Being healthy and strong is ideal for your personal and well-being. It gives you the energy and longevity you need to enjoy a good life.

Even more important, though, is to be healthy and strong for your family. You want to be there for your significant other and kids, if you have them. They want you to be part of their lives for as long as possible, making memories together. And, you want the same.

The problem is that we get so involved in our daily lives of working and keeping up with all our responsibilities that we neglect taking care of ourselves. Many of us have sedentary lives, sitting for more than 12 hours a day at work, during a commute, and relaxation in the evening. That can lead to weight gain and accompanying health issues that can reduce our life span.

Instead, you can find ways to stay health for yourself and for them by setting the right example. Here are some ideas to focus on your health in 2020:

  • Set limits to your work schedule, keeping it from spilling over into what should be your free time like the weekends and evenings when you can stay more active.
  • Take more breaks throughout the day so you can move more, visit the gym, or get in some walks.
  • Look for ways to sit less by riding a bike to work, using a standing desk, or opting for a treadmill desk.
  • Try meal prepping to make it easier to grab healthy food. Alternatively, you can also use a subscription service for healthy meals or snacks.
  • Work with a personal trainer to create a regimented exercise plan around your schedule.

We understand it can be challenging to get started on making these type of life-changing habits. That’s why we’re here to help. Check out our current personal training promotions now to gift yourself and your family with health, wellness, and strength in the New Year.