Georgia Personal Training

Georgia Personal Training is an elite Personal Training Gym in Atlanta Georgia. Our team of professional trainers are devoted to each and every client. With a full complement of high-tech equipment, beautifully designed workout space and the best trainers in the Atlanta metro, every member of GPT receives the optimum in personal training and the elegance of a clean modern gym. Our owners Matt and Brandi Lein have incorporated the latest in workout routines to help clients obtain maximum results. Below is just an example of the many options you can choose from as a GPT client.

The Progressive Overload Principle states that in order for muscle to grow, strength to be gained, performance to increase, or for any similar physical improvement to occur, the human body must be forced to adapt to a stress or tension that is above and beyond what it has previously experienced. The way we explain this to our athletes is “muscle will only grow if you force it to grow, the body will only get stronger if you force it to get stronger”. You have to expose the body to a level of training intensity and stress that it has never experienced, and the body will be forced to adapt to this stress over time. As the body adapts, or gets stronger and stronger, the training intensity must continuously be increased to keep this adaptation process occurring.

The majority of people aren’t aware of, or don’t understand this principle. Which is why you see so many people that have been strength training for years but show little to no visible improvements in either strength or physique. It’s human nature to gravitate to what’s comfortable. Everyone wants a basic routine, with a simple set and rep structure that’s easy to follow and replicate over and over (3 sets of 10, 5 sets of 8, etc.). Everyone wants to stick to lighter weights they can comfortably handle so they don’t get “too bulky”. It’s an incorrect approach caused by a total lack of understanding of the human body and how it responds to physical training.

In the personal training world, trainers will often choose convenience and financial gain over optimal results for their clients. Instead of working one on one with a client, focusing specifically on their strengths and weaknesses, and personally guiding them through every set and every rep of a session, you’re more likely to see a large group of athletes going through a generic total body workout with limited supervision from 1-2 trainers. These workouts will typically consist of your basic squats, deadlifts, and lunges with light to moderate weight, staple core exercises like planks and crunches, and some sort of “speed” drills using cones, hurdles, or the agility ladder.

This is what most training programs found online, in high school weight rooms, and large group training sessions look like. Generic programs (one size fits all), light to moderate weight (so nobody has to struggle with technique), and a routine that can be easily learned and replicated over and over. This allows a trainer or facility to work with more and more clients at once as less personal attention is required. The end result is always the same. More money for the trainer, but no significant improvement in strength, speed, power, or performance for the athletes.

At GPT, the progressive overload principle guides every aspect of our training. As our athletes get stronger, their workouts get progressively harder. GPT athletes are striving to become as fast, as strong, and as explosive as their genetic potential will allow, and this is only possible when you push an athlete to their limits and beyond. A proper performance-based training program should be specific, scientific, and constantly increasing in intensity. Our goal is to train every athlete as hard as possible without sacrificing technique or creating a potential for injury. Athletes from all over Atlanta gravitate to our reputation for intensity and hard work. We take pride in this reputation, but even more pride in the fact that despite the intensity of our sessions, we have never had an athlete suffer an injury during training in over a decade of operation. At GPT, we train harder and smarter than our competition, and our athlete’s results speak for themselves.






Georgia Personal Training the Most Advanced and Elite Gym in Atlanta

Every year millions of people make the decision to join a health club and begin an exercise regimen. They do so with sincere aspirations of transforming their bodies and changing their lives. Unfortunately, only a tiny fraction of these people will ever achieve any real tangible results. The vast majority are doomed to fail before they ever begin. Why? There are two primary reasons. First, the majority of people literally have no idea what to do or how to do it. More specifically, what type of training techniques are best for achieving a specific objective, and how to implement those techniques in a safe and effective manner. Second, most people simply do not have the discipline, patience, mental fortitude, and personal accountability to survive the ups and downs of the fitness roller coaster.

Here’s the reality. Changing the body is a science. Whether your goal is losing weight, building muscle, improving cardiovascular health, or rehabilitating an injury; transforming your body is an extremely difficult and complex process. Certain foundational principles must be understood in order to determine how one should approach a workout regimen, and which tools and methods should be utilized to achieve a desired objective. There are very specific and unique ways to strength train, cardio train, and diet depending on what a person’s goals are. And the truth is, most people do not possess the knowledge or experience to design and implement a training regimen that will produce actual results.






Georgia Personal Training

9420 Willeo Road Suite 106 Roswell, GA  30075

Matt Lein (770) 241-1086
Brandi Lein (404) 668-7976