Evan-Moore-201x300Just building muscle and strength is not beneficial if it doesn’t apply directly to the movements of your sport.

For example, let’s take baseball. If your training doesn’t incorporate some movements that simulate swinging or throwing mechanics, then you need to re-evaluate what you are doing and who you are training with. That’s because they are not helping you by ignoring some of the most important aspects of training for baseball that will improve how you play the sport.Ryan 2

It’s one of the main reasons we started to incorporate athletic personal training at our gym and personal training facility. Many of us played sports in high school and college. That’s why we know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to training for sports like baseball, football, basketball, lacrosse, and others. We knew that this experience could be valuable in helping our local high school and college athletes improve their performance while reducing the likelihood of injuries.

Besides specific types of training, we also incorporate various machines and equipment that are designed to address the unique movements found in each sport. One of these pieces of equipment is the Hammer Strength Ground Base Jammer. It’s an ideal piece of equipment for those applications and sports that require ground-based explosiveness.E 2

Here’s how it works. The person using the equipment keeps their feet firmly planted on the ground. Then, it maximizes power and explosiveness from the feet up. In this way, the machine simulates real-life movements that are used on the playing field. The process involves training in the same planes of motion. This is known as Iso-Lateral Movements.

The process has users training in converging and diverging movements, which helps with unilateral and bilateral training.  They use both limbs together, independently or alternating. This creates a counterbalanced system that allows for very light starting weights. That’s why it works for users at all levels — from beginners to those considered advanced.  E 1

If you are interested in learning more about how athletic personal training can help you take your game to the next level, contact us today!