We recognize that each of our personal training clients is unique. They have their own goals, needs, and skill sets.

We have personal training clients that are teenagers while others are middle-aged or even seniors as well as every age in-between. Some are pregnant or just had babies while others are training for a marathon or athletic event or sport.

Then, we have special needs clients who also have individual goals.

Not one personal training program or set of workouts will work for everyone. It takes customized personal training programs that account for exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to get the results for each person.

That’s why we take one hour with each client to first get to know them, do measurements, discuss goals, and learn about the challenges they face.

From there, we customize all personal training workouts, dietary suggestions, and individual homework assignments for days they are not training with us.

This increases the positive results plus encourages and motivates each of our clients to keep going. They are much more willing to keep going because they can see the workouts and nutritional guidelines are all about them.

We have so many success stories to share that prove why customized personal training is the only solution.

Come see for yourself! We offer a free one-hour introductory personal training session for new members.