At Georgia Personal Training, our focus is on delivering elite personal training services for clients in the Metro Atlanta area. That means helping every client achieve their specific goal. For some, those goals might be to lose weight while others want to build strength or improve their sports performance.

However, there is another group that can also benefit from hiring a personal trainer: those that have injuries. These injuries might be sports-related or come from some other experience like an accident at work or elsewhere like during active duty in the military. Whatever the case may be and after you’ve gone through any of the necessary physical therapy needed for more serious injuries, you should consider working with a personal trainer to regain your strength, stamina, and flexibility after that injury.

Returning to exercise after an injury can be frustrating for anyone, especially for an active person who previously was used to playing a sport or going to the gym. Prior to working with a personal trainer on injury recovery and future injury prevention, it’s important to first get cleared by a physician to return to the gym.

From there, a personal trainer can create a customized rehabilitative workout and exercise program. After first learning the nature and extent of the injury or injuries, what physical therapy has accomplished, and what restrictions the client may still be under, the personal trainer can then work on helping with a number of injuries like sprains, strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, shin splints, fractures, dislocations and more.

As part of an injury recovery personal training program, we typically work each limb separately, being acutely aware of where the injury is and how to work around until it is ready to gradually be included to help rebuild that strength, flexibility, and even stamina. Besides understanding how to use certain exercises and repetitions to help with the body’s healing process, personal trainers also become a good support system for handling the challenges and frustration that go with injury recovery.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you safely recover from an injury!