up your cardiovascular system. Try running for 10 minutes at a time, 3 times per week. If you feel comfortable doing so, gradually increase the duration or intensity of each run until you are able to run for 20 minutes straight without stopping!
  • Jump Rope – Jumping rope not only builds leg strength but also increases agility on court by improving coordination between muscles in different parts of your body (i.e., arms/shoulders). Jumping rope also burns calories quickly–you could burn around 100 calories just jumping at moderate intensity for 15 minutes!

If possible, try combining both running and jumping rope into one workout session where one activity leads seamlessly into another (i.e., run 5 minutes then jump rope 5 times before starting over again).

Tennis Strength Training

Strength training can help you develop more power, improve your posture and balance, prevent injuries and boost your overall performance on the court.

While there are many different exercises that can be done to strengthen muscles in the body, it is important that you choose exercises that target the specific muscles used in tennis. For example: backhand groundstrokes require greater strength in wrist flexion compared with forehand groundstrokes which require greater strength in wrist extension. Therefore if you only do wrist extension exercises then this may result in decreased performance when playing a backhand shot but not necessarily an improvement for your forehand shot.

It is also important to remember that every player has their own unique needs based on factors such as age/gender/height etc., so make sure you consult with a professional before starting any new program!

Tennis Speed Training

Speed training is essential for any tennis player who wants to be competitive on the court. Speed training exercises are designed to increase your ability to move quickly and hit shots with more power, which will help you win more points and reduce the number of errors you make.

Speed training drills should be done at a fast pace so that you can strengthen your muscles as well as improve your overall conditioning level. The following are examples of speed training drills:

  • Tennis ball sprints – Run up and down the court while hitting tennis balls back over the net with straight-back arms in front of your body (make sure not to bend forward). Repeat this drill 10 times per side.
  • Tossing medicine balls – Throw medicine balls back and forth between teammates while they stand behind cones set up on opposite sides of each other at least 15 feet apart.
  • Agility ladder exercises – Jump over each rung of an agility ladder by taking small steps rather than big jumps; try doing this exercise without stopping once before going back through again.

Tennis Agility Training

Agility training is essential for tennis players. Agility drills will improve your footwork, reaction time, and balance.

  • Footwork: Agility training will help you develop quick feet that allow you to move around the court with greater ease. This will give you an advantage over opponents who have slower or less agile feet than yours.
  • Reaction Time: Agility drills help improve your reaction time so that when someone hits a shot at you or crosses over from one side of the court to another, you can respond quickly enough to handle it effectively without being too slow on your feet or getting caught off guard by what they do next in their game plan (which could lead to making mistakes).
  • Balance: Agility drills also build up strength in various muscles which helps keep them stable during movement patterns like jumping shots over other players’ heads into open spaces on either side where they might not expect us to come back towards them after hitting them hard enough where their eyes were looking before our own.


We hope you enjoyed this article on tennis personal training. If you are interested in Personal Training for Tennis or for overall fitness, please contact us today!


Roswell Fitness Factory Sports Specific Training Including Tennis

The secret to effective personal training is understanding your craft at an in-depth level and understanding that every client is different. The fitness training professionals at Georgia Personal Training have achieved their industry certifications and are experts in their field. They recognize the need to customize workout routines to the betterment of each individual client they serve. Our personal trainers are caring and dedicated individuals who focus on keeping clients motivated and focused on achieving success.

Fitness goals are easy to set, but, without the help of a dedicated personal trainer by your side, sometimes very hard to achieve. Roswell Fitness Factory and Georgia Personal Training staff provide the inspiration, knowledge, encouragement you are going to need during your journey. When you start to waiver they will step in and provide the accountability that you sometimes need to be reminded of to stay on the path to Fitness victory. Our personal training staff is ready to assist you with all your training needs. Call us today at 770-241-1086 or email us at and let our team take care of your family.

Tennis Personal Training




Roswell Fitness Factory

Our fitness center is located in the Garrison Hill Village Shopping Center. We are conveniently located right at the intersection of Marietta Highway and Willeo Road, right where Roswell, Marietta, and Sandy Springs intersect. The gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to our members. Our customers enjoy secure, barcode access to the facility, or access the club using a digital barcode included with our free fitness app. The address for Roswell Fitness Factory is 9420 Willeo Road, Suite 105, Roswell, Ga 30075. If you have questions regarding membership options or scheduling a tour of the gym, you may call us at (770) 241-1086, or simply fill out and submit the form below, and we will get back to you the same day.

9420 Willeo Road, Suite 105

Roswell, Georgia 30075

Phone: (770) 241-1086