Georgia Personal Training offers the most cutting edge Sports Performance Training in the Roswell, East Cobb area. At GPT, our mission is to help you become the best possible athlete for your specific sport. We work with athletes from all sports, all skill levels, and as young as 10 years of age. GPT training methods are safe, science based, dynamic, intense, highly effective, and always directly applicable to a specific sport. Our program options are flexible and affordable for any budget. GPT trainers are professional, encouraging, and absolutely driven to produce for our athletes. Our business relies on retention and referrals; which only come from results. So that’s what we do, and after over 15 years of proven results, we can confidently say that GPT is the best personal training option in Metro Atlanta. Contact us today and let us take your game to the next level.
Acceleration and Top Speed Training
Agility & Lateral Quickness
Plyometric Training
Sport Specific Strength Training
Core Strength and Spinal Stability
Rotational Strength and Power
Showcase and Combine Preparation
Metabolic Conditioning
Flexibility and Range of Motion
Joint Integrity, Balance and Stability
Nervous System Optimization
Injury Prevention/Prehab
- Hands On Training Sessions
- Custom Designed Workouts
- Off Day Workout Planning
- Improve Conditioning
- Increase Speed & Agility
- Build Muscle & Gain Strength
- Improve balance & Stability
- Increase Exit Velocity
- Core Strength & Rotational Power
- Prevent Injuries
- Affordable Pricing
- 45 min & 60 min sessions
- Small Group Sessions
The secret to effective sports performance training is understanding your craft at an in depth level, and understanding that every client is different. The sports performance specialists at Georgia Personal Training have achieved their industry certifications and are experts in their field. They recognize the need to customize training programs to the betterment of each individual athlete they serve.
Each sport and each athlete require a different approach to optimizing performance. There is no one size fits all training program that works for everyone. Our strength coaches are detailed and dedicated individuals who focus on keeping young athletes motivated and focused on the mission. We provide the inspiration, knowledge, and experience to help you achieve your dreams.

Sports Performance Training refers to any form of athletic training in which the sole focus is to improve an athlete’s performance in a specific sport. A proper sports performance training program should address all areas of athletic performance required or utilized in said sport. These athletic skills may vary slightly in importance or priority depending on the specific sport. However, more often than not, sports performance training is centered around improving strength, power, speed, quickness, endurance, flexibility, and core stability.
At Georgia Personal Training, we design sports specific training programs specifically for each individual athlete. A program is designed based on the sport we are training for, the position(s) played, athletic strengths and weaknesses of the individual, age and physical/mental maturity of the athlete, length of time and frequency of sessions, and the personal goals of the athlete.

Sports Performance Training is absolutely essential for any athlete aspiring to play college or professional sports. Why? Because the athletes that comprise the college ranks are the best athletes in the country, and the athletes that comprise the professional ranks are the best athletes in the entire world. Every year these athletes are getting bigger, stronger, faster, and more explosive. This can be attributed to human evolution, advances in nutrition, training, science and technology.
But even more than these, is the immense value that college and professional sports teams now place on athleticism and “physical tools” versus sport specific skill. Not to say that skill is no longer important, but the highest level coaches and scouts understand that elite athletes can do things on the field that average athletes can’t. They also understand that an athlete’s “ceiling” or maximum potential is more often determined by their athleticism and physical tools than their sports specific skill sets. Most athletes are not naturally blessed with world class speed, strength, and power. If you want to compete with those that were, you must dedicate a huge portion of your athletic life to narrowing the physical gap between yourself and them.

