Roswell Fitness Factory

The Roswell Fitness Factory offers Plyometrics Training, also known as jump training. This exercise routine is a form of explosive training that can increase your power and speed by improving your ability to produce force rapidly. Plyometric training involves jumping and landing in order to build fast-twitch muscle fibers. This type of training is used by many athletes and can improve your performance in many sports.

What is Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is a type of training that involves exercises that involve rapid stretching and contracting of the muscles. The goal is to produce fast, powerful movements that can help you jump higher, run faster and become more explosive. Plyometric training uses a variety of different exercises: some require weights or other equipment while others are done without any external support. Some examples include squat jumps, single-leg hops over cones or barriers (such as hurdles) and clap pushups (squatting down into a deep squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you before jumping up explosively).

Benefits of plyometrics include increased muscle power and strength; improved agility; reduced risk for injury thanks to greater balance throughout all parts of your body; better coordination between muscles during movement; improved cardiovascular health thanks to increased respiration rate during exercise sessions; and greater lean muscle mass.

Plyometric exercises are also referred to as “shock training” because they involve quick, powerful movements that can help you jump higher, run faster and become more explosive. While plyometrics generally refers to any exercise that involves rapid stretching and contracting of the muscles (such as jumping), the term is often used specifically in reference to a type of training that uses eccentric contractions of muscles during a movement.

Eccentric contractions are a type of muscle contraction in which the muscle is lengthening as it contracts. For example, during a bicep curl with dumbbells, the eccentric contraction occurs when you lower the weight back down following an upward movement; this allows for more control over movements and helps prevent injury (since there’s no sudden force placed on your joints).

Why Plyometrics?

Plyometrics is a beneficial exercise for any athlete, but it can also help you improve your athletic performance. Plyometric training helps build strength, speed and power by increasing the body’s ability to generate force quickly. This type of training allows you to train your muscles to react quickly in order for them to contract forcefully when needed. By improving these muscular functions, plyometrics will enable an athlete to gain more power from each stride or jump they make on the field–which can mean higher speeds or greater jumps!

Plyometric exercises are usually done with low repetitions in order not only increase power output but also prevent injury due to fatigue caused by repeated bouts under load during intense physical activity such as sprinting or jumping off one leg (single leg hops). If you are new to plyometrics, start with only a few repetitions. Avoid doing any exercise that causes pain or discomfort. You can also use this type of training to improve muscular endurance by adding more repetitions or sets over time.

Plyometric training is a great way to build strength, speed and power. It can also help you improve your athletic performance. Plyometric training helps build strength, speed and power by increasing the body’s ability to generate force quickly. This type of training allows you to train your muscles to react quickly in order for them to contract forcefully when needed. By improving these muscular functions, plyometrics will enable an athlete to gain more power from each stride or jump they make on the field–which can mean higher speeds or greater jumps! Plyometric exercises are usually done with low repetitions in order not only increase power output but also prevent injury due to fatigue caused by repeated bouts under load during intense physical activity such as sprinting or jumping off one leg

How to Do Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a type of exercise that uses the body’s natural elasticity to improve strength and power. It involves jumping, bounding and hopping movements that can help you develop explosive speed, agility and power when you run or jump.

There are several different types of plyometric exercises:

  • Depth jumps – jumping as high as possible from a squat position (knees bent)
  • Single-leg hops – hopping forward on one leg for distance or time without putting down your other foot during the movement
  • Double-leg hops – hopping forward on both legs for distance or time without putting down your feet during the movement High knee lifts – bringing your knees up to hip level as quickly as possible in front of you
  • Squat jumps – jumping as high as possible from a squat position (knees bent) without putting down your feet during the movement

Cool Down After a Workout

After you are done with your workout, it is important to cool down. Cooling down will help reduce muscle soreness and prevent injury by allowing your body to return to its normal state at a slower pace. Below are some key elements to post workout:

  • Walk slowly for 5-10 minutes.
  • Stretch your muscles after each workout by holding each stretch for 30 seconds or more. Stretch slowly, so that there is no pain in the muscle being stretched. You should feel mild discomfort when stretching; if it hurts too much or feels like something is tearing in the muscle (tearing sounds like popping), then stop immediately!
  • It is also important to drink plenty of fluids after exercise. This will help your body recover from the workout by replenishing its fluids. You should also eat something within an hour or two after exercising; this will allow your body to take in nutrients and fuel itself for future workouts.
  • If you feel faint after a workout, it may be because your body is low on blood sugar and you need to eat something. If you’re drinking plenty of fluids but still feel faint after a workout, then there’s probably something wrong with your blood pressure or heart rate. If this happens several times in a row (and not just once or twice), then it’s time to see a doctor!


If you are looking for an effective way to improve your fitness levels, plyometric training might be the right choice for you. Plyometrics is a type of exercise that uses explosive movements to build muscle strength and power, as well as speed and agility. Plyometric exercises can be used to increase your performance in sports or simply for general fitness purposes.

Plyometric training involves quick, explosive movements that require you to stretch the muscles before contracting them powerfully (hence the term “plyo”). These exercises will help you develop better balance and coordination while working out, which makes them great additions to any workout routine!

If you are new to plyometrics and are not sure where to start do not worry–you will find expert coaching and support from the Personal Trainers at The Roswell Fitness Factory. In conclusion, plyometric training is an effective way to improve your fitness levels. It can help you build strength, speed and power in a short amount of time.



The Roswell Fitness Factory

Members of The Roswell Fitness Factory also have access to some elite personal services. Our training company, Georgia Personal Training, has a 15 year proven track record of amazing results and satisfied clients. Our personal trainers are truly some of the best in the area. We go above and beyond to make sure every single training session leaves clients feeling like that was the best workout they’ve ever had. We work with clients from all walks of life, and with a wide array of different goals and needs. One of our greatest attributes is the ability to train anyone, no matter the age or fitness level, and produce big time results. Most of our physique and traditional fitness focused clients come from the East Cobb, Roswell, Marietta and Sandy Springs areas. Our sports performance training clients come from all over the state of GA to work with owner and head trainer Matt Lein. Book your free consultation today. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Roswell Fitness Factory





9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006
