Roswell Fitness Factory

Kickboxing is one of the best workouts for improving your health, fitness and strength. Kickboxing Workouts are an intense workout that will give you an incredible cardio workout in just 30 minutes, but it is also something you can do at home. Matt Lein and the Roswell Fitness Factory are experts in kickboxing workouts who have created a video series to show you exactly how to get started with kickboxing on your own.

Kickboxing Workouts, Matt Lein and the Roswell Fitness Factory

Kickboxing workouts are an excellent way to get in shape and stay fit. Kickboxing is a full-body workout that targets all of your muscles, including your core, arms and legs. It is also great for burning calories! Matt Lein is the owner of Roswell Fitness Factory where he teaches kickboxing classes five days per week. He has over 30 years’ experience in martial arts and personal training and has been helping people, including law enforcement officers, lose weight and get in great physical condition through exercise programs such as kickboxing.

Kickboxing workouts require participants to engage their entire bodies during each exercise session, so they get maximum results from each workout session without overworking any one area too much (which could lead injury). This type of exercise routine helps build lean muscle mass while burning fat at the same time–making it ideal for anyone looking improve overall health while shedding unwanted pounds!

Kickboxing classes are also a fun way to get in shape, improve your fitness level and make new friends. The classes are typically led by an instructor who will show you how to perform each move properly before letting you practice on your own. Do not worry about being embarrassed if you are not very coordinated or familiar with martial arts–all levels of fitness and experience are welcome! Since kickboxing workouts involve so many different types of exercises, they are great for improving overall health and well-being.

Kickboxing Workout Benefits

Kickboxing is a great way to improve your health, fitness and strength. Kickboxing can help you get in shape by improving your cardio and endurance. It is also great for increasing flexibility, balance and coordination. Kickboxing is a combat sport that involves striking with hands, feet, knees and elbows as well as throwing techniques such as kicks or throws with punches (punches are not allowed in competition). The goal of kickboxing is to knock out your opponent using striking techniques before they do the same thing to you! So, if you want some fun but also want an intense workout then to try out some kickboxing classes at an academy near you today!

There are different types of kickboxing, including Muay Thai and Savante. There is also a form called Kyokushin which is very similar to MMA (mixed martial arts) and involves striking techniques from various fighting styles. Kyokushin fighters wear head guards, chest protectors and groin cups.

Kickboxing Workout Cardio Benefits

Kickboxing is a high-intensity workout that can burn up to 1,000 calories per hour. Kickboxing works the entire body, engaging your core and strengthening your arms, legs and back muscles. It is also a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness–the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygenated blood throughout the body at an increased rate during exercise. This type of training improves blood flow by improving capillary growth in tissues throughout the body (whereas running or cycling may only improve capillaries in lower extremities). This means that kickboxing will help you get leaner faster than other forms of cardio like jogging or swimming would–and it also makes it easier for people who are overweight or obese to lose weight as well because they will not feel as tired after completing their workouts!

Kickboxing Workout Weight Loss

Kickboxing is a great way to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness. It will also help you build strength, flexibility and coordination. Kickboxing is an excellent way to get in shape because it targets all of the major muscle groups in your body including:

  • Upper body (shoulders)
  • Lower body (legs)
  • Core muscles in your midsection
  • Improves your balance and coordination. This is especially important for older adults who may have lost some of their agility over time.
  • Arm Benefits

Kickboxing uses punches thrown with the hands or forearms as well as kicks delivered with the legs (or both). Kicks can be performed with the front leg or back leg (roundhouse kick), sidekicks using either foot (hook kick) or knees used in combination with punches or kicks. Kicking and punching are used to generate power in the delivery of each blow. The body is held in a strong fighting stance, which is essential for delivering powerful strikes. Kickboxing classes usually include drills that focus on developing speed, power and accuracy when throwing punches and kicks.

Kickboxing Workout Flexibility Benefits

Kickboxing is a great way to improve your flexibility. Kickboxing improves balance, coordination and core strength. It also improves speed and agility. Kickboxing is also an excellent way to improve cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. These are all important for everyday activities such as walking or running upstairs. Kickboxing also improves reaction time which is important if you want to avoid getting hit by cars while crossing the street!

Kickboxing is a great way to lose weight and stay fit. The combination of aerobic and anaerobic training helps you burn more calories than traditional cardiovascular exercise such as running or cycling. And since kickboxing requires fast movements, your heart rate stays elevated for longer periods of time which means that you will be burning more calories even when you are not in the gym!

Kickboxing Workout Speed Benefits

Kickboxing is a great way to improve your speed and agility. Kickboxing workouts are designed to improve your speed and agility in other sports, but they can also be used as an effective way to improve these qualities outside of the ring or gym. If you want to kickbox for fitness purposes, there are several benefits that come from this type of training. Increased flexibility–Kickboxing workouts require you to move around quickly and often change directions on a dime. By doing so regularly, you will increase both flexibility in general as well as specific areas like hamstrings or quadriceps (depending on which direction you are moving). This makes it easier for us humans when we need to bend over quickly because our bodies will be more limber than before!


Kickboxing is a great way to improve your health, fitness and strength. It can help you lose weight, build muscle mass and increase flexibility. In addition, kickboxing workouts have been shown to be effective at improving balance, arm strength and speed as well as burning calories!



Roswell Fitness Factory Conducts Fitness Consultations with Clients

At Roswell Fitness Factory, we hold a 30-60 min consultation with every client before we even step foot on the training floor. We feel it is essential to discover and uncover everything we possibly can about a client’s medical history, lifestyle, diet, and current fitness level before beginning training. The initial assessment includes BMI and body fat testing, optional weigh in and measurements, and establishing your basal metabolic rate. We also want to know exactly what the client’s goals are and what brought them to us in the first place. We need this information in order to properly design the right program for each individual.

Another important part of the consultation is explaining the science of training and how we will approach our sessions in order to meet the client’s goals. We want you to be educated about what we are doing and why we are doing it. The ultimate goal for every trainer should be to teach their clients how to keep themselves physically fit for life. We understand that no client will train with us forever, and therefore to truly serve our clients we must make sure we give them the tools to continue their progress even after they’ve left our gym.

Roswell Fitness Factory


Matt Lein



Roswell Fitness Factory

Our fitness center is located in the Garrison Hill Village Shopping Center. We are conveniently located right at the intersection of Marietta Highway and Willeo Road, right where Roswell, Marietta, and Sandy Springs intersect. The gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to our members. Our customers enjoy secure, barcode access to the facility, or access the club using a digital barcode included with our free fitness app. The address for Roswell Fitness Factory is 9420 Willeo Road, Suite 105, Roswell, Ga 30075. If you have questions regarding membership options or scheduling a tour of the gym, you may call us at (770) 241-1086, or simply fill out and submit the form below, and we will get back to you the same day.

9420 Willeo Road, Suite 105

Roswell, Georgia 30075

Phone: (770) 241-1086