Your New Year’s resolution might have been all about losing weight, but did you know that there are numerous other benefits to signing up with a personal trainer and sweating it out with a rigorous exercise program?
Other benefits tend to be emotional and mental, which prove to be just as important to your overall health and wellbeing than dropping those pounds and firming up your physical shape.
The American Psychological Association even published results that illustrate the positive effect that regular exercise has on the brain and body. Everything in your body works together so when you start moving more and sweating, your body’s hormonal balance changes in response.
Everything in your body works together so when you start moving more and sweating, your body’s hormonal balance changes in response.
This puts your brain and mental state in a different place, often providing a sense of euphoria after exercise. Some people even feel invincible and have told me they could take on the world now. Others tell me they feel so much more relaxed and ready to face work again. Research studies show rapid decreases in anxiety, stress, and depression among those who participated in a study and exercised regularly.
Others tell me they feel so much more relaxed and ready to face work again. Research has also found significant decreases in anxiety, stress, and depression among those who participated in a study and exercised regularly.
Other researchers have studied how the blood flow from exercising stimulates the brain, aiding with creativity and increased mental productivity levels. Since so many of today’s jobs require significant levels of thinking in front of a computer, it certainly does a mind and body good to get up and step away for an hour or so to get that blood pumping again. Suddenly, what felt like a huge problem before exercising now may be perfectly clear in terms of what needs to be done.
Since so many of today’s jobs require significant levels of thinking in front of a computer, it certainly does a mind and body good to get up and step away for an hour or so to get that blood pumping again. Suddenly, what felt like a huge problem before exercising now may be perfectly clear in terms of what needs to be done.
While science is still trying to figure out just how much exercise is necessary to create just the right mood, level of confidence, and outlook on life, I can tell you from experience that even personal training clients that come in and work out three to four times a week go from stressed to happy after just a week or two of regular exercise.
When the body goes back to any extended period of time with in-activity, that’s when moods seem to change. That’s why I encourage people to take up personal training because it keeps them on
That’s why I encourage people to take up personal training because it keeps them on a regular schedule so they don’t have any time to start overthinking all their worries and becoming depressed again.
Contact us now to learn more about our personal training promotions and specials, including signing up for your one-hour, free personal training session!