Georgia Personal Training

“We measure our success purely based on the results our clients attain”

At Georgia Personal Training (GPT), we pride ourselves on providing the most elite personal training services in Metro Atlanta.  Since 2008, we have worked hard to provide the most effective, cutting edge, science based training in the area at the most affordable prices.  Our training programs include weight loss, fat reduction, sports performance training, speed and agility, physique sculpting, metabolic conditioning, physical therapy, injury prevention, nutritional coaching, yoga, kickboxing, and more.

For more than a decade we have consistently produced amazing results for people of all walks of life. GPT trainers are certified, experienced, caring, and driven to help you succeed.  Whether you are brand new to fitness and need someone to show you the ropes, or you’re a competitive athlete looking to take your game to another level, GPT is the place for you.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and complimentary training session, and give us the opportunity to earn your business and change your life.

Beat the summer heat with indoor personal training at Georgia Personal Training!


GPT Personal Trainer Brandi Lein

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

In the heat of the summer, outdoor workouts such as jogging or biking can be a challenge. Sometimes the excessive heat can be dangerous. Georgia Personal Training offers a state of the art indoor training facility. Here you will receive expert coaching and a proven body changing work out. All in the comfort and safety of a climate controlled environment.

One such workout is referred to as HIIT which stands for high-intensity interval training. There are numerous routines you can choose from and the professional personal trainers at GPT will stay with you every step of the way. With HIIT you do not have the ability to take it slow for the entire workout. You have to be prepared to go all out for short intervals and push yourself hard. Below are some of the popular HIIT trend routines:

  • The Basic Sprint Interval – To get started you warm up for approximately for three minutes with a slow jog. Then the fun begins as you jump into a full sprint as fast as you can run for 15 to 20 seconds. Then slow it back down to the jog or even walk pace for a minute and then start the sprint phase all over again.
  • The Body-weight Tabata Circuit – With this exercise routine you choose a body weight exercise such as burpess, squats, or mountain climbers. Again you go hard for 20 seconds, rest for 10 and do it again. You should try for eight sets.
  • The Bike Sprint – One of my personal favorites is the stationary bike. This is a tremendous exercise to strengthen and tone your hamstrings and quads. You pedal all out for 30 seconds and then ride slow for one minute. Try to get in as many rounds of this as possible. 10 -20 is optimum as a good goal.
  • The Battle Ropes Blitz – If you like swinging battle ropes, try this for 30 seconds, rest for one minute and repeat. If you are able to do slams or waves for 10 repetitions, you will feel the burn.
  • The Hill Sprint Series –  Sprinting is a great exercise but doing this on an incline treadmill really amps it up. Another good thing about sprinting on an incline is that there is less strain on your joints and hamstrings. Try to sprint full out for 20-30 seconds and then walk for one minute to catch your breath. Repeat for 10 repetitions.
  • The Sled Push Slam –  You have probably seen football players pushing sleds to improve their strength and ability to explode off the line of scrimmage.  Sleds also improve  your anaerobic conditioning by allowing you to battle through sprints that are over quickly.  The sled should be loaded with 70 to 85 percent of your max pushing capacity. As you explode into the sled trying to push it, you will feel the fatigue. Try to complete five repetitions.
  • The Rowing Ab Blast – This unique exercise involves the use of a rowing machine and then a mat where you can supplement the rowing with sets of the core exercise know as ” hollow rocks”. You should row for one minute then do five hollow rocks and get back on the rowing machine. Do this same repetition until you have rowed 2,000 meters.
  • The 100s Crush –  For this high intensity work out you can use a treadmill, rowing machine or a Versa -climber. Try and complete a 100 -meter sprint or a 100 – foot climb as fast as you can go. Then stop and let your heart rate drop to below 120 beats per minute. Repeat this for 10 repetitions.
  • The Total Body Beat-down – Use a timer for this set of exercises and set it for 12 minutes.  Try to maintain good technique but go as fast as you can.  You will have one minute to do each move. Rest for until it is time for the next minute. Obviously if you complete each routine quickly you will have more time to rest before the next minute routine starts. Your goal is to complete four sets.
    • Minute 1: 15 air squats
    • Minute 2: 15 burpees
    • Minute 3: 10 lying Superman holds
  • The Ski-Erg Shred –  A great core exercise, this routine involves some creativity using the Ski Erg. First you go 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds and drop to your knees and go 20 seconds and rest for 10. Then drop to one knee and do 20 seconds and then the other knee for 20. If you can make it for three rounds of this, you will feel quite the burn in your abs.

GPT Owner and Personal Trainer Matt Lein

Thank you for reading our blog. We hope to see you soon and help you start your journey to better health!

Georgia Personal Training/9420 Willeo Road  Suite 106 Roswell, GA  30075
Matt Lein  (770) 241-1086
Brandi Lein (404) 668-7976