Georgia Personal Training

“We measure our success purely based on the results our clients attain”

At Georgia Personal Training (GPT), we pride ourselves on providing the most elite personal training services in Metro Atlanta.  Since 2008, we have worked hard to provide the most effective, cutting edge, science based training in the area at the most affordable prices.  Our training programs include weight loss, fat reduction, sports performance training, speed and agility, physique sculpting, metabolic conditioning, physical therapy, injury prevention, nutritional coaching, yoga, kickboxing, and more.

For more than a decade we have consistently produced amazing results for people of all walks of life. GPT trainers are certified, experienced, caring, and driven to help you succeed.  Whether you are brand new to fitness and need someone to show you the ropes, or you’re a competitive athlete looking to take your game to another level, GPT is the place for you.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and complimentary training session, and give us the opportunity to earn your business and change your life.

Training with the professionals at Georgia Personal Training has psychological benefits in addition to physical!

GPT client says “Loving my new body”

The Psychological Benefits of Exercise

There are numerous studies that indicate exercise seems to have  positive effects for mental health. Once such study was done by the Mayo Clinic Staff. In their study it was determined that when a person struggles with depression or anxiety, exercise can lower those issues drastically. The physical benefits of lowering blood pressure, problems with diabetes and severity of arthritis are evident but in addition, a person’s overall mood can become more noticeably positive.

In terms of reducing anxiety, exercise helps by releasing natural endorphins that give you an overall good feeling. These chemicals that are released into the brain enhance a sense of calm and well-being similar to what has been referred to as natural cannabis-like brain chemicals. Another way anxiety is reduced is that by engaging in a rigorous exercise routine, your mind is not able to focus on negative thoughts and worries.

People that exercise on a regular basis also experience the benefits of more confidence. If a person sets a goal to achieve for their exercise program, once that goal is met there is a powerful sense of self-confidence that kicks in. Plus there is the confidence boost of knowing your physical appearance is improving.

Then there is the benefit  of socializing with others. People that attend gym classes and those that use the professional services of a certified trainer, have the benefit of meeting and sharing common goals with others. Plus a friendly smile or a kind word can lift anyone’s spirits.

Exercise is such a better option that other mood altering options. Turning to drinking alcohol or dwelling on negative feelings is harmful not helpful. These options only worsen the severity of depression or anxiety. Whereas getting in a routine workout of any kind is good for the body and mind.

Studies show that just 30 minutes per day and perhaps five days per week of some type of exercise is beneficial. The action of exercising can be made up of a wide variety of activities. Something as simple as going for a regular walk can help. Then of course there is exercise where a person is involved in a planned, structured and repetitive routine. This type of exercise is when hiring a professional trainer can play a huge role in helping to obtain goals.

Establishing and maintaining an exercise plan is not necessary difficult and below are some helpful ideas:

  • Identify what you enjoy doing – If you have a certain physical activity that you enjoy you are more likely to stay committed. Whether your passion is walking, running, biking weightlifting, yoga, martial arts, dance classes etc. the point is just find what you enjoy.
  • Get your health professional’s support – Get the advice of your doctor to see what plan might be best for you. Then select a professional in that area of exercise that can help motivate and teach you how to maximize that activity.
  • Set reasonable goals – Set goals that your feel are right for you. If they are too lofty you may not be able to achieve them and become discouraged. If they are too low you may not feel challenged and become bored and more importantly not achieve the maximum benefit.
  • Don’t think of exercise or physical activity as a chore – This gets back to finding something that you enjoy. Exercise should not be something you dread but rather something that you look forward to.
  • Analyze your barriers – Creativity in choosing the proper exercise routine to meet your circumstances can help you stick with a plan. There is not a single plan that works for everyone.
  • Prepare for setbacks and obstacles – Be kind to yourself and not too critical. Obtaining goals is typically very challenging. A professional trainer can be very beneficial to motivate and guide you on the journey to physical and mental well being.

At GPT we have adopted and live by the famous quote “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” We have a passion for helping people meet and exceed their physical fitness goals!

Thank you for reading our blog. We hope to see you soon and help you start your journey to better health!

Georgia Personal Training/9420 Willeo Road  Suite 106 Roswell, GA  30075
Matt Lein  (770) 241-1086
Brandi Lein (404) 668-7976