Besides offering personal training for individuals who want to lose weight, gain muscle, or compete in athletic competitions like marathons, we also offer sports-specific personal training to high school and college students.

Many sports require more than just going to practice to work on certain skills. Focusing personal training on certain exercises and motions can help improve agility, speed, flexibility, strength and more to elevate y0ur sports performance to new levels.

Sports Performance Training Services include acceleration and top speed training; agility and foot speed; lateral quickness; plyometric training; strength training and spinal stability; rotatio strength and power; metabolic conditioning; flexibility and range of motion; joint balance and stability; nervous system optimization; injury prevention; and diet and nutrition.

These sports performance training services work well for a number of sports, including baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse, MMA, soccer, swimming, tennis and competitive cheerleading.

We’ve helped athletes throughout their high school and college careers with personalized sports-specific training programs that match their needs, unique abilities, and strengths and weaknesses. We work with student-athletes at different levels across different training lengths and time periods to provide a personalized sports-specific performance training experience.

Our personal trainers have played competitive sports and understand what it takes to improve performance above and beyond what coaches are offering, which typically focuses on some skills but mostly running plays and strategy. We enhance and integrate with those approaches to help create overall sports performance improvements.

Learn more about what we offer for sports training today by contacting us or stopping by our personal training facilities.