Georgia Personal Training

If you’re looking for a way to get fit and lose weight, then personal training boot camp may be the answer. If you’ve been thinking about joining a group fitness class but have been put off by the price tag or your busy schedule, then a Personal Training Boot Camp at Georgia Personal Training is exactly what you need. You’ll learn how to eat healthier, boost your self-esteem, and get fit all at once — all while enjoying the affordable programs at Georgia Personal Training.

Boot camps are an excellent way to get started in fitness. They can be intense, but they will help you meet new people, provide structure and motivation, and get fit fast. You will get fit fast: Boot camps are known for their intensity. The instructors push their participants hard in order to make them work harder than they ever have before (and thus burn more calories). There is a set workout routine that everyone follows at boot camp classes, there’s no room for slacking off or being lazy–you either do what you’re told or face the consequences!

Boot camps aren’t for everyone, but if you have the right attitude and commitment to fitness, then they could be exactly what your body needs. The great thing about boot camps is that they combine group exercise with personal attention from an instructor who will push you until your muscles burn in ways that no gym workout could ever match. You’ll lose weight fast, build muscle mass and gain strength faster than ever before! It’s also an amazing way to meet new people while having fun at the same time!

There are many benefits to participating in a personal training boot camp. You will learn how to eat right, get fit and lose weight. You will also have more energy and feel better about yourself. So, if you’re looking for an effective way to get in shape, there are many options available–from group classes at the gym or yoga studio, private training sessions with a certified instructor and even online video tutorials that teach exercises from home. Georgia Personal Training offers intensive programs can provide just as much physical activity as any other type of exercise program but often cost less because they don’t require any equipment beyond what each participant brings with them–usually including sneakers!

Participating in at boot camp training program provides plenty of benefits: increased strength; better endurance; improved flexibility; reduced stress levels due to having fun while working out rather than feeling bored by traditional methods like running laps around an indoor track all day long without stopping once until lunchtime rolls around again later today…. If you’re ready to take on this challenge, here are some tips on how to make sure your boot camp experience goes smoothly:

Group fitness activities like this must be led by trained professionals who know what they’re doing like the professionals at Georgia Personal Training. A good boot camp will be led by a certified personal trainer. A certification means that the trainer has at least some education in exercise science, nutrition and/or other related fields. Our personal trainers have experience training people of all ages and fitness levels. We know how to design a program that meets the needs of participants who are new to exercise as well as those who already have some experience working out on their own or with other trainers.


We offer free consultations so you may want to speak with current participants before signing up for your own session–you’ll get an idea of whether this is the right fit for you!



Georgia Personal Training Boot Camp Style Training

Looking for more results from your workouts? Georgia Personal Training boot camps are the answer for you.  Our boot camp classes offer an elite personal training experience at an affordable group training price.  Our expert instructors will lead you through a 45-minute, high paced, total body workout, that will produce more results than any other group fitness option in the area. GPT boot camps utilize the principles of progressive overload, muscle confusion, high intensity interval training, and metabolic optimization to help you reach your goals. We combine compound strength training movements, low impact plyometrics, body weight calisthenics, and cardio lifting circuits, all done at a high intensity cardio pace to burn maximum calories and kickstart your metabolism into high gear.  The result being not only are you burning more calories than ever during your workout, but you’re also burning more calories than ever after the workout.




9420 Willeo Road (Suite 106)

Phone: (770) 927-7006


9420 Willeo Road (Suite 105)

Phone: (770) 241-1086
