At Georgia Personal Training, our focus is on customizing elite personal training services for clients in the Metro Atlanta area who want to improve their appearance, change body composition, and reduce overall body fat.  Since 2008, we have developed science-based, personalized, and affordable personal training programs. Our certified personal trainers have helped numerous clients achieve their weight loss and fitness goals through regular personal training sessions designed around their needs, limitations, and strengths.

Our personal training programs focus on three key areas based on the science of weight loss and the idea that weight loss and fat loss are two very different things.  If you burn more calories than you consume, then you will lose weight. If you burn less calories than you take in, you will gain weight. Weight loss occurs by losing fat, muscle, or water. Muscle mass is a primary driver of your basal metabolic rate. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is, and the more calories you burn daily.

Therefore, we focus on diet and nutrition to guide how you make the right food choices to control or cut calories without taking away from the nutrition you need to fuel your muscles and jump start your metabolism.

Second, our personal trainers develop a customized strength training program for you. By building more muscle, you can increase your metabolism and resting metabolic rat to burn more fat and stimulate weight loss.  Our fat loss training programs are specifically designed to maximize the metabolic boosting forces of muscle mass as well as optimize muscle hypertrophy, functional strength, and caloric output.

Next, our personal training regimens include metabolic conditioning. Rather than focus on traditional cardio, we suggest techniques like HIIT training (high intensity interval training) as well as sprint interval training, and  strength circuit training. These techniques maximize the calories burned both during and after the session. By prioritizing intensity over duration our clients increase their resting metabolism for up to 24 hours post workout.

When metabolic conditioning is combined with strength training program and a fat loss diet, the results on body composition are truly amazing.Find out for yourself by contacting our personal trainers to learn more about our customized fat loss and body composition personal training programs.