Georgia Personal Training

We at Georgia Personal Training are more than just a group of personal trainers. We are based out of Atlanta, GA and specialize in sport-specific, injury prevention, prehab and rehabilitative training. Our programs are designed to help athletes excel at their sport as well as improve their overall performance by using customized exercise routines that target specific muscle groups. We are experts in the field of sport specific, injury prevention, prehab and rehabilitative training. Our goal is to keep our clients healthy and strong so they can continue to compete at their highest level in any sport they choose. Our staff includes highly trained coaches and athletes with years of experience.

Atlanta Personal Training

If you’re looking for a personal training facility in Atlanta, Georgia that specializes in Sport Specific, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitative Training; then Georgia Personal Training is the place to be! They have some of the best equipment around and a great staff who knows how to use it. Their location is also very convenient with free parking so you can easily get in and out of there quickly. They are open 7 days a week so no matter what day or time works for you they will be there ready to help reach your fitness goals!

Sport Specific Strength Training

Sport specific strength training is an excellent way to build muscle, increase flexibility and range of motion, improve sports performance and increase overall athleticism. It involves the use of exercises that mimic the actions required for your particular sport or activity. For example, if you play basketball then you would want to engage in sport specific training which includes shooting basketballs and running with a basketball while dribbling it. These types of exercises can be easily incorporated into your workout routine by adding them at the end of a session or even replacing some other exercises with this type of exercise. When done properly these types of workouts will help you strengthen both your upper body as well as lower body muscles which will allow them to become more flexible while also increasing their power output so they can perform better on game day!


Rehabilitation is a process that may take months or years, which is why it’s so important to do everything you can to prevent injuries in the first place. Rehabilitation after an injury should focus on restoring function. It involves physical therapy, exercise and lifestyle changes as well as personal training. If you’ve suffered from an injury or are at risk of having one, contact Georgia Personal Training today for more information about how we can help!

Prehab/Injury Prevention

Preventing injuries is important. So is prehab. Prehab is an active way to prevent injuries, by strengthening muscles and joints, improving flexibility and balance. It’s better than just waiting for an injury to occur and then treating it with rehab after the fact. In addition to helping you avoid injury during your sports season, prehab can also help you prevent future injuries in other ways: powerlifters tend to injure their back when they’re lifting heavy weights; gymnasts will get injured if they don’t keep their shoulders strong from all of those handstands; runners can get shin splints if their muscles aren’t strong enough or flexible enough to absorb shock from running on hard surfaces like concrete; swimmers are more likely than others (who spend less time submerged) because they have weaker shoulder muscles than average people do—which means those powerful strokes could cause problems over time.*

About Us

We have a team of certified trainers that are ready to improve your performance! Our facility offers state of the art equipment including treadmills, elliptical machines, stationary bikes, free weights (dumbbells), medicine balls and other functional tools that will help you get stronger or rehabilitate an injury. Georgia Personal Training provides athletes with accountability through our one-on-one training programs as well as small group personal training classes so you can work on proper form while improving your overall fitness level.


So, if you’re looking for the best personal trainers in Atlanta, Georgia Personal Training is the place to go! We have an exceptional staff of fitness experts who are ready and willing to assist with any training needs you may have. You can find us at our office, follow us on social media or click the link below for more information about our services.

Most Elite Training in Atlanta

Georgia Personal Training and 24-7 Fitness Center has been operating in Roswell for many years. Our friendly, professional staff is trained to help you along every step of your fitness journey. We encourage and support each individual member who comes into the facility. If you are interested in a gym membership, you can sign up online, or call (770) 241-1086.

We are a family owned and operated business. The owners of our gym grew up in the area. They live and raise their children right here in the community. Gym members who utilize our fitness center enjoy 24-hour access, 7 days a week. We offer an incredible array of fitness equipment. When you work out here, you will find many of the fitness industries top equipment brands represented in our gym. That includes premium fitness equipment brands like Life Fitness, Hammer strength, Hampton, Precor and more.

9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086