Georgia Personal Training offers the best sports performance training programs in the Roswell, East Cobb area. Owner Matt Lein, and our team of expert trainers, have been helping young athletes achieve their dreams for over 15 years. Matt has over 20 years of training experience, as well as a lifetime of experience in the world of competitive baseball and human performance.
Our sports performance training team specializes in all areas of fitness for athletes including power and force production, agility, sports specific strength, plyometrics, speed and agility, functional strength and stability, injury prevention, diet and nutrition, cardiovascular endurance, and moret. The training techniques we utilize are cutting edge, science based, and specifically designed to address the needs of each individual athlete.
At GPT, we measure our success solely on the results our athletes attain. Our mission is to provide young athletes with every possible tool, and all of the knowledge they could ever need to achieve success on and off the field.
The majority of strength training programs out there are not producing significant strength and size transformations for their athletes. More importantly, they are not producing athletic improvements that actually translate to the playing field. Why is this? There are two primary reasons.
Firstly, most trainers have their athletes doing the wrong exercises. Lifting for athletic performance is far different than power lifting or body building. It’s about how much weight you can move, but also how fast you can move it. It’s also about using movements that carry over to real on field power. For baseball and tennis for example, athletes upper body movements should focus heavily on rotational power and total body explosiveness.
Bench press and military press do not address either of those. Moreover, baseball requires full, fluid range of motion and flexibility across the chest. If you build too much mass on the front of an athlete’s upper body, you will develop technical issues and lose power versus gaining it. The upper body mass should be focused on the back, where you can pack on muscle and functional power without restricting ROM or hurting the shoulders.
Secondly, most strength coaches out there have a minimal understanding of progressive overload and how to constantly create it. Progressive overload is the guiding principle for building size and strength. It basically means increasing stress level constantly in order to force the body into an adaptative state. If you don’t force the body to change, it will not change.
Most of the athletes that come to us are simply not being trained hard enough. Whether it’s at school, or at another training facility. The workouts are too easy. A handful of exercises. Three sets of five reps. That’s not going to cut it ladies and gentlemen. If you want to go from being an average high school player to a top college prospect, you’re going to have to put in the work. More sets, more reps, eccentric training, plyometrics, drop sets, super sets, and working your muscles to failure. This is how rapid growth occurs.
This is a very important lesson that most of your kids will learn the hard way. Every single parent thinks their kid is the greatest. When they begin dominating the local rec league, and being asked to play for their first travel team, each and every parent out there believes their kid will become a world class ball player. This belief gets passed down to the kid, which is great in some ways and terrible in others. The truth of the matter is, only 2% of high school athletes will go on to play divison 1 sports, and only 2% of that number will go on to play at the professional level. The interesting thing to note however, is athleticism not sport specific skills, is usually the determining factor in who moves on and who does not.
There are always exceptions, but as a general rule the best athletes usually rise to the top. They are the ones the scouts are looking for. Why? Because a great athlete has a higher ceiling and more overall potential. In other terms, an elite athlete can reach a level of performance on the field that an average athlete cannot. Don’t take our word for it. Simply turn on your tv and watch a professional sports game. No matter what sport you are watching, the one thing you will always see is world class athleticism. The biggest, the strongest, and the fastest. If you are the parent of a young athlete who dreams of playing college or professional sports know this, if your kid does not become a world class athlete by the time they finish high school, their sporting career will be over.
So what do you as the parent do to give your kid a fighting chance? Get your kid with a sports performance specialist as soon as possible. Make sure they put as much effort and emphasis into their athleticism as they do their practices. At Georgia Personal Training, we specialize in the training of competitive athletes. For over 15 years, we have helped young athletes fulfill their athletic dreams by turning them into the best possible athletes they can be. Contact us today and learn how we would approach training your son or daughter to best get them where they need to be. We offer a free complimentary training session for all new prospective clients. Our athletes train together and exclusively. And we offer special month to month training options to accomodate their ever shifting schedules.
Local high schools love to control where and how their athletes workout. Occassionaly this comes from a place of good intentions, but more often than not it’s about money and control. The more services a school program can “offer” to its athletes, the more money the school can charge for participation. These days more and more school programs are emplimenting CrossFit style training regimens for their athletes. While this might be better than letting high school “strength coaches” run the show, it’s definitely the wrong approach for young athletes.
CrossFit is a super generic strength and conditioning program with a focus on overall conditioning and functional strength. It is utilized heavily by military members and combat sports athletes, but almost unheard of in the professional sports ranks. There are almost zero mainstream professional athletes from sports like baseball, tennis, soccer, and football, that use CrossFit as their strength training platform. Why is this the case? Because it addresses very few of the primary needs of professional athletes.
CrossFit will not improve sprint speed, agility, or your vertical leap. It won’t increase your throwing velocity or exit velo. And it most definitely will not aid in preventing injury and correcting muscle imbalances. To the contrary, that style of training is notorious for creating shoulder, knee, and back injuries leading in many cases to necessary surgical repair. The bottom line is, CrossFit is an awesome workout, but it is extremely generic, and doesn’t address the targeted needs of athletes to make them better at their specific discipline.
If you want your kid to make it to the college or professional level in their specific sport, you need them working with sports performance coaches who specifically train high level athletes. Their training regimen should be multiple times per week, very targeted, and science based. The sessions should be as intense as possible while also priortizing safety at all times. Georgia Personal Training has been an industry leader in sports performance training for over 15 years. Contact us today and learn how we can help your son or daughter achieve their athletic dreams.
The Georgia Personal Training facility stands far and above the competition. Unlike most personal training companies, we own and operate a beautiful 4000 square foot fitness center equipped with over $250,000 of cutting-edge strength and cardio equipment. The facility includes free weights, Life Fitness strength, Hammer Strength Plate Loaded, specialty HIIT cardio, traditional cardio, and more. While it is certainly possible to get a great workout in with no gym access and minimal equipment, you will never be your very best if you don’t use the best equipment. There are movements and specialized techniques that can only be done with the right equipment. GPT has everything you could ever need to effectively train your entire body and take your fitness to a new level.