Cheerleaders Team
Every sport requires training to improve performance. However, fitness training is also important because it helps strengthen the body to help prevent injuries as well as enable the body to do more than you ever thought possible. While you can see that for sports like football, baseball, basketball, and others, you may not immediately think of competitive cheerleading.
Have you ever seen what competitive cheerleaders actually do? If you did, you would immediately understand the value of undertaking fitness training program that helps give them the core body strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance they need to do all those incredible moves, jumps, and flips.
Here, at Georgia Personal Training, we have designed a specific fitness training program for competitive cheerleaders. The program is geared to improving each participant’s physical fitness level. By developing greater core body strength, a cheer leader can perform better at doing those lifts, dance moves, and gymnastics that is such a large part of competitive cheer.
Brandi Lein is one of our lead fitness trainers. She is a certified personal trainer who works with the girls and boy participating in competitive cheering. During her high school years, Brandi participated in competitive cheerleading and was part of her high school cheer team throughout her four years.
With this experience, Brandi understands the unique demands placed on girls and boys who participate in competition and cheering. That’s helped her and our staff design a sport specific training program that addresses those demands for cheerleaders.
Competitive cheerleading is now a part of many local schools, including Roswell High School, Milton High School, and many other Cobb County area high schools.
Now, many colleges are even offering scholarships for students participating in cheerleading. That’s another reason why performance in competitive cheer has become just as important as other sports.
Our fitness training for cheerleaders provides expert help for those of all ages and skill levels. For younger clients, our fitness sessions are about 30 minutes. For high school age or collegiate athletes, the sessions are between 45 minute and one hour. A lot of this depends on our clients’ schedules and goals.
Contact us today to learn more about our fitness training for competitive cheerleading. Schedule your free consultation so we can find out how we can help improve your competitive cheerleading performance while minimizing or even preventing injuries!