Roswell Fitness Factory

Rowing machines are one of the most common pieces of cardio equipment found in gyms and health clubs. A proper Rowing Machine Workout will offer a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health and build lean muscle mass. The rowing machine’s benefits are not just for athletes or gym rats either: anyone can use a rower to increase their fitness levels and meet their goals for getting into shape. Our team at Roswell Fitness Factory would love to guide you through a Rowing Machine Workout.

Rowing Machine Workout

Rowing is a great way to build endurance and strength as well as improve your cardiovascular fitness. When you row, you work muscles throughout your body including those in the arms, back, hips and legs. Rowing machines are workout equipment that allows people to mimic rowing on water by using a flywheel system to create resistance on both sides of the wheel while using their own body weight as leverage against this resistance.

The resistance is adjustable and can be increased or decreased depending on the user’s needs. Rowing machines are also great for people who want to build muscle mass because they allow users to work their upper body as well as their lower body at the same time. Rowing is also a great form of cardiovascular exercise because it increases the heart rate and helps you to burn calories. If you have never used a rowing machine before, it may take some time to get used to it but once you do, it becomes easier.

Rowing Machine Arms Benefit

While the rowing machine is a great way to get in shape and stay fit, it is also a great tool for building lean muscle mass. This will help you tone and shape your arms, increase their strength, improve coordination and balance, as well as increase endurance. In addition to these benefits that can be achieved with any type of exercise program or sport activity (ex: running), rowing machines are known for improving cardiovascular health due to their ability to burn fat while helping one maintain an optimal heart rate zone over time.

Rowing machines are known for their ability to burn calories, helping one lose weight and maintain an optimal heart rate zone. This makes them ideal for those who want a fitness program that does not require a lot of equipment or space. They are also easy-to-use and require no special skills or prior experience. They are known for improving cardiovascular health due to their ability to burn fat while helping one maintain an optimal heart rate zone over time.

Rowing Machine Legs Benefit

Rowing is an excellent way to strengthen your legs. It is also a great way to build muscle in them and can help you build mass on the upper part of your thighs and calves. The rowing machine is a low-impact exercise that works out many different muscles in your body, including those in your arms, back, chest and abdomen. Rowing machines are one of several types of cardiovascular equipment found at gyms today; they are designed specifically for building cardiovascular endurance while working out other muscles at the same time (like when using an elliptical machine).

The rowing machine is a great way to get in shape, but it can be difficult to use if you are not familiar with the steps. Here is what you need to know about using this piece of equipment:

  • The rowing machine consists of a seat that moves back and forth along a rail, which is attached to a large flywheel.
  • The seat has handles on either side of it; when you pull these handles toward your chest, they cause the flywheel to spin.
  • This motion propels your body forward and back as you row through the water.

Rowing Machine Core Benefit

The rowing machine workout is a great choice for fitness enthusiasts looking to burn calories and build lean muscle mass. The rowing machine helps you build strength in your arms, shoulders and back while also working your core muscles. If you are new to this type of workout, it may be helpful to start out with a lower resistance setting so that you can get used to using the machine properly before increasing the intensity level.

The rowing machine is an exercise machine that uses a flywheel to simulate the feel of rowing on water. The user pushes and pulls the handlebars back and forth, causing the flywheel to spin in the same direction. As you work out, you feel as if you are actually rowing on water.

The rowing machine is a cardiovascular exercise that builds strength and endurance. You can use this equipment to tone your arms, back and abs, as well as improve your flexibility. The best way to maximize the benefits of using this machine is by incorporating it into an overall fitness program.

Rowing Machine Cardio Benefit

Rowing is a low-impact exercise that uses both the upper and lower body to increase heart rate and burn calories. Rowing also improves cardiovascular health, which can help you live longer, feel better, and ward off diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Rowing machines are available at most gyms or fitness centers including Roswell Fitness Factory. You can purchase one for home use as well–they are relatively inexpensive compared with other types of equipment such as treadmills or elliptical trainers. Rowing machines are great for people who want to get a full-body workout.

Rowing machines are also ideal for people who have joint problems or other physical conditions that make it difficult to perform other types of exercise. Rowing is low impact, so it can be performed by people who suffer from arthritis or other joint issues and still get a great cardiovascular workout without putting too much stress on the joints.

The rowing machine workout is a great choice for fitness enthusiasts looking to burn calories and build lean muscle mass. The rowing machine targets the entire body by engaging your lower body, core and upper body muscles during each stroke. Rowing also helps improve overall cardiovascular health because it gets your heart rate up in a short amount of time.

While you might not be able to change the speed or distance of your row, you can choose what kind of workout you want by adjusting how much weight you put on the machine’s flywheel (the heavier it is, the harder it will be).

Some rowing machines have a built-in fan that blows air onto you as you row. This can help keep you cool on those hot summer days when all you want to do is get in some exercise and stay cool at the same time!

How To Use a Rowing Machine:

  • Adjust the seat height so that your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle when pedaling.
  • Place both feet on the footrests and grip the handles with one hand on each side of the rowing machine’s handlebar.


If you are looking for a way to burn calories, build lean muscle and improve your cardiovascular health all at once, then the rowing machine is the perfect choice. It has been shown that rowing can improve heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure as well as increasing blood flow throughout the body.



Roswell Fitness Factory 24-hour Gym

Our facility contains more than $250,000 of strength, cardio, and free weight equipment. We also have numerous signature pieces, typically only found in high level training facilities versus traditional commercial gyms. Every Fitness Factory member has access to all our equipment, including the specialized pieces that we utilize during personal training sessions. When you join our gym, we give you a free one-hour training session where we will teach you specifically how to utilize these pieces, in addition to building you a customized workout plan specific to the equipment we have on site.

Roswell Fitness Factory


Roswell Fitness Factory




9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006
